Are National Borders To Keep Immigrants Out Or Tax Slaves In?

in #travel6 years ago


Fasco-Communist America is now officially a giant debtors prison; a free-range tax farm the human cattle cannot escape.

They say national borders are designed, in theory, to keep “illegal aliens” from entering a country and otherwise mucking things up for the locals by “taking their jobs” (or better put, outcompeting them in the marketplace). But even the most patriotic, red-blooded nationalists can’t deny their precious blood-soaked borders now serve a dual purpose.

Thanks to the spooks at the mafia known as the Internal Revenue Service, at least 362,000 Americans are expected to be denied the ability to travel due to tax debts. Only taxpayers who give in to their extortion demands will be granted new or renewed slave travel cards (also known as passports).

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, IRS hitmen just released new details on their enforcement of a draconian law passed by CONgress under the O’bomber regime in 2015. The law, which came into effect in February, requires that both the IRS and State Department deny passports and revoke them for anyone who accrues more than $51,000 in tax debt.

When late fees and penalties add up, this can happen rather quickly.

It should come as no surprise that the USSA brazenly intends to keep citizens slaves to the matrix by preventing them from flying the coop, should they refuse to pay up.

Even before Trump, more Mexicans were leaving the US than arriving, and critics thought Ron Paul was crazy for suggesting that a border wall could actually be used to keep Americans from fleeing to Mexico.


Taxation is simply legalized plunder, imposed without consent, by governments who usually fail to uphold their end of the mandatory “social contract” (that no one has ever signed).

More than 362,000 tax victims are affected by their law, and are currently being entered into a federal database before the end of the year. Those already processed on the list have since been denied passports, prohibiting them from traveling out of the country until sufficiently shaken down by Big Brother.


The system has come under heavy scrutiny by National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson. She admitted that the IRS only notifies debtors at the same time it tells the State Department if someone should have their passport application denied, leaving most little or no time to pay off the agency.

According to the IRS, individuals at risk for passport denial are usually hit with a lien or levy first. Those who find themselves the victims of identity theft are not “typically” subject to travel restrictions, if they’re contesting the issue with the administration or in court. But given how poorly big government functions, taxpayers remain at the mercy of a scheme designed to work against them.

When America’s “Founding Fathers” established arbitrary borders around the Thirteen Colonies, HIStory tells us they did so to escape British tyranny. They refused to pay levies and taxes and embraced their right to self-determination. Those very same borders are now being used to ransom peaceful people and enslave society to a monstrous, parasitic empire that sucks the life and liberty out of mankind.

I predicted that many Americans would be denied access to travel outside the country. I also predicted the border wall so many are begging for will soon serve to keep folks in. And, I fully expect that the next step will be to deny passports to the millions of young Americans who are now drowning in trillions of student loan debt, which mostly just got them a fancy piece of paper to stare at on their wall while they sit at home, unemployed, as McDonald’s installs touchscreens to replace the few jobs they could get.

I’m not trying to be a downer. It’s just reality. But it doesn’t have to be.

If a future free of violent extortion rackets and moving permits sounds appealing to you, the good news is, it’s happening. While the world has always evolved, history has a way of working in cycles.

Earlier this year, humanity’s brightest and bravest convened for one week on the beaches of Acapulco, Mexico, in the interest of building a stateless, prosperous civilization, once and for all.

Armed with modern weapons like decentralized communication, encryption, blockchain technology, and 3D printing, those of us willing to resist the Powers That Shouldn’t Be are more capable than ever to do so.

The criminals at the Federal Reserve and IRS hate that We The People can now opt out of their fiat money system and avoid extortion by just using cryptocurrency.

But don’t just opt out… I suggest getting out… while you still can.

Take ownership of your freedom.

Tickets for Anarchapulco, the largest gathering of freethinkers, are on sale for a discounted price until July 31. Speakers include Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, David Icke, Cynthia McKinney, Doug Casey and many more.

This year’s event completely sold out, so be sure to reserve your space for Anarchapulco 2019 at



Well-stated. The government was set up in this country to benefit the governed. Roles have been reversed. This must stop.

Outrageous. This crazy law needs to be challenged. The right to travel is a fundamental right, according to our Supreme Court. This law must be struck down.

They be tryin' to keep the Mexicans from coming in, but in all reality, we would be much better off if we just moved to mexico

I wouldn't recommend moving to Mexico though. It's a good country, and most certainly it's improving, but the economic freedom of the country (at least until this administration leaves office) is leaning leftist. The possible grand growth of Mexican manufacturing, and economic output may be stifled because of Unions, and "progressive" economic regulations like what occured in the US. Mexico is slowly expanding R&D with their own space program, but nothing major just yet.

Depends how you are received in Mexico...

Ask legal Mexican Americans what they think.

Every "wall" can have two functions - to protect or to enslave - and this is valid both to "insiders" and "outsiders".

National borders are used to manipulate the local populace within the jurisdiction of the government that supervises the cows.

I have been to the countries on the other side of America's borders and they suck. Thank God we have borders to prevent us from living like them.

I won't take my Mexican family to the USSA. It's too dangerous and too much of a third world dump.

Yeah, Canadians all seem to have strong opinions about America, we don't think much about Canada.

Agreed, and that is how Rome fell, and Europe is falling now in many ways and we all see it each day and they all try their best to hide and deny all of it everywhere but we can see it and talk about it if we have not already.

I've been around too, Colombia, past through the airport in Panama. I got family in Puerto Rico I visit, and I've been to Mexico and the Bahamas before. Even with their negatives, lots of locations are quite safe and abundant with food. My family lives on the mountainside and its pretty peaceful.

Sure, there are many places that are nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Puerto Rico is technically on our side of the border. It's not a country.

It's a commonwealth like the Philippines. There isn't much of a difference between most Latino nations and Puerto RIco other than US favoritism and Commonwealth status.

No, not correct. The Philippines is a sovereign country, Puerto Rico is a US territory, it is part of the US, like Guam. Puerto Ricans are US citizens by birth. I am always astonished how many Puerto Ricans don't understand that. How can you not know what country you are in?

My mistake with the Philippines. I know Puerto Ricans are US Citizens at birth, but Puerto Rico is still a nation. Puerto Rico is an example of the false claim that some Americans make about Latinos not assimilating with American culture (when thats not how culture works). So its in addition to the ridiculous disingenuous claims that we need strict border control because of US supported terrorism, or cartels that were trained by the CIA or DEA in foreign nations. Just to clarify why I mentioned PR in the first place.

"Puerto Rico is still a nation."

No, it's not. You are mistaken about that as well. Why do you have that false belief? Where does it come from?
Puerto Rican culture is incompatible with mainland culture in some ways. Mexicans on the other hand get along great. I had a student and a teacher asked him "Jose, last year you used to be such a good student and so well behaved, what happened?"

"I found out I was Puerto Rican"

I was pretty shocked by that.

Kinda' makes one wonder bout' that wall they wanna' build huh?

These are not laws but rules and regulations.

" mandatory “social contract” (that no one has ever signed)."

Err yes they did. Your parents unknowingly signed your not so fully disclosed birth certificate. The birth certificate is the contract that binds you to all these rules and regulations. The birth certificate made you into a legal fiction (person). Wake up people. peace.

Also, this will prevent Americans living abroad from possibly returning, which would be a blessing in disguise. I lived abroad for almost 2 decades and I knew a few Americans who gave up their citizenship happily. Great report Jeff.

Taxes are used for many things that you yourself would not want to do such as building roads, taking care of streets, health care etc so some taxing to me is required and needed I for one dont want to pay all the time to have my streets paved etc. Ill let my state and government do that.

Excuse me, I don't want to pay for streets or medical care (it's not health care as it has nothing to do with health)? Very happy to pay for roads I use and pay on the off chance I need some stitches. You are just a brainwashed slave with Stockholm Syndrome. Beta af.

Sure I support anarcho capitalism as much as possible, that is why I would never date or marry a single mother, since it would imply kidding a child, which is against the none aggression principal. So your life actually defines you as a criminal, not an anarcho capitalist, since you kidnapped a child.

I will now mute you on Steemit, since you don't respond and since you are not worth spending more time on.

Lasse Ehlers

PS. And yes there are no borders in ancapistan, but do we really need to repeat this message over and over again, no I don't think so. So in the end you are a statist, virtue signaling by talking about anarcho capitalism.

There is nothing anarcho-capitalistic about government borders. Anarcho-capitalists should be pro-open borders under our current system of government.

The one that seems like a statist is you, unless you explicitly state your actual position. Are you in favor of government sponsored border control? If you are, then you're a statist, so don't spin it. Thanks.

What is it that you don't understand in this sentence from my original comment: "And yes there are no borders in ancapistan"?

That's not the question I asked.

Do you support government sponsored borders? If no, then why do you have a problem with the poster?

The answer is my two previous comments, but I will repeat for you here: NO, I am an anarcho capitalist, so of course I don't support any government or any borders.

Jeff is not an anarcho capitalist, since he violate the non aggression principal in his life again and again, as I have pointing out many times now.

Don't have more time for doing this, its already in the blockchain,

Oh fuck off you loser. My son actually made his own choice to live with me as he prefers it. Say any of this to my face, I dare you.

So taking care of a child from a previous marriage makes jeff a statist? It actually makes him a decent human being. maybe you should think about relocating to dumbfukistan

He's down-voting anyone who disagrees with him. That's not how you're supposed to use the system. SMH.

I have already made several posts with the correct argument for why dating or marrying a single mother is violating the non aggression principal.

Please don't ever contact me again. I don't have time for statists posing like anarchists. Bye.