If Only...

If only I hadn't gotten sick from my childhood I could have performed better in school.
If only my sickness didn't make my grumpy I would have made a friend to my mother's brother (My grandfather re-married and lets his boy stay in our home for a while)
If only I haven't gotten sick I have learned to play basket ball (I do not even had the chance how to dribble a ball)
If only I haven't gotten sick I might be staying away now from my parents and have a place of my own.
If only hadn't gotten sick I would have finished College and got a job I could keep.
If only I hadn't gotten sick then I could have a family of my own with five kids or more just like my high school classmate, some even have a grandkids now.
If only I hadn't gotten sick I could have stayed to my Aunts And Uncles down south and make a lasting friendship to my cousins there, I do not even know all their names now.
if only I hadn't gotten sick I could have driven a car and also owned a car even those small owner-type jeeps for that matter.
If only I hadn't gotten sick I could have visited at least one of my country's tourist destinations like our famous beaches and mountains.
If only I hadn't gotten sick I could have done so many hobbies like #painting, #aquaponics, #homesteading stuffs, target shooting with a gun or #airgun, #planting vegetables and fruits, #cooking, etc.
If only I hadn't gotten sick I could have established a restaurant because I like to cook.
If only I hadn't gotten sick I could have made this house comfortable to live in for my parents.
If only hadn't gotten sick I could have enjoyed a once in a lifetime short stay in this world.
There's always hope. Before I felt like this, God will give us back everything we could not achieve.
MY VOTE and reesteem