Finding your north, your sense of purpose

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

I may have to apologize for the somber subject. I realize that to some thinking about these things does not bring joy to their lives. But, my intention as you might imagine is to invite those who would listen to think about the not so obvious things in life. Yes, this video is quite existentialist, but sometimes I can't help myself.

If this resonated with you, or if you have another point of view you would like to share, I would love to hear it. So, don't be shy and engage.

Much love to all


Youtube Mirror for Posterity


Hmm what about thinking that "there is no purpose" but not in a "what for...." way. More like a "but that's okay". And not in a "so screw it let's succumb to all vices" either. I think I'm stepping around a mine field here....

There is no North.

Relative to my handle, I am sensing that what you are alluding to is the "grounded" part of passion. :-)

There is no way better of honing in on one's "True North" and maintaining that healthy relationship - than to stay properly "grounded" - at least I think so...

yes, that is it hahahahha yes!

I love your insight and your honesty.
Purpose in life really is different for every single individual and does not have one set definition, and your reminder of this is really great.
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for watching. I guess this may qualify as life tip by meno? Maybe I should have picked a handle like yours. (i love it btw)

Very wise, man. I think that most famous entrepreneurs (from Franklin to Rockefeller, to Carnegie and all those big names who made fortunes and theorized about the way to wealth) ended up concluding that wealth itself cannot be the goal. It is supposed to be a tool to achieve something else.
Whether it is power over other people, which most millionaires enjoy, or a way to change the world around you to go in history as the man or woman who did this or that (which a few great minds have done), material goals are a very tricky thing; and the trickiest thing about that is that many bad things can be done to get to the wealth that may ultimately become a void, without concern for the lives that can be ruined in the process and to fix those there is no amount of money on earth to do it.

Good points my friend, in truth purpose does not imply anything good or noble. However, for me, my truth is that I'm only interesting in finding one that gives me a clear conscious and allows me to bless others. But... to each their own as they say.

I agree. Some people's purpose can be very destructive. Just a recent example: venezuela's vice president, DElcy Rodriguez, said that the revolution was for them the way to avenge their father's death. So, imagine when two kids lose their guerrillero father to a rightist government and swear to destroy a hole country if they get to power. The people who killed their father are already dead; they are to even targetting the relatives of the alleged killers. They are just enjoying their destructive ride.

that's just sad... this reminds me of the story of the two wolves. you know it?

Oops. my phone had not shown me the image with the story. Now i am looking at it from a computer. Got it. I had heard some version of this story. Very true. I curse a lot. I know i should not; i know that's feeding the wrong wolf, but man, under certain circumstances it is very hard to just ignore that overwhelming beast roaming over you licking and scratching. You think it will go away; it just comes back for more.

I think that is a great way to put it. We all need to find our North. I think goals are great but you are also right that accomplishments alone will not make you happy. Some of the happiest people I know have the least amount of worldly possessions

Some of the happiest people I know have the least amount of worldly possessions

That has been my experience as well... and this doesn't imply their are either rich or poor, but more that they have a clear mind of what they want out of life. I know a few people that have been backpacking for years, enjoying their story.

I look at it and say... "You know what? - this person is deprogrammed... I love it.. " - I almost envy those who live a simpler life and hope to one day emulate them.

Could not agree more. The more we live differently then the majority of the world the happier and more content my life has become

Deep subject, however, I thought you were going to do a CarpoolKaraoke. I was only watching to see who your guest was. You do actually have a bit of a James Cordon thing going on there!
Best wishes young man :-)

hahahahah you reminded me that someone once told me I looked like James Cordon... Maybe the belly but that's it! hahaha