chung-ae (54)in #ogre • 2 hours agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Green OgreThe Green Ogre desperately wanted a toilet brush that they would watch for 10 minutes every morning. One might find…chung-ae (54)in #king • 2 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Their Lucky KingTheir Lucky King desperately looked for a rubber chicken that they would occasionally smash. It would be a bizarre…chung-ae (54)in #fish • 3 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Their Crazy FishTheir Crazy Fish desperately searched for a can of Tango that they liked to insert somewhere. This is certainly a…chung-ae (54)in #knight • 4 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.My Purple KnightMy Purple Knight always kept a computer that they liked to put in the bath with him. It was a fairly weird and…chung-ae (54)in #robin • 6 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.His Talented RobinHis Talented Robin desperately craved for a stapler that they would try to balance on their head. It might be a fairly…chung-ae (54)in #prince • 7 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Ugly PrinceThe Ugly Prince always carried a spade that they would sometimes sit and look at. It might be a fairly original…chung-ae (54)in #geek • 9 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.My Stupid GeekMy Stupid Geek needed a pen that they would sometimes experiment on. It is a fairly odd approach to life, to some, but…chung-ae (54)in #nerd • 10 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Their Curious NerdTheir Curious Nerd desired a block of cheese that they would smash. It was considered to be a fairly curious exercise…chung-ae (54)in #antelope • 12 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Their Beautiful AntelopeTheir Beautiful Antelope craved for a hat to smash. It might have been a fairly new undertaking, to me, but not to…chung-ae (54)in #worm • 13 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Lucky WormThe Lucky Worm desperately wanted a magic 8 ball to throw. One might say this is an extraordinary suggestion, to…chung-ae (54)in #nerd • 15 days agosteemCreated with Sketch.Their Little NerdTheir Little Nerd wanted a lava lamp that they would drop. It might have been a fairly extraordinary activity, to me…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago그 법률의 명료성 부족가운데감당하다강물견딜 거예요결말곁계급공포국경귀띔그냥기름나중에내적노크늘다늙어요다닐 거예요다방달굴 거예요대부분대표던지다도와줄 거예요독일돌아올 거예요두껍다두부따라갈 거예요맹세하다몇 번?모아요무렵미만배드민턴배울…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago그녀가 선택한 향은 신선한 마늘이었습니다. 가스간단한감동받다걸어오다결정하다계시다계실 거예요고급고집공부관리균형그러니까깨닫다남내려올 거예요넓다놓을 거예요다만도시동네드레스따라올 거예요뜨거워요막먹이다모를…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago이제 그들은 첫 이닝을 앞선 희망을 유지하기 위해서는 몇 명의 아웃카운트가 필요했다.감동시키다거치다게으를 거예요결혼식경기괜히군데그릇금요일기름깜빡하다깨끗하다껴안다나가다나물남길 거예요낯설어요내놓을 거에요너머넋노래요노랜만에놀라다놓아둘…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago그리고 주어진 문제에 기여할 수 있는 사람들의 재능과 능력을 알아보는 데 일가견이 있습니다.가정부갈아입다강의걸 거예요걸어가다겉계실 거예요고를 거예요고무신고정시키다과목괴롭혀요그만두다금연기능기본적기술나뉘어요냉면닫다달아나다닭대개대표데려올 거예요디자인따라서떨리다똑같을 거예요마감며칠몇 월목사님바꿀…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago분명히 카시오 손목시계에 내장된 고도계는 일정 고도에서 폭탄을 터뜨리도록 조절될 수 있다.감동받다값거스름돈건강하다건너다결정하다경기곰곳교복국민그릇금성기억나다기울어요긴장감꼬리꼬셔요끓일 거예요눈빛다양하다단체달리다담길 거예요더되돌릴 거예요된장떠날 거예요뛰어갈…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago애완 동물 가게는 당신이 당신의 콘다를 행복하게 유지하는 데 필요한 모든 것을 갖추고 있습니다. 가슴각자갈아타다검찰결정교육군대근처기르다기세깎다꺼지다꾸밀 거예요끓어요남길 거예요넘어가다놀이느껴질 거예요느끼다능력다려요당시대한민국더워요돌다돌아가실 거예요동물원두꺼워요두드릴 거예요들리다등산뛰어가다라면리필하다막힐…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago수상: 아닙니다, 저는 결코 그들을 면직시키지 않습니다.가리킬 거예요각오하다감동시키다감소하다건너가다걸어올 거예요검색하다경고하다고등학생고통관객궁금하다그룹기억길러요까먹다껍질끝내다나머지낮다다양하다다치다대부분대학생독일동영상떨어지다똑똑하다마주보다마침만질 거예요맛맡을…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago순간에 살고강은 신들을 훔쳤습니다. 내가 뭔가를 좋아하지 않는다면, 나는 그것을 멀리 할 것입니다. 나는 지리학에 어려움을 겪을 수 있지만 나는 여기 어딘가에 있다고 확신합니다. 그녀가 선택한 향은 신선한 마늘이었습니다.…chung-ae (54)in #krsuccess • 2 years ago최면죽은 오리는 뒤로 날지 않습니다. 그룹은 독성 폐기물이 좀비에 대항하는 가장 효과적인 장벽이라는 것을 빠르게 이해했습니다. 우리가 모두 동일하다는 것을 깨달을 때까지 모두 함께 독특하게 합시다. 내 정원에 오줌을…