
I have been to the countries on the other side of America's borders and they suck. Thank God we have borders to prevent us from living like them.

I won't take my Mexican family to the USSA. It's too dangerous and too much of a third world dump.

Yeah, Canadians all seem to have strong opinions about America, we don't think much about Canada.

Agreed, and that is how Rome fell, and Europe is falling now in many ways and we all see it each day and they all try their best to hide and deny all of it everywhere but we can see it and talk about it if we have not already.

I've been around too, Colombia, past through the airport in Panama. I got family in Puerto Rico I visit, and I've been to Mexico and the Bahamas before. Even with their negatives, lots of locations are quite safe and abundant with food. My family lives on the mountainside and its pretty peaceful.

Sure, there are many places that are nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Puerto Rico is technically on our side of the border. It's not a country.

It's a commonwealth like the Philippines. There isn't much of a difference between most Latino nations and Puerto RIco other than US favoritism and Commonwealth status.

No, not correct. The Philippines is a sovereign country, Puerto Rico is a US territory, it is part of the US, like Guam. Puerto Ricans are US citizens by birth. I am always astonished how many Puerto Ricans don't understand that. How can you not know what country you are in?

My mistake with the Philippines. I know Puerto Ricans are US Citizens at birth, but Puerto Rico is still a nation. Puerto Rico is an example of the false claim that some Americans make about Latinos not assimilating with American culture (when thats not how culture works). So its in addition to the ridiculous disingenuous claims that we need strict border control because of US supported terrorism, or cartels that were trained by the CIA or DEA in foreign nations. Just to clarify why I mentioned PR in the first place.

"Puerto Rico is still a nation."

No, it's not. You are mistaken about that as well. Why do you have that false belief? Where does it come from?
Puerto Rican culture is incompatible with mainland culture in some ways. Mexicans on the other hand get along great. I had a student and a teacher asked him "Jose, last year you used to be such a good student and so well behaved, what happened?"

"I found out I was Puerto Rican"

I was pretty shocked by that.

I believe you are quite confused on what a nation is...
From Google

Incompatible in what ways? Also cultures evolve and form together, hence why Spanglish is a thing. Puerto Ricans are more likely to be capitalists than Mexicans even though they lean towards populism.