Daily Devotional

in #devotional7 years ago

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Two Deaths

There is a death that promises a time of sweet repose
A time when our mortality must cease to be and close
When all our trials and struggles can at last be put to rest
And we have by the things we've done proved how we past the test

The test of our obedience that proves whom we have loved
Whom we have truly sought to be a testimony of
The Father and His Holy Ghost Who bought us through the Son
Or him who is our enemy who hates what They have done

For in that rest that promises that time of sweet repose
That has no guilt or anguish for the selfish things we chose
No punishment or heartache and no remembrance at all
The lost will simply be at rest until they hear that call

That brings them from their resting place they've been a thousand years
Back to the pain of suffering accompanied by tears
Of anguish from the deep regret of all the things they've done
That spoke of their rejection of the Father's precious Son

And as they look upon Him Whom their living has denied
Whom they had by their testimony cursed and set aside
They'll cry with deeper anguish as in truth they realize
The promise that was lost them that will lay before their eyes

For there within the City with its golden walls four square
They'll see the joy of heaven on the people everywhere
Whom they had persecuted through their selfishness and greed
And whom they chose to silence when they shared the sinner's need

But then in all their hardness from how they had lived before
They'll turn to him who taught them of the evil from his core
And in one great rebellion as they turn against our King
He'll rain down fire from heaven killing them with everything

That spoke of our rebellion with the painful scars of sin
As in that time of cleansing He will make all new again
For that death which is final with the lost will pass away
To usher in eternity for those who chose to pray

That when they laid down in that rest of death in sweet repose
They knew that they were soon to see the Saviour they had chose
Who's soon to raise them from the grave to be as one with Him
Who died that that eternal death would have no part in them

Revelation 20:1-21:4