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RE: Are National Borders To Keep Immigrants Out Or Tax Slaves In?

in #travel6 years ago

I believe you are quite confused on what a nation is...
From Google

Incompatible in what ways? Also cultures evolve and form together, hence why Spanglish is a thing. Puerto Ricans are more likely to be capitalists than Mexicans even though they lean towards populism.


Puerto Rico is a nation like red sox nation is a nation, what it is not is a sovereign state, it is not an independent nation, it is not a country. Commonwealth basically means nothing, Massachusetts is a commonwealth as well. For example, in Puerto Rican culture its cool to play your music loud 24 hours a day, in mainland culture it is not cool.

Ethnicity is an important factor in the argument of immigration, thats my entire point in mentioning Puerto Rico and I agree it isn't a country. I agree with that statement.