5G Technology: Friend or Foe?

in #technology7 years ago

While it may seem there is no escape to the roll out of the coming 5G technology it is important to be as informed as possible as to the potential long term effects that it presents. This is becoming increasingly more difficult because of the marketing surrounding the benefits of how our lives will improve because of the faster more efficient flow of data, and the control of the information and how it is displayed in the news feed.

For those who don't know 5G is short for “5th Generation.” The stated purpose of this technology is to improve on the speed and consistency of 4G connections, enabling it to maintain more precise functions. We are being told that 5G will provide mobile users with faster, more consistent wireless connections, 5G technology will change many areas of life. In the hospital, doctors are being introduced to robotic equipment to perform surgeries and other essential functions. But hospitals are not alone in adopting robotics. Manufacturing has also taken an interest in this technology using it to perform functions that involve extreme temperatures, harmful chemicals, or other conditions that now supposedly disqualifies human operation. Probably the most widely advertised advantage of this technology is the driver-less car. These vehicles will be in constant communication with a data center opening the door to total control over the vehicle and its occupants. To further entice the general public about the marvels of 5G, virtual reality devices have become increasingly advanced, gamers are able to immerse themselves in a world that is harder and harder to distinguish from the real one.

And anyone who thinks mind control will not be actively utilized through gaming is extremely disillusioned.


There will be few areas of life that will not be impacted and controlled by 5G technology.

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The reality is that 5G technology opens a Pandora's Box that may never be able to be closed again.

The International Journal of Oncology research article titled World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack stated:

“In May 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated cancer risks from radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Human epidemiological studies gave evidence of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma. RF radiation was classified as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen. Further epidemiological, animal and mechanistic studies have strengthened the association. In spite of this, in most countries little or nothing has been done to reduce exposure and educate people on health hazards from RF radiation. On the contrary ambient levels have increased. In 2014 the WHO launched a draft of a Monograph on RF fields and health for public comments. It turned out that five of the six members of the Core Group in charge of the draft are affiliated with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an industry loyal NGO, and thus have a serious conflict of interest. Just as by ICNIRP, evaluation of non-thermal biological effects from RF radiation are dismissed as scientific evidence of adverse health effects in the Monograph. This has provoked many comments sent to the WHO. However, at a meeting on March 3, 2017 at the WHO Geneva office it was stated that the WHO has no intention to change the Core Group.”

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In Before the First Cup Jules discusses how 5G Terahertz has the capability to see through walls, frisk you at a distance, and tear apart unzipping DNA.

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The Environmental Health Trust has answered commonly asked questions about children and wireless radiation since children are at an increased risk for cancer due to exposure to these devices. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports more research into how wireless exposure affects human health long term in particular children's health.

Even living in the vicinity of cell phone towers has a dramatic effect on your health.

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Of particular interest is the US Patent US 6506148 B2 entitled,
"Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" begs the question, what is the main objective of the government, with families and children spending countless hours in front of the television, phones and computers?

“Mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours: a systematic review of association between study quality, source of funding, and research outcomes.” Neurological Sciences, 2017.

“In our review of the literature and meta-analysis of case–control studies, we found evidence linking mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours especially in long-term users (greater than 10 years). We also found a significantly positive correlation between study quality and outcome in the form of risk of brain tumour associated with use of mobile phones. Higher quality studies show a statistically significant association between mobile phone use and risk of brain tumour. Even the source of funding was found to affect the quality of results produced by the studies.”

Martin Blank, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics,
Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Researcher in Bioelectromagnetics; Author of the BioInitiative Report’s section on Stress Proteins states:

“Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response. The scientific evidence tells us that our safety standards are inadequate, and that we must protect ourselves from exposure to EMF due to power lines, cell phones and the like, or risk the known consequences. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention.” Source


Back in the 90's I was really into using cordless phones - about two hours a day - and then I got a cell phone.

I started having severe head aches and was later diagnosed with a golf ball sized brain tumour.

The years of research I did learning how to reverse that, influence nearly every comment and post I do on Steemit - from vaccinations to nutrition -but you have just reminded me that one of the biggest cans of worms is wifi and cell phones!

Oh my goodness I am happy you came out on the healthy end of things. Thanks you for sharing because maybe reading your comment people may take the issue more seriously.

What @sift666 didn't mention was that the brain tumour was an acoustic neuroma, one of the two tumours specifically mentioned in the International Journal of Oncology article you quoted. We also have two towers that we presume are cell phones towers close by where we work and live, one maybe 150m away, one more like 100m or less. We turn our WiFi off except when we're using it, but we can see about 10 neighbours listed in the available networks. So this proposed, even worse, system is pretty alarming.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for adding to the discussion!!!!

This is all very disturbing, especially for someone like myself who is a real "tech junkie." I rely on my skills with computers and electronics to make a living.

I was happy to see @coderrkj mention LiFi, as with technology in general there is always a spectrum of bad, neutral, good, better, and best... and I was contemplating that modulated light would probably be much healthier for us, especially indoors.

Another thing that makes me wonder... I know that there are very evil forces at work in the world, and I wonder how much of the technological development is being steered towards the harmful implementations of technology in a deliberate effort to kill and destroy the population?

We live in interesting times, indeed. Thank you for a thought-provoking article.



P.S. It appears as if the LiFi is already a mature, available technology. Please see:

https://purelifi.com/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi

As such, adopting it could greatly reduce our daily exposure to radiation, and simultaneously solve some technological bandwidth problems. Sounds like a Win-Win to me...

Thank you for the additional information about LiFi technology. It sounds like a better option. I have to agree with you when you say, " I know that there are very evil forces at work in the world, and I wonder how much of the technological development is being steered towards the harmful implementations of technology in a deliberate effort to kill and destroy the population?" I doubt that those whose efforts are directed in that direction sit for hours on their computers and live within blocks of huge 5G cell towers.

I am not as concerned so much about myself as I have already lived a large portion of my life but I am concerned about my grandchildren's generation it seems so many of them are addicted to video games and are brainwashed. Sometimes I feel like the zombie apocalypse is already here when you look around and people have their cell phones out and they don't seem able to put them aside. I notice it when we are driving about watching the occupants of the cars around us.

This past year we were forced to put a smart water meter and a smart electric meter on and in our house.
It was have the meters installed our we no longer would have service.
So we have taken steps to reduce the radiation as best as possible. https://steemit.com/life/@marymg2014/a-public-service-announcement-for-my-fellow-steemians

There is an agenda I hope we can somehow wake up enough people before it's too late.

You're more than welcome for the links, and Thank You for your added insights.

Yes, how much we care about our children and grandchildren! And how disturbing it is to see the world changing in negative ways, and to observe what a strong, strong influence it has on them, despite everything we've told them and how we may have modeled our lives in front of them...

We must keep seeking to guide them so long as we live, and keep them in our prayers.

P.S. Thank You for the recent Re-Steem. :D

Unfortunately there seems to be no end in sight.

Thanks for your comment, it's not over yet I want to have hope for the future.

Another health effect to consider when talking about these technologies is the mental health effect. A tech talk channel that I follow just put out this video yesterday about iPhone addiction in children. The comment made at 3:12 is really something to consider as we move forward. Do we want this world they are designing with all of it's negative aspects?

You mentioned Jules, and some of the research she has done. People really should take advantage of the information she has collected. She has been speaking out about the dangers of 5G technologies, and those we have today, including the mental health damage, for a long time.

Thanks for sharing this very interesting video it is really an eyeopener! And I totally agree the research that Jules offers is thorough she has a lot to offer.

One possible solution to reduce the radiation indoors could be LiFi. The tech is still in its early stages but if implemented can reduce radiation risk indoors. In the future, when we connect our devices to our (secure) home networks, we could have an option to block all radiation coming to and from our devices.
LiFi Logo
But I am being optimistic. Network carriers may not be in favor of this tech.

I haven't heard of this, I will look into it, thank you :-)

Thanks for sharing I will check it out!!

look like i need to cut down my bluetooth usage. as for wifi not easy to avoid in this modern days.

I am glad to hear you appreciate the seriousness of the situation. Good luck in your efforts to reduce your exposure.

Excellent article, it's scary stuff :-/

Thanks and welcome to Steemit!

We also raised this issue in the country, but there was no progress. Mobile operators earn such amounts that it is more profitable for them to kill people than to prevent the influence of radio emissions. I do not like my phone and try not to use it so often. I always suspected that these technologies are a great evil for humanity! Only who will listen to us? I thank you for raising such acute social themes. Good luck to you!

У нас в стране так же поднимали эту тему, но продвижения так и не было. Мобильные операторы зарабатывают такие суммы, что им выгодней убивать людей, чем заниматься профилактикой влияния радиоизлучения. Я не люблю свой телефон и стараюсь не так часто пользоваться ним. Я всегда подозревала, что эти технологии несут большое зло человечеству! Только кто нас слушать будет? Благодарю, что поднимаете такие острые социальные темы. Оставайтесь такими неравнодушными, какие вы есть! Удачи вам!

Thanks for adding your thoughts and support to the discussion.

Great information and news.

Thanks it is important to know for sure.

In the Netherlands at 5G test's , cows at near farms went in to a stampede. That stuff is toxic at great distance . Better to avoid that tech for sure ;-)

Thanks for the comment.