Daily Devotional

in #devotional7 years ago

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There is a storm approaching magnitude is yet unknown
But all will be affected by the works that they have sown
One's lack of preparation may just lead to their demise
The hope of one's survival will depend on just how wise

They are in how they've listened to the Spirit while in prayer
How much they've shown intensity in sharing everywhere
The message of salvation of redemption from the past
And all the joy and glory God's preserved for those at last

Who've come to know Him personally from time upon their knees
Who trust in Him the future that they know He always sees
While guiding them in paths of Truth that lead to endless day
Where all the darkness they once knew will surely pass away

But those who have not trusted in the pureness of God's Word
Who've chased the empty fancies from the godless they have heard
Will find to their great horror all the things they've done before
Will strike them like a hammer when Christ knocks upon the door

And they are not yet ready as they've wasted all their time
That was to them entrusted that God's Ladder they might climb
To be above the tempest of the winds God will let loose
That will bring pain and anguish on the one's who did not choose

To leave their city dwellings when God called them one and all
Who heard His warning message to preserve them from the fall
From which there's no returning from which no one will be saved
When judgement time has ended and they're lying in the grave

Awaiting Christ's third coming with the host that did prepare
Who've served Him in the heavens with the records open there
Of those who were unready when He came the second time
To rectify the sinful past that caused the greatest crime

Rejection of the Saviour after all that God had done
In giving all of heaven in the Person of His Son
Who promised preparation for the ones who lived in prayer
Who chose to live for Jesus every moment everywhere

Full knowing He would guide them by His Spirit everyday
In understanding scriptures that will never pass away
But will be instrumental in preparing you and me
To live with Him forever Who's prepared our eternity

Daniel 12:1-3; Revelation 20:1-21:5