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RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Phone or Computer?


I will choose mobile. Although I have a personal laptop, I find mobile more convenient. I can use my mobile anytime, anywhere. It helps me especially when I am outside or need to do something quickly. With my mobile, I can easily manage Steemit, social media, writing, photography, and other daily tasks. When I use my laptop i have to sit in a specific place. But with my mobile i can work from anywhere, lying in bed or outside. That’s why mobile is the best choice for me.

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Absolutely right , but mobile is easy to use but laptop has its own significant value. When you have to work on sheets ,word and making some kind assignment like cv or some data storage .

Is that true? I am not sure if you will read the others so I will leave you this video as well.

All you have to do is attach a screen (can even be a TV) if you like to see it bigger and buy a keyboard and adapter which for sure is way cheaper than a computer or laptop.

During the past years I learned to work with my phone and although it's getting slower after all those years I am still faster with my phone than I am with a computer. The only exception is if I type but plusses of my phone are that I can save 20 templates in the clipboard next to many others. It makes it easier to work with. The laptop/pc only remembers one and frequently I can't even find it back (or it says copied but there's nothing.

Wowww it is a really good invention. Now no need of laptop. We can do everything on mobile. Thanks for guiding me . I was not aware of it.

Neither was I. I just watched a video where a laptop can be made from a broken phone but it doesn't look easy plus the material will cost as well. My son said it's easier to invest in a keyboard.

I go for the mobile as well. I rarely call and it's my computer. I am only faster if it comes to typing texts only.
All the apps make it easier as well to work with a phone where Microsoft is always in the way blocking everything and making difficult what can be easy.
Another minus is that banking is online with us, same for the government and many shops, this means online paying is frequently required for which I need my phone. If using a phone it goes automatically (notification + confirm) while payment doesn't work with it if using a computer directly so a phone is needed to attach and confirm which not always work.
i also noticed that the phone works with a slower internet connection whereas laptops and computers are having difficulties.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.