Daily Devotional

in #devotional7 years ago

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So many souls are stirred today by something deep within
The spirit of an evil one who draws them deeper in
The darkness of an evil heart that will not see the Light
That will not join the ranks of God who live to serve the fight

That seeks for Truth and holiness to share before the world
That has no greater purpose than Christ's banner be unfurled
That all might be enlightened by His Word of righteousness
To stand alone in Jesus Christ Who is our worthiness

But Satan's ways are subtle in the world and in the church
And as he brings confusion he knows people cease to search
The scriptures for the Word of Truth that God has placed therein
And if they do not find the Truth they'll never turn from sin

aFor as the scriptures tell us as God placed there long ago
The more we seek the Truth therein the more that we will know
And then the more we know the more we are empowered to be
The channels of Christ's righteousness and His divinity

That sees through all the subtlety the darkness of the heart
That speaks not as the Lord would lead but only as a part
Of those who seek to edify themselves instead of God
Who leads His people humbly along the path they trod

But those who speak confusion with uncertain worldly tongues
Who speak not for the learning of the aged and the young
Have placed themselves in danger of that great catastrophe
When comes the great deception all the world in soon to see

For Satan will appear to be a holy one of Light
With calculated subtlety to keep the world in night
With tongues that have no meaning simply show a power within
Those who refuse to seek the Truth that draws them from their sin

But those who truly seek the Lord and lay all self aside
That seek His presence everyday as in His Word they hide
Will know of that deception and will prophesy in Truth
The Word that God will share with them that leads to endless youth

And by their lives they'll testify they know their Saviour well
Through service unto others and the love of God they tell
To all they meet who long to hear of His great love for them
Who listen not to foolish tongues but words that come from Him

1 Corinthians 14