Daily Devotional Poem

in #devotional7 years ago

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Doubt to Day

Why do we pause and ponder when we know the road to take
When God's already shown us what decisions we should make
When others who are watching see more clearly than we do
The evidence God's working in the life of me and you

Why are we slow in moving when we know the road ahead
Has known His feet before us Who has risen from the dead
Who has already conquered every challenge we can meet
And promises us victory not whispers of defeat

The enemy is pressing on the hearts of those who wait
Those who have spoken words of faith but still they hesitate
For fear of what's unknown to them that God already sees
And promises us victory prepared while on our knees

The victory that's ultimate that's ours beyond the grave
That's promised every soul on earth Christ came and died to save
That will through all eternity be found upon the lip
Of every child who walked His Way and followed in worship

Of Him Who is the One True God Who placed the worlds in space
Who came and died though innocent to give to us His grace
That we though so unworthy and so far from what He made
Might be restored as emblems of the love for which He stayed

And suffered knowing He would never be the way He was
Forever in one body in one place in time because
He took on our humanity forever to be one
With us that we might ever be reflective of the Son

That rises in this heart of ours when we step out in faith
Pursuing where He leads us trusting only in His grace
And knowing if obedient to all He's made quite clear
Success will be experienced from our endeavor here

As seed that's sown will germinate in God's time in the ground
And grow to full maturity whereon His fruit is found
When it is time for harvest and our work on earth is done
Because we did not hesitate to emulate His Son

So friend be swift to listen while the voice of God is clear
Take time to read His Bible while in prayer you're waiting here
And move as He directs you with firm step along His Way
That leads you through the dark of doubt to His eternal day

Deuteronomy 28:58-67; Hebrews 3:7-4:2


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