improv (67)in #freewrite • yesterdayspaceFor Whoosh that's the sound of the intergalactic generational space vessel. Over the millenia, it has grown…improv (67)in #freewrite • 3 days agohomeFor Guide me home.. It's good to have a habit of doing things even when you're not really feeling like it. I need…improv (67)in #freewrite • 4 days agodigressionsFor I digress! Constantly. Like yesterday most of my writing was digressions most everything in my freewrites…improv (67)in #means • 4 days agowhatFor What? Go? How DARE YOU What's the meaning of this? I am not a cat. What's the meaning of this? PAPER…improv (67)in #bo • 5 days agopahFor Beelzebub was a sweet guy. He like black and white cookies. Tuxedo cookies. He liked dunking them in coffee, in…improv (67)in #hm • 5 days agohmmmFor Together, we shall hope for a better tomorrow! What is hope? Is it useful? hope is that thing with feathers…improv (67)in #eewr • 8 days agofrrrrrrrrrrFor This is a sleepy freewrite. I have been on my feet all morning, and I just sat down with a heating pad on my…improv (67)in #freewrite • 9 days agoworstFor The worst result. There's a lot of things I can think of that way, but one stands out most of all. The cat.…improv (67)in #freewrite • 10 days agopolishFor Polish Polish They're pronounced differently. Brass. Mustache Moustache. Both are correct. What the…improv (67)in #freewrite • 11 days agojoyFor Shoot that joy right into my veins! Lol. Let's not get druggy about it. Inject some joy into our daily…improv (67)in #freewrite • 11 days agoplansFor By singing! Singing nonsense! Last night my kid wanted to play with me, and I think I did a pretty damn good…improv (67)in #freeertrawite • 12 days agofrreetFor Gah What's the worst job? Probably "be nice to rich people" I mean, probably not. But I detest not being…improv (67)in #freete • 12 days agofreewriteFor Oooh, I'm excited about this prompt. Feels very story-able Changdooostarchman Oh shoot, coming up with names…improv (67)in #freewrite • 14 days agobartopFor As a kid, we played king of the hill on the mountains of snow at the parking lot behind the school. Now we're…improv (67)in #elite • 16 days agofreetFor Bad sign Not a bad sign. A nice way to start the new year, with a conversation with someone from the…improv (67)in #freewrite • 17 days agoCat worriesOk, everything seems to have been resolved with the @hivewatchers account. For Lack of Circulation! I find my…improv (67)in #freewrite • 17 days agofreewriteFor Sarah sets out a brand new canvas. She wants so much to believe that if she just tries and tries and tries…improv (67)in #nye • 19 days agoWhat did I miss?I feel like I forgot to listen or pay attention or something to my own brain, and I missed something. But what? I…improv (67)in #freewrite • 20 days agofreewriteFor Catching up on all our freewrites! Well, not all. It would take A BIG BOAT to catch up on ALL of them, lol. I…improv (67)in #freewrite • 21 days agofreewriteFor There is currently only an anti-alien agency. Lots of them, in fact. But that's awful. Aliens contribute to our…