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RE: 5G Technology: Friend or Foe?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

This is all very disturbing, especially for someone like myself who is a real "tech junkie." I rely on my skills with computers and electronics to make a living.

I was happy to see @coderrkj mention LiFi, as with technology in general there is always a spectrum of bad, neutral, good, better, and best... and I was contemplating that modulated light would probably be much healthier for us, especially indoors.

Another thing that makes me wonder... I know that there are very evil forces at work in the world, and I wonder how much of the technological development is being steered towards the harmful implementations of technology in a deliberate effort to kill and destroy the population?

We live in interesting times, indeed. Thank you for a thought-provoking article.



P.S. It appears as if the LiFi is already a mature, available technology. Please see: and

As such, adopting it could greatly reduce our daily exposure to radiation, and simultaneously solve some technological bandwidth problems. Sounds like a Win-Win to me...


Thank you for the additional information about LiFi technology. It sounds like a better option. I have to agree with you when you say, " I know that there are very evil forces at work in the world, and I wonder how much of the technological development is being steered towards the harmful implementations of technology in a deliberate effort to kill and destroy the population?" I doubt that those whose efforts are directed in that direction sit for hours on their computers and live within blocks of huge 5G cell towers.

I am not as concerned so much about myself as I have already lived a large portion of my life but I am concerned about my grandchildren's generation it seems so many of them are addicted to video games and are brainwashed. Sometimes I feel like the zombie apocalypse is already here when you look around and people have their cell phones out and they don't seem able to put them aside. I notice it when we are driving about watching the occupants of the cars around us.

This past year we were forced to put a smart water meter and a smart electric meter on and in our house.
It was have the meters installed our we no longer would have service.
So we have taken steps to reduce the radiation as best as possible.

There is an agenda I hope we can somehow wake up enough people before it's too late.

You're more than welcome for the links, and Thank You for your added insights.

Yes, how much we care about our children and grandchildren! And how disturbing it is to see the world changing in negative ways, and to observe what a strong, strong influence it has on them, despite everything we've told them and how we may have modeled our lives in front of them...

We must keep seeking to guide them so long as we live, and keep them in our prayers.

P.S. Thank You for the recent Re-Steem. :D