Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Phone or Computer?
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Monkey Business
Do you have a smartphone or a computer?
Apakah Anda memiliki telepon pintar atau komputer?
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• Minimum of words: 25
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• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment
• Deadline: till the next is online

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Date: 4.2.2025
cc @disconnect
#betterlife #comment #contest #wewrite #steemexclusive
@naina9 @mikitaly @grebmot @vipnata
I don't know if it is more important to have so many technological tools or only one tool that works 100 percent.
I have a mobile phone, but it was damaged once and was in the hands of a technician. Supposedly, he fixed it two months ago, but now I notice that it has other difficulties.
I like my phone for photography, conversation, and connecting with friends. They may be far away or they may be close but WhatsApp now allows us to talk to each other even if we are in neighboring rooms. Although I like to connect with the rest of my friends in the world as if I had them as neighbors here.
For my work, I need my cpu, because there I have stored all the material I need to prepare my medical reports. I can also have a broader view of ultrasound images of texts already studied by colleagues who have seen the same pathologies that I may be seeing for the first time in a patient. In other words, my computer helps me to have multiple windows open to do my research and compare images with other colleagues.
My cell phone is so bad now that I can't have or keep multiple options open because it crashes and freezes the whole screen. It's a real nightmare. It is only useful for small activities.
I also know that for many people their laptop is their greatest ally, perhaps because they know more technology than I can master and I can not understand many functions on my phone. I am also not very curious about my phone because when I touch keys with which I do not know their function, I have generally caused alterations in it, so much so that I have had to ask for help from the most knowledgeable people.
In the end, I guess me and technology don't get along very well.
I believe it is good to have work and private separated. Same for the keychain. Never keep all the keys at the same chain.
I never hit a wrong button and like you I am not curious to find out how everything a phone comes with works next to my averse of Big brothers snooping around. I did switch off and removed certain applications and stupid things like covid alarms if an affected person is in my surrounding. I can't take these "services" seriously besides I have better things to do than let a phone rule my life.
BTW, By the time a device is about to die I discover a certain feature. If not needed why bother? 🤣
I spoke with a friend who is a technician and knowledgeable about certain computer problems. He is coming this afternoon. I hope he can find out what the problem is with my CPU. Although he had already forwarded me the comment answer about what I told him about my CPU problem with my phone, it was kind of strange.
I am going to set my mind and resources to try to save and buy a new phone for this year.
Thanks for your support.
I hope you can at least buy one new device. It's strange not one of them can be repaired.
The problem is that they are obsolete. The technology is already very advanced and I'm way behind.
My friend the technician came to check, told me I had a visible impediment and that he would insert a key to make it unlock. He did, I can now download some pictures but it's still a bit tricky.
He has recommended that I buy another Cpu when I can, and of more advanced technology, because mine next year will be phased out by new technology.
My phone is still good for me but I have decided that by the middle of this year when I leave other more important commitments I should be buying 2 new mobile phones. For my son and for me.
But your phone is way newer than mine. Mine can not even see the bandwidth internet is uses these days. As I bought the phone it already existed.
You mean by phased out there will be no new updates?
That is exactly what they are informing the public.
I think that practice will help you, it's a matter of using the devices you have daily, Now you have to ask questions to other people, then you will have confidence in yourself and it will NOT be necessary, practice always helps
I wish you a happy start to the week
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Right now I only have my son who is the one who saves me from the mistakes I make.
Success in your life.
اگر کبھی موبائل میں کوئی خرابی ا جائے تو اس کو ٹیکنیشن کے پاس لے جانے سے پہلے اگر اپ اس کو فیکٹری ریسیٹ کر لیں تو بہت حد تک اس کی خرابی پر قابو پایا جا سکتا ہے۔ کیونکہ اگر ایک دفعہ اگر اپ اپنا موبائل کسی اور کے حوالے کر دیں اور وہ اس کو کھول کے صحیح کرے تو اس میں صحیح ہونے کے بجائے خرابیاں زیادہ ا جاتی ہیں جیسے اپ بھگت رہی ہیں۔
The problem was not my cell phone but my CPU, but my friend came home and fixed the problem for the time being. He also told me to buy another more upgraded cpu. Because the problem with my cpu is that it is very obsolete technologically.
It's good to hear for now the problem is solved. I will post a new contest today which you can join, no need for pictures though we are happy if there are any. I noticed you post in the freewriters with pictures. You can also limit it to one.
Yes, I was able to write a free publication and I decided to do it in the community of free writers.
Thank you very much for all your suggestions and support.
Curated By sergeyk
Thank you for your support
Kalau kita bahas antara Ponsel dan Komputer mana yang di butuhkan, atau mana yang penting, itu tergantung kemana kita gunakan dan dimana kita gunakan, artinya letak ruang lingkup kegunaannya masing-masing.
Bila berada di dunia kerja saya akan membutuhkan keduanya, kenapa demikian!!! karena sama-sama berkaitan akan kebutuhannya.
Komputer / Laptop ini di butuhkan untuk membuat segala macam surat yang berkenaan dengan kedinasan pendidikan dan sekolah, serta menginstal aplikasi sekolah yang tidak bisa digunakan pada ponsel.
Ponsel ini saya gunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi dunia kerja dan keperluan pribadi.
Antara ponsel dan komputer ini memang ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, serta mempunyai juga kesamaannya. Maka dari itu saya membutuhkan keduanya.
Saya tidak menggunakan komputer berupa PC tetapi berbentuk Laptop. Saat saya membutuhkan laptop dan butuh jaringan wifi, saya akan menyambungkan ponsel dengan cara menghidupkan hotspot.
Saya juga sering menyambungkan sosial media denga laptop dan juga menggunakan di ponsel.
Saya sangat membutuhkan akan keduanya.
#betterlife #comment #contest #wewrite #steemexclusive
If you can only have one, what would it be?
I find it hard to say you really need both. I had both and yes, I did use both but as my laptop broke ( I had a small one and a big one and both broke after another) I only had a phone left. By now I am used to my phone and I believe I am faster with and learned to work with sheet (word, excel everything) at times I do need tricks and I might be slower but it's possible.
If it comes to it the phone is better for me. I know I think differently when I lay down if it comes to writing than when I sit.
Thanks for joining.
Kalau untuk keperluan sehari-hari tanpa masuk ke dunia kerja lagi, tentu saja saya akan sangat membutuhkan ponsel.
Beda dengan dunia kerja yang sangat membutuhkan komputer.
Kalau dikatakan antara keduanya bagi saya saling membutuhkan.
Anda hanya melakukan panggilan telepon dan tidak memiliki ponsel cerdas?
If am reading what the phone users say it sounds more like a luxury problem you deal with if you only have a phone than a need 🤔
You did not convince me.
Memang ponsel itu menjadi suatu gaya yang mewah apalagi dengan merek yang sedang jadi incaran semua kalangan. Ponsel saya masih ponsel yang lama, karena hanya ini yang ada, saya memakainya sesuai kebutuhan selama belum rusak.
Kalau ponsel ini bukan suatu yang mewah lagi, sudah ketinggalan jaman.
My phone is old as well and I still have the first one I used as I started with steemit but it can no longer load the site and only works for calling and Telegram. The one I use now is also old and getting slow but as long as it does its job there's no reason to buy something else. I consider that a waste of money.
Terimakasih banyak atas kehadiran dan dukungannya
I use all the devices I have at my disposal, technology is essential for my work, I would say that I have half my life on my computer.
I wish you a happy start to the week
Terimakasih, saya juga begitu, semoga anda sukses selalu dalam pekerjaan anda.
واقعی موبائل کو احسان اپنی ضرورت کے مطابق ہر جگہ لے جا سکتا ہے۔جبکہ کمپیوٹر کو تعلیمی اداروں اور گھروں تک ہی محدود کیا جاتا ہے۔اج کل تو لیپ ٹاپ اور ٹیبلٹ بھی اگئے ہیں تو یہ کام زیادہ اسان ہو گیا ہے۔مگر جتنا زیادہ کام اسانی کے ساتھ کمپیوٹر پہ کیا جاتا ہے اتنی اسانی سے موبائل پہ نہیں ہو پاتا۔ہمیشہ کے بعد بالکل درست ہے کہ تصاویر کھینچنے اندھیرے میں ڈوج کا کام انٹرنیٹ کو تیزی کے ساتھ استعمال کرنا اور کال کرنے اور واٹس ایپ پہ چیٹنگ کرنے میں موبائل بہترین ہوتا ہے مگر جہاں بات ان لائن کام کرنے کی اتی ہے وہاں لیپ ٹاپ یا ڈیسک ٹاپ کمپیوٹر ہی زیادہ بہتر لگتا ہے۔
I go with phone. Back then phone was limited to certain features which makes it not as speed as people need to perform urgent work which makes them go for computers even when they were very costly just to have they speed and features they need. Nowadays phone got almost the same features as computer, fast and easy to carry alone. With phone you can type, design, browser and watch shows right in your comfort zone. Phone is easy to carry around with less stress. Nowadays people prefer to work with their phones than with computers. Everywhere now including the computer enter attach phone to their work, most files are collected from the phone to the computer.
I can still remember when my sis got her computer for the first time. We were so obsessed with it and it became our new television. Haha
Few years ago I was asked to choose between phone and a computer. It was a bad choice to make, fist I had to compare phone with computer and at my present stage at the moment, which of them do I really need at the moment. After a long comparison and thinking I went with phone, why did I go with phone?
First, it was my first time to owe a personal phone after my secondary school. Why would I go with a computer. When I won’t be able to go out with it and won’t be able to make calls at my comfort zone. Besides with phone I can type, design and browser and it’s portable too unlike computer.
I was very use to phone than computer.
And I still choose phone over computer.
I invite @kuzboy and @lusciouslucy
Plus you have your photocamera, data bank, bank and so much more with you.
I assume you use your phone for Steemit like I do. Does it limit you if it comes to writing?
I remember how we had to wait till it was our turn to use the pc for 30-60 minutes to game or do something. The luxury of the own phone number + pocket pc I like more.
Also a computer + all those wires.. No longer that mess. 😁
Yeah, you’re right
I used my phone for steemit and I so much enjoy using it. The last time I used computer it was so confusing that I told myself I won’t use it again. Hahaha
The phone I’m using currently for steemit gives exactly what I want including speed and no limit. 😇
The remark was made that the radiation of a phone infecting health is higher that if using a computer. Do you have headaches, infected eyes, painful shoulders or something else you never had with a computer?
According to today's need, everyone has a mobile phone and surely it is a useful thing. When we want, as we want, whenever we want to do whatever we want, we do all our work through mobile. Whether it is related to office work, student assignments etc, or urgent contact with someone, all our work is done instantly through mobile. Apart from this, we can watch any drama or Pakistani or Indian movies. The most important thing is to take selfies 😂, in weddings or in various events, our good memories are captured through mobile phones and whenever we feel bored, we can also do our favorite activities like playing games etc.
I have told you so many benefits that I have told about myself that I get countless benefits from this mobile phone. Now I will talk about the damage that is happening to me for some days due to the unnecessary use of the mobile phone. Maybe you are a victim of it too. My eyes are starting to hurt and I feel like it is affecting my eyes in a negative way.
Unlike mobile phone, my experience on computer has been very good. I had a computer with a monitor. And the biggest advantage of this was that all the family members used to spend good time together because we used to watch wedding movies, pictures etc, together. And used to relive old memories. And it was my best time. Now everyone has a mobile phone, so the value of a computer has completely decreased.
If I get an option between computer or mobile, I will choose mobile even with so much loss because one important thing is that it is the companion of our loneliness.
I am inviting the following friends to the contest: @abdullhahsafdar @five5 @mehwish-almas @aminasafdar
#betterlife #comment #contest #wewrite #steemexclusive
With us the computer never was a moment with the family. It was about using it alone without anyone looking over your shoulder. Together we watched TV.
We all had the smartphone late. To me it's my computer to the others for school or in case of need. None of us calls or is on social media FB, Instagram and so on.
Two of my children use a computer (one is animator and the other tries to repair, build new ones out of retro pc's next to universityband a job).
I agree with you life has changed due to the mobile phones, pcs and now smartphones. It's actually the personal robot and to many the friend and a way out of reality.
Exactly what you said earlier TV used to be a family activity but now everyone is busy in their digital world. The convenience and benefits of mobile phones and computers, laptops etc, are many and its use has also made a person independent.
It's good for your kids to use it constructively and it's even better if they don't just use it to pass the time but use it to learn and create something. And credit goes to you. Ma Shaa Allah, you are training your children very well. You are an ideal mother. I salute your struggle for a better future for your children.
This brings back old memories too, when my sis got her first computer. We were all over it and we used it to watch movies then. Now everyone with his/her phone. Haha
Mobile phone is really the companion, most time when I'm bored I run to my phone and with my phone, my boredom is taken away because I will get to watch movies ,snap pictures and chat. Phone is really a good companion
اسلام علیکم
How are you all steem users. Well the question is Do you have a smart phone or laptop?
Now a days every person have smartphone even he/she is rich or poor. Smartphone is a necessary thing . So everyone kept . And having laptop depends on nature of work. Students and some kind of job worker required laptop more than smartphones.
Well I have both of them . Smartphone for contact to friends , family and entertainment. Iaptop used for my official office work as well as for online work. I am thinking to upgrade my laptop for smooth working. There was a time when desktop computer was a precious think before smartphones and laptops. I was having pantium III computer with monitor. And hay time I was thinking that I am having the greatest gadget of era. But passage of time things change . Everyday we learn about new technologies. I think after 10,20 years we will not need laptop anymore, everything will be possible on smartphone .
Good to reads others comments on this topic .
#betterlife #comment
This is right, back then people got computer because of school stuff (typing, seminar etc) even with it costly price. Now this stuff can be done with a smartphone and people needs for computers decrease.
Smartphones are as expensive as computers with us. If you have to make a choice would you take the computer?
Yes I definitely choose computer
I will choose mobile. Although I have a personal laptop, I find mobile more convenient. I can use my mobile anytime, anywhere. It helps me especially when I am outside or need to do something quickly. With my mobile, I can easily manage Steemit, social media, writing, photography, and other daily tasks. When I use my laptop i have to sit in a specific place. But with my mobile i can work from anywhere, lying in bed or outside. That’s why mobile is the best choice for me.
I invite the following users for the contest
#betterlife #comment #wewrite
Absolutely right , but mobile is easy to use but laptop has its own significant value. When you have to work on sheets ,word and making some kind assignment like cv or some data storage .
Is that true? I am not sure if you will read the others so I will leave you this video as well.
All you have to do is attach a screen (can even be a TV) if you like to see it bigger and buy a keyboard and adapter which for sure is way cheaper than a computer or laptop.
During the past years I learned to work with my phone and although it's getting slower after all those years I am still faster with my phone than I am with a computer. The only exception is if I type but plusses of my phone are that I can save 20 templates in the clipboard next to many others. It makes it easier to work with. The laptop/pc only remembers one and frequently I can't even find it back (or it says copied but there's nothing.
Wowww it is a really good invention. Now no need of laptop. We can do everything on mobile. Thanks for guiding me . I was not aware of it.
Neither was I. I just watched a video where a laptop can be made from a broken phone but it doesn't look easy plus the material will cost as well. My son said it's easier to invest in a keyboard.
I go for the mobile as well. I rarely call and it's my computer. I am only faster if it comes to typing texts only.
All the apps make it easier as well to work with a phone where Microsoft is always in the way blocking everything and making difficult what can be easy.
Another minus is that banking is online with us, same for the government and many shops, this means online paying is frequently required for which I need my phone. If using a phone it goes automatically (notification + confirm) while payment doesn't work with it if using a computer directly so a phone is needed to attach and confirm which not always work.
i also noticed that the phone works with a slower internet connection whereas laptops and computers are having difficulties.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Well I have smartphone ....
But it has an interesting story. Hope you also like it. When I start school there was not smart phone . When I start college mobile phone were very famous all over the world and smart phone just started with really high price at that time.
My wish was to get a simple smart phone but my pocket money does not allow it . And family can't support due to some crisis. When I went university there was my wish to get a laptop with smart phone . But got nothing. At the end of education got a temporary job so after first pay I got a simple mobile and was very happy. Time passes I got smart phone too because now they are cheeper . But my wish to buy laptop still pending in some corner of the heart. I can buy a laptop now but I prefer money to spend on my children study and their need . Can't spend on my wishes... I wish I can give all things to my children that I can't get.
My first "smartphone was the Samsung Duos and I mainly used it because of the 2 sim slots. I never figured out how it could have access to the internet which it should have or could.
I used it for many years since I rarely call and nothing has changed since back then.
The first mobile phone was a Motorolla it was big but easier than a "pager".
No phone numbers or messages were shown only numbers. It worked great we had a list with codes (from what groceries were needed to HELP and come home or I am late or Call). I had a great blue one.
The more modern smartphone I started with late. I never felt any need to have one since I had a small HP laptop which I could carry along in a small backpack and most important the battery lasted very long.
After my laptop broke I started using my phone for a computer and by now I can do what I want or need (and if not I let it be).
I remember there was a time the government pushed everyone into a mobile phone. It was even given for free in the package of washing detergent. That's when it started with being forced always to answer your phone (which I don't and I also leave it at home if I don't need it).
Is it important to give your children everything that you missed? Can they tell the difference if they are always provided with everything?
I tried and did partly the same but looking back I believe that it wouldn't have made any difference since whatever children want and are given they take for granted. I did not always give in and made clear how many hours of work it costs to buy something. That's where pocket money comes in and they started calculating from a young age. I do notice that two do tend to buy more easily even though there are bills to pay which are more important.
Since no one of us has a loan or is in debt with third parties at least this is positive.
Once a family member said that if he ever had children he would give them nothing except for a picture of that item and would put the money it would cost on a bank account. Back then I found that weird but by now I wonder how much money I wasted in buying so many items, toys, and trash that never lasted a lifetime and many not even one year.
Really interesting to read , few thing also common in my life too. That was not waste of money that you bought toys items . That time they give you joy. played with toys was better then play games on mobile.
I agree playing with toys, simple things like water, boats made out of walnuts or paper, marbles, crayons on the street and hide and seek.. today hardly no child plays outside. We only see teenage boys hanging around being bored.
Yes absolutely right , playing with doll, caught each other , hide seek , hopscotch...etc that was really fantastic time. New generation can't imagine our childhood
I hope you can fulfill your dream and buy your computer.
Children are very important and getting them what they need to be able to develop technologically for the future is also important.
I hope you choose the best for you and your family.
Thankyou Soo much for your appreciation. Now I am in part of life where children are most important ❤️
Hello steeminians. Thank you @diodao for the invitation to participate in this cool contest.
Computer or phone? I'm probably from that category of dinosaurs whose fingers still haven't learned to accurately hit the right letters on the phone's keyboard. Yes, the phone is always at hand and I'm having fun with my laptop... My PC (whether it's a work or home laptop) is my entrance to my creativity and relaxation zone. Probably since childhood, the PC has been the portal for me through which I escaped from reality into many fictional worlds. Therefore, for me, the PC is like a little idol that I always choose compared to the phone...
Invait my friends @yetaras @o1eh
Hello steemers ? How are you guys , I am hoping you are enjoying your daily activities.
Yes I have smart phone , but don't have computer. Nowadays use of computer is very limited. Most of the people have jump to smart phone. Some of your task could be done through smart phone. So people prefer smart phones instead of computer. Even I am commenting now from my smart phone. Every application can download from this phone. Even excel ,word file can be install on smart phone.
I will invite my friend @attaurrahman and @muhammd-ahmad .
#betterlife #comment
Like you I prefer a phone. No longer a desktop which takes a lot of space and the mess of all the cables. Another plus is I can take it with me and also work from my bed. LOL
No, I am not kidding it's how I started on Steemit as I was ill. I also think better if I lay down.
The only minus might be that typing on a computer is faster.
Thanks for joining and sharing your thought about the plus of using a smartphone which is a mini computer.
What do think about this tip? The phone is more powerful than the computer
Yeah dear it is difficult to type long paragraphs on smart phone as compared to keyboard. Sometime we need desktop view and for that we need to convert from mobile view to desktop view. Other than that phone have more plus points.