thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalEarly Morning I sit in total darkness not a candle do I see And listen for the voice of God to come and share with…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalJonathan's Example I met one time a worker in the harvest for the Lord A young and true ambassador who could but…thepoetsscribe (25)in #daily • 6 years agoDaily Devotional PoetryGod Is In Control Is it just coincidence or do you also see A pattern to the Way God works by grace for you and me…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalPeter He sat there in amazement while the Master washed his feet And then again in wonder as they sat at meal to…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalLike Jesus He lived with such a passion as this world has never seen His heart was pure and holy never selfish…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalThree Messages Three messages of great import the world must here today Three messages to keep God's children in…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 6 years agoDaily DevotionalPsalm 23 How often have we read those words in chapter twenty-three Of Psalms assuming they were there to help both…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalFocus So many fail to comprehend the meaning of God's Word When reading in the Bible where His Spirit can be heard…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalGod's Family Like rivulets to a river like a branch into a stream Love from one to another in God's people should…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalLife's Lessons How much time will you spend today observing in the world The many precious lessons just like little…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalPresumption How can our lost humanity Engrossed in our iniquity Perceive God in Divinity At such a time as this…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalLines The devil draws his battle lines upon the shifting sand Upon the thoughts and feelings of the unconverted…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalDistractions If children are a gift that we've been promised of the Lord Then why do we allow them to do things…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalThe Rock Oh that we all could understand the beauty of God's Word That each of us could here perceive the Truth…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalPreparation There is a storm approaching magnitude is yet unknown But all will be affected by the works that they…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalTongues So many souls are stirred today by something deep within The spirit of an evil one who draws them deeper…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalTwo Deaths There is a death that promises a time of sweet repose A time when our mortality must cease to be and…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalAccounted As His Own Six thousand years this world has been the battlefield of sin Six thousand years of…thepoetsscribe (25)in #daily • 7 years agoDaily DevotionalLove's Mystery So many many years ago before I knew my role Before I understood God's path to reach His final goal…thepoetsscribe (25)in #devotional • 7 years agoDaily Devotional PoemDoubt to Day Why do we pause and ponder when we know the road to take When God's already shown us what decisions we…