Daily Devotional

in #devotional7 years ago

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Accounted As His Own

Six thousand years this world has been the battlefield of sin
Six thousand years of selfishness has ruled the hearts of men
Who chose the path of darkness in their hatred of God's Light
Assuming in their ignorance they'd won their godless fight

But foolish are the thoughts of men who have not eyes to see
The presence of the Holy One Who rules eternity
And foolish are the words they speak assuming they are wise
When evidence of godliness is right before their eyes

In those they seek to punish who do not the things they do
Who live by their convictions in the path of life they choose
Who have God as their Standard in the way they choose to speak
Preparing for eternity for which the righteous seek

Eternity that's soon to be by Jesus ushered in
When He returns in glory to redeem His own from sin
Who have by grace been faithful to the Light of Truth they've had
And will at His soon coming be ecstatic thrilled and glad

They stood by their convictions though at times they thought they'd lose
Their hope of life eternal for the option they did choose
When tempted by the evil one who played upon their fear
When all seemed dark and hopeless in the battle raging here

But those who would not falter in their worship everyday
Would not withhold their promise to spend time with God and pray
Will know with no uncertainty the path they chose to choose
Was what their God had led them in that they might never lose

Their place within His Kingdom when His Son returns again
To wipe away the evidence that they had ever sinned
Whom He had died to rescue when He hung upon the cross
Who chose His life of purity that will not suffer loss

So friend if you've been pondering the times in which we live
Don't hesitate one moment while you still have time to give
Your life in selfless service to the One Eternal God
Who promises His victory along the path you trod

And promises when all is said and done at His return
When all will be accounted for what they had chance to learn
A place with Him forever by His side upon His throne
Because when tried and tested you were counted as His Own

Exodus 20:8-11; 2 Peter 3:1-9


Thanks for posting this, it's beautiful. I just found you on Steemit today and I will be following you from now on.

These words give me life! Thanks for sharing!