I guess I'm a bank hater...

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I know what you are going to say. We can't really take them down, crypto is not ready, I know, I know. But, that doesn't mean I can't complain a little bit, especially when it comes to my blog. In truth I can't see them surviving for much longer, or I should say I can't see them surviving in the way they operate.

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It almost never fails, every time I go to the bank I find myself standing in a line that looks pretty much like the one on the picture. There are people sitting to the side, Tellers who are forced to smile to everyone, and all of us standing in the line staring at each other wondering WHY?.

There are those who are very vocal and complain. After all, we are the customers and seeing employees walking around, drinking coffee with only two tellers open regardless of the line that is about to reach the door, seems ridiculous. Today, as I was in my Bank's purgatory an older gentleman turns around and says to me. "One of these days... I wanna die right here, so that they stop doing this sh... with us... right here... so they get the message" - Granted, that was a dark joke, but he laughed, and so did I.

It took about 45 minutes for me to get to the window, so you would think the ordeal was over, but... you would be wrong. I forgot to bring with me the credit card too. Now, you would ask yourself - Were you doing something with your credit card @meno ? - I would stare back at you with a somber facial expression and say "NO" - not a damn thing. However, its procedure of my bank to require two forms of ID, and a credit card is the second one.

Now, this is were it gets even sillier: I had my debit card with me, I was using it to use the little pin pad thingy mcjigger and make my withdraw and of course I had my driver's license. So I said to the teller - "But.. I have the debit card here, does that not count?" - not missing a beat she said no. Because it's the one I'm using to withdraw, it has to be a separate one.

But, don't worry, I didn't lose my cool. I've practiced enough mental ninjistics over the years to not be defeated by a Bank transaction. So, I looked at her and said in spanish (I recognized a hispanic name) - "Hey, are you really gonna make me go back home for the CC when I've been here a thousand times, I even know you play guitar" (this detail I remembered from many months back) - She smiled back, and said in spanish - "Oh yes... I remember you now, don't worry, let me get that for you" - Ninja chop delivered.

I left, everything is good of course. But, I can't help but to think that it's a ridiculous policy. I mean, I know it's not the tellers fault, but still. Where does this end? Has it gotten worse? Will it get worse?

"Sir, I see her we don't have an updated blood sample for you, so your funds have been locked"

Ok now, I'm being ridiculous. But, all of the sudden ridiculous sounds plausible. At least in does if I practice some dystopian thinking for three seconds.

I recognize my biases against banks are starting to win me over. The ability for me to access my funds through crypto with some clicks makes me look at standing in line, as one would look at hunting deer with rocks. Yes, I'm still being silly.

Anyways, enough ranting... hahahhaa

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Ahahahha this is nothing compared on the online banks that will read to you verbatim long pointless agreements that you have read a thousand times when it is finally your turn in the queue after waiting for over an hour because the bank debited something on your account an item that you never agreed on but sent to you lost in the thousand spam emails they send you every month.

Then if they make a mistake while reading it, they will need to reread the whole thing and you just want to throw your phone because you are at the last 10% in your battery and if this was a Nokia before that would mean 2 more days of use but using a Samsung or an Iphone means less than 5 minutes of use you power hungry bastard devices.

We should start a bank salty journal lol

Ooh good idea mav... #thesaltyjournals a tribute to the terrible banking system

Thankfully I am able to bank with USAA since I am a veteran. I have never had any issues with them and they are crypto friendly. Unfortunately, banks are the norm so the masses will continue to be subjected to their ridiculous policies without much pushback until a better alternative takes their place. Similar to Uber essentially making Taxi companies irrelevant.

OOOH Ross you just implied it!!! YOU SAID IT!

I wanna tell you in case you've not realized it...

You are a decentralized convert... its just going to sip into your brain slowly... but pretty soon.


I feel your pain. I tried to take out some cash to buy a used car a few months ago. It was a horrible experience. I had to talk to 2 different managers and threaten to close all my accounts and the accounts of all my family members. They still would only give me a few thousand and said I had to come back the next business day for the rest. I HATE banks!!!

Well you know... it's funny you say that, because I had a friend get his account frozen because he wired 12k out. He had show crazy amount of documents. In other words treated like a criminal.

I mean, I know they are doing their job... but.... darnnit.

Try working in one. The UK Post Office is trying to be a bank. I own a post office and can't sell euros to customers I've known for over 10 years if they don't bring ID. I used to just type in my own ID numbers to get past it, but even that doesn't work any longer. It's insanity.

And the amount I get paid for transactions? Not worth my time AT ALL. At least the tellers in your bank are on salaries. I'm on commission. Do I smile? Hmmm. Sometimes. But if I get grumpy because the system is ridiculously fubared or because the customer is being understandably belligerent, you can understand why! Ha ha.

Oh man, I'm so sorry, that must be terrible.

USPS here has some functions, like money orders, but not much more than that... and honestly their service has never been too great to be honest. So, if they took on more, I'm sure it would drive people up the walls.

Dude, I can’t stand bank policy. We are stuck in their mind loop and there is nothing we can do except protest by making crypto smash their asses. Sorry you went through this ...you should have went and got your acoustic guitar and starting singing with your awesome voice I discovered tonite on dlive and kept playing until they got security to escort you out. Banks make me so damn sick it’s not even funny. This is a highly resteemable post and I support you 100%!!! Rock on my friend

turn that frown upside down, that's the spirit. smile knowing blockchain is going to ruin their whole game soon enough, F their policy

The more you get involved with banks, the more fun little horror stories you end up with. It's a necessary evil, and will be for a long time.

It starts to get really weird once you starting buying or selling properties. Mortgages are a whole new level of rules that make no sense.

oh man... i know, surfing those waters is not easy.


you know the banks are going to bash cryptos until they're fully invested in it and ready to mysteriously "change their tune"

Sometimes i wonder why i hv to stand in a que for my own money

Oh @meno... you know what my first post was about? Banks banks banks! My bank tried to stop me from transfering my own damn money to coinbase! Like they have power over my own money! Ofc this didn't stick, after a couple of days everyone was complaining and they had to give the power back to us, at least the power to do transactions to a place I want!

I hate banks, and yes sooner or later they will disappear, but it will take a long time, probably some decades... they are very adaptable, they will probably convert to cryptos and work out a way to screw us all, like they are doing in XRP, where they hold a large % of the coins, i can even believe the XRP pump that happened was actually banks dumping fiat on XRP to bring in more people!

you know what? i can't say that's not something that could happen... and if it was ever to be discovered I would not be surprised in the slightest.

Of course, its all speculation at this point, but the ripple rally, the shilling of ripple on tv... it was weird.. i wont lie.