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RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Phone or Computer?

Well I have smartphone ....
But it has an interesting story. Hope you also like it. When I start school there was not smart phone . When I start college mobile phone were very famous all over the world and smart phone just started with really high price at that time.
My wish was to get a simple smart phone but my pocket money does not allow it . And family can't support due to some crisis. When I went university there was my wish to get a laptop with smart phone . But got nothing. At the end of education got a temporary job so after first pay I got a simple mobile and was very happy. Time passes I got smart phone too because now they are cheeper . But my wish to buy laptop still pending in some corner of the heart. I can buy a laptop now but I prefer money to spend on my children study and their need . Can't spend on my wishes... I wish I can give all things to my children that I can't get.


My first "smartphone was the Samsung Duos and I mainly used it because of the 2 sim slots. I never figured out how it could have access to the internet which it should have or could.
I used it for many years since I rarely call and nothing has changed since back then.

The first mobile phone was a Motorolla it was big but easier than a "pager".

No phone numbers or messages were shown only numbers. It worked great we had a list with codes (from what groceries were needed to HELP and come home or I am late or Call). I had a great blue one.

The more modern smartphone I started with late. I never felt any need to have one since I had a small HP laptop which I could carry along in a small backpack and most important the battery lasted very long.
After my laptop broke I started using my phone for a computer and by now I can do what I want or need (and if not I let it be).

I remember there was a time the government pushed everyone into a mobile phone. It was even given for free in the package of washing detergent. That's when it started with being forced always to answer your phone (which I don't and I also leave it at home if I don't need it).

Is it important to give your children everything that you missed? Can they tell the difference if they are always provided with everything?
I tried and did partly the same but looking back I believe that it wouldn't have made any difference since whatever children want and are given they take for granted. I did not always give in and made clear how many hours of work it costs to buy something. That's where pocket money comes in and they started calculating from a young age. I do notice that two do tend to buy more easily even though there are bills to pay which are more important.
Since no one of us has a loan or is in debt with third parties at least this is positive.
Once a family member said that if he ever had children he would give them nothing except for a picture of that item and would put the money it would cost on a bank account. Back then I found that weird but by now I wonder how much money I wasted in buying so many items, toys, and trash that never lasted a lifetime and many not even one year.

Really interesting to read , few thing also common in my life too. That was not waste of money that you bought toys items . That time they give you joy. played with toys was better then play games on mobile.

I agree playing with toys, simple things like water, boats made out of walnuts or paper, marbles, crayons on the street and hide and seek.. today hardly no child plays outside. We only see teenage boys hanging around being bored.

Yes absolutely right , playing with doll, caught each other , hide seek , hopscotch...etc that was really fantastic time. New generation can't imagine our childhood

I hope you can fulfill your dream and buy your computer.

Children are very important and getting them what they need to be able to develop technologically for the future is also important.

I hope you choose the best for you and your family.

Thankyou Soo much for your appreciation. Now I am in part of life where children are most important ❤️