sonder-an resteemedelmundodexao (63)memberMember 🇻🇪in CCS • 3 years agoKawaii Art Animals “The Mythological Unicorn”. ♥♥ Arte Kawaii Animales “El Unicornio Mitológico”.Hello Steemians friends… ☺☺☺ Hola amigos Steemians… Welcome back to my blog. I hope you are all very well. Today I…sonder-an resteemedelmundodexao (63)memberMember 🇻🇪in CCS • 3 years agoKawaii Art Animals “Dragon”. ♥♥ Arte Kawaii Animales “Dragón”.Hello Steemians friends… ☺☺☺ Hola amigos Steemians… I hope you are all very well. Today I will share with you a…sonder-an resteemedelmundodexao (63)memberMember 🇻🇪in CCS • 3 years agoMacrophotography The Little Frog's Visit # 2. ♥♥ Macrofotografía La Visita de la Ranita # 2.Hello Steemians friends… ☺☺☺ Hola amigos Steemians… A few days ago I published some photos of a little frog's…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 28/3/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 28/3/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update…sonder-an resteemedrme (90)admin✠ Founder 🔯in আমার বাংলা ব্লগ • 3 years agoআমার ছোটবেলায় ঘটে যাওয়া একটি মজার ঘটনা - হাত ভেঙে যাওয়া"Copyright Free Iamge Source প্রতিনিয়ত ছোটবেলার স্মৃতি হাতড়ে মজার মজার কিছু ঘটনা আপনাদের সামনে হাজির করে চলেছি । এর…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #photography • 3 years agoCat PhotoShare 24/3/2022Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the…sonder-an resteemedblackeyedm (85)in Korea • 한국 • KR • KO • 3 years agoRance의 끄적임) 쌍화탕오늘따라 아침에 너무 일어나기 싫더군요... 컨디션도 안 좋고, 목도 칼칼합니다. 약도 안 먹었는데도~ 멍한 상태가 한동안 지속이 되었네요ㅠ; 지난주에 기분 좋은 날이 딱 하루 있었던 걸로 기억합니다~…sonder-an resteemedsuccessgr (86)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 3 years ago[카카얘기] 220323 _ 그냥 지나쳐 가길 바래봅니다.어제 와이프가 미열이 있어 혹시나 하고 자가진단을 했더니..... 양성이 나왔다. 그냥 지나쳐 가길 바랬는데 오늘 검사하러 병원에 갈 예정이다. 아이들과 난 다행이 음성이 나왔는데 글쌔 잘…sonder-an resteemeddodoim (86)in zzan • 3 years ago자주감자박스 속에서도 봄이 왔다는것을 자주감자는 알고있습니다 새싹이 보랏빛으로 올라옵니다 우리가 어릴 때는 자주감자를 많이 심었습니다 자주감자는 눈이 많아서 껍질 까기가 힘들고 감자 맛이 아려서 하얀…sonder-an resteemedraven203 (84)in #kr • 3 years ago자가키트 구매코로나.. 주변에 지인들이 하나둘씩 걸리기 시작합니다 정말 눈앞에 와있다는게 실감나네요 혹시몰라서 자가키드를 구매했어요 요새 자가키드 구하기 어렵다는데 1개 7천원이네요 왤케비쌈...sonder-an resteemedcyberrn (85)adminin CybeRN • 3 years ago20220322 | 다시 코로나바이러스 감염 증상이 의심된다면코로나바이러스 감염 확진 판정을 받는 과정을 떠올리며 어떤 과정으로 진료받을 것인가? 가까운 이비인후과에 가서 진단 검사받는다. 주변 사람들이 이비인후과에서 검사받을 때 덜 아프다고 해서. 어떤…sonder-an resteemedcjsdns (89)in zzan • 3 years ago"개판칠 거라는 얘기는 하지 말자.""개판칠 거라는 얘기는 하지 말자."/cjsdns "개판칠 거라는 얘기는 하지 말자 나라는 살아야 하니까." 내 말이 아니다. 도올 김용옥의 이야기다. 우리는 국민의 심판을 받은 거고 한 표로…sonder-an resteemedrme (90)admin✠ Founder 🔯in আমার বাংলা ব্লগ • 3 years agoআমার ছোটবেলায় ঘটে যাওয়া একটি মজার ঘটনা - কুকুরের কামড়"Copyright Free Iamge Source শৈশববেলা আসলেই যে কারো কাছে সব চাইতে সেরা সময় । এই জন্যই তো শৈশব বেলাকে বলা হয়ে থাকে…sonder-an resteemedhappycapital (87)in #steempunks • 3 years agoIs this the 1st trade of SteemPunks NFTs?A few days ago, I sold a NFT to @cyberrn. She had used a NFT that face is dark skin and wears a mask, the hair has…sonder-an resteemedcyberrn (85)adminin CybeRN • 3 years ago20220323 | 피곤 (疲困, fatigue)멘델스존과 하이네와 함께 했던 아침까지는 괜찮았는디 오후가 되면서 뭐가 귀찮더니 어둠이 내리고 주변이 조용하니 조금 낫다. Mendelssohn: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges, Op.…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 22/3/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 22/3/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update…sonder-an resteemedelmundodexao (63)memberMember 🇻🇪in CCS • 3 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Kawaii Art Animals “Whale”. ♥♥ Arte Kawaii Animales “Ballena”.Hello Steemians friends… ☺☺☺ Hola amigos Steemians… I hope you are very well. Today I want to share with you a…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #photography • 3 years agoFood PhotoShare 19/3/2022Photography or a image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life but I also find that just like the…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 18/3/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 18/3/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update…sonder-an resteemedsimonjay (77)in #steemit • 3 years agoDaily Steem Price Update 10/3/2022Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 10/3/2022. I have been posting the Steem price update…