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RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Phone or Computer?

اسلام علیکم
How are you all steem users. Well the question is Do you have a smart phone or laptop?
Now a days every person have smartphone even he/she is rich or poor. Smartphone is a necessary thing . So everyone kept . And having laptop depends on nature of work. Students and some kind of job worker required laptop more than smartphones.
Well I have both of them . Smartphone for contact to friends , family and entertainment. Iaptop used for my official office work as well as for online work. I am thinking to upgrade my laptop for smooth working. There was a time when desktop computer was a precious think before smartphones and laptops. I was having pantium III computer with monitor. And hay time I was thinking that I am having the greatest gadget of era. But passage of time things change . Everyday we learn about new technologies. I think after 10,20 years we will not need laptop anymore, everything will be possible on smartphone .
Good to reads others comments on this topic .
#betterlife #comment

 2 months ago 

This is right, back then people got computer because of school stuff (typing, seminar etc) even with it costly price. Now this stuff can be done with a smartphone and people needs for computers decrease.

Smartphones are as expensive as computers with us. If you have to make a choice would you take the computer?

Yes I definitely choose computer