Blacklist?!?! Is The Steemit Platform Becoming A “Muppet Show?”

in #steemit6 years ago


Good Day One and All

Regrettably I have to make you aware that the biggest downfall of “our” social platform “Steemit” isn’t plagiarism it is in fact the relentless cyber-bullying perpetrated by certain individuals.

These individuals have independently and unilaterally put themselves in charge of censorship within a social platform. Ask yourself this....

  1. Did you nominate them to provide this “service”?

  2. Did they provide a “White Paper” outlining their intentions?

  3. Has any form of guideline, instructions or manifesto been published for review by the “Steemit” community?

  4. Did you vote or choose to accept their opinions and guidelines relating to their intentions and censorship criteria?


They feel it necessary to downvote, criticise and blacklist; if you are uncertain who these muppets are you should check out the post below.......

You will notice that it’s a very interesting read; you may also notice that it has been “downvoted” to the point where it’s technically been hidden from view!!!


I understand this as I am also the victim of this abuse; and that is exactly what it is.......

Please don’t get me wrong, I am “man” enough to stand by my posts; yes they are plagiarised, ofcourse they are #nsfw. I realise they don’t appeal to everyone’s taste, but don’t view #nsfw posts if you are offended. By the same token all of my “normal” posts are abused too; I can’t seem to get it right!!!!


And, before any “disclosure” occurs I also upvote my posts and comments too! But I’m certainly not in the minority on that front.......


Ofcourse, people are entitled to their own opinions; upvote or downvote that’s everyone’s prerogative. It just strikes me as a little “one sided”, they have no issue voting on their own posts and using their voting bots to upvote and therefore increase the value of the same posts too.


Then there’s the “bull shit” manual curation and upvoting each other’s posts.........


“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”



I get it now, preaching about reward pool rape, plagiarism and censorship issues; blacklist bollocks......... are we witnessing a steem illuminati??


We all know who these individuals are; we may have even experienced their irresponsible and misguided “justice”. Unfortunately unless we inherit substantial volumes of steem power there is nothing we can do about it!!

Well apart from be the victim of their “daisy chain” abuse whilst they satisfy themselves and each other.......


I guess the biggest test of their/our community will be the success or failure of this post? Resteem, upvote, comment........WHATEVER, it’s your platform as much as theirs so why should we put up with their abuse and bullying?


I don’t for one second assume they would do a similar thing if they were sat next to you?!?!


Remember this is our platform, we are the people that make it happen; so why should we let a “handful” of individuals ruin it and dictate to us how it should be done???


They are using their stake how they see fit. Nobody is being censored, you have the right to post, not to be heard or to earn.

I don't always agree with their actions, but I support their ability to use their stake to try to shape the platform how they wish.

By the way, this was flagged and I still saw it.

We are on the same page a lot today, loved your post by the way.

This was flagged as a result of 87 incoming flags in the last two days from most of the people in the comment sections.

@whatsup using their steak to benefit themselves without screwing others would be fine. But what they are doing is not only abuse by moral standards, but I'd imagine by legal ones as well. This isn't people outbidding each other in the stock market. This is something entirely different.

Plus, the fact that this bot literally edits the view of other peoples posts and makes false claims about them is at best, defamation. Using defamation to harm someone else's continuity while gaining from having done that harm, is at worst, illegal.

I'm not a stocks professional and I'm not a lawyer but this sounds similar to insider trading which is illegal as all hell. Insider trading in essence, is a small group of people using insider knowledge and resources to gain unfair advantage by gaming the system.

Don't get me wrong though, from an objective perspective it is a clever scam. A beautiful fraud. I might even go so far as to say genius. But there is still a difference between criminal genius and someone using their stake as they see fit (legally).

And all of that regulation on trading and money has created a system that people are trying to avoid. Legally.

@whatsup of course it is not a leap of logic to admit that if someone has enough money, the law does not apply to them. No one of the upper ruling class of this world ever goes to jail for anything, murder included. They literally have the entire system bought and paid for.

Guilty until proven wealthy, as I like to call it.

I'm just not sure if Marky Shark is lacking concern about getting caught with his laundering scheme because he's simply just too over competent, or -- if he is one of these top 1% that runs the world so he is literally above the law.

I have no clue who Marky Shark is "in real life".

Get caught for what I ask again?
For blacklisting spammers, plagiarists, frauds and flagging the worst case ones?

If you haven't figured out why you are on the blacklist, it is because you post 7 or more times a day and most all of your post are garbage. Most of your posts are links to third party videos on bitchute and occasionally youtube milking the system with zero effort stolen content or a screenshot of someone else's comment from other sites like below. In fact, your comments here probably account for more of your own words than all your posts combined since December 2017. Many times you post the same damn video 2-5 in a row using a different tag.

The occasional one to five cents you get on a post is still far more than it is worth.

LOL, flagged for being a cuck!

@themarkymark I wasn't aware that more than 7 posts a day was not allowed. Why does the system allow more posts if they are not allowed? Also, everything in your screen shots that you just provided is my original content and I can absolutely prove that. Yes, I syndicate that content on BitChute and other places, which again -- where are the rules against doing so?

Thus far all you've shown me is that you think you feel that you are the judge of what "does and does not suck" for all of humanity and based upon that presumed moral authority, you add people into these bots simply because you personally dislike their content.

Where is it in the Steemit guidelines that @themarkymark must think that "your content isn't crap"? I seem to have missed this someplace. Can you point me to that documentation?

No, all I see is that you feel that you have the right to censor an entire platform based on what your personal tastes are. There is nothing stated that Steemit users must abide by your personal tastes in genre. Who exactly are YOU anyways and what gives YOU legal or any other authority over an entire social media platform and an entire cryptocurrency? Who granted you this authority and where is your proof of this authority? Who exactly are YOU?

I want facts, not the opinions of one person.

I personally love this part where you said "stolen content or a screenshot of someone else's comment from other sites like below" and then you proceed to screen shot my own original content. You simply have just outted yourself as someone who does no research what so ever. Did you even check into who owns the profiles you're claiming I stole from? I do. Did you bother checking into whose content it is I'm posting or who I even am?

I've had my deviantART profile (paradigm-shifting) since 2005. I've done the Paradigm Shift an Educational Comedy video series since 2011. I have more hours of original video (and other) content (as well as my written stuff) than most people would even care to look through because its years of material.

In 5 mins or less you could have figured this out.

So I'm going to issue you a challenge that I know you'll decline.

A live stream, you and me -- on my YouTube Channel to discuss this issue. Full voice and face time.

My real name (which I also do not make a secret of) is Dave Kelso. Nice to meet you.

You can downvote me all you want. You can post ridiculous screen shots and make assumptions about them and pretend they are evidence of things all you want. But I've got provable facts on my side and a willingness to have a real time face to face live stream conversation about this, for all of Steemit and the Internet Community as a whole to see.

Now I'm sure you're going to decline with some reason like "you're not worth my time to bother with blah blah blah" or some cop-out and thats fine. But I'm doing a live stream video about this issue with or without you. You might want to consider joining me to make sure my video is not one sided.

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 04-11-32.png

Oh and how cute, no daily posting limits either. In fact, quite the opposite. I'll definitely be having some fun on this live stream whether you're on with me or not.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am “man” enough to stand by my posts; yes they are plagiarised

Hilarious, you’ve just proved my point!! Is @ipromote your bit too??

You are the scum of steemit. You are one of the reason this place is falling apart. We need more people like themarkymark making a stand. yet no one has any balls, especially the whales. @ned and steemit dont give a shit. No one really does and the fact that themarkymark's services loose money because of his blacklist and yet he still spends hours on building his list. Yet you write trash content and try and take advantage of this platform and talk about his abuse? Check your self before you loose this battle.

I said this before, @ned offered us the tools to govern ourselves like a community which are upvotes and flags. If he gets in and start to take decisions about who is wrong and who is right, the entire Steem will start to look like a centralized model. We should be more efficient in communicating with each other and reaching a consensus. In the rest of the statements, I don't disagree with anything, you are doing a great thing with @buildawhale!

😂😂😂 “Scum”, I guess that makes you a sycophant?

@nicnas evidence, please? All I see is SJW CryBullies virtue signaling their rhetoric, but I see no evidence or facts and I surely see no civility. Remember friend, everything Hitler did was for the greater good as well, from his perspective. No one wakes up in the morning saying "I think I want to do some evil today". People such as you and @themarkymark who presume to have the right to assert false moral authority over everyone else, has been the classic historical problem within humanity even before the advent of the Internet. No tyrant deems themselves a tyrant. Nonetheless, all tyrants must be fought. You've declared war on the Steemit Community and the Steemit Community accepts your declaration.

@themarkymark I'd be curious to see how that would work if the FBI got curious about your racket scam you're doing with your bots? Like for example, if people started reporting you to the FBI via this link:

I'm really curious as to how that goes over. Maybe one day I'll be reading a news headline about you. After all, your racket depends directly on continuing to screw more and more content creators in order for you to keep cashing in on @badcontent. If suddenly that bot were to stop screwing people, your money flow would become greatly reduced. So I really don't see it as likely that you're going to stop, so this means especially as time goes on -- there will be a large number of people who can file complaints against you as long as they are aware that they have this option.

I love spreading awareness about options.

@themarkymark comments like that really don't help the Steemit Community understand why what you're doing is allegedly NOT a criminal offense under US Law. Nor do such replies provide anyone with any quantifiable facts. I'm always happy to learn when I'm wrong. So if I'm wrong, then school me with some facts. Unless of course you have no facts to school me with. Then your response is completely justifiable. In fact, I'd suggest that if you have any facts to provide the Steemit Community that you write an article explaining it. I'll even Re-Steem it.

Now that I’m done laughing, what’s the crime you reporting?

@themarkymnark avoiding a question by asking a question is a classic tactic.

and you are also avoiding the question.
And btw. you posted pictures and wrote that:

Disclaimer: I just found these pictures and gifs on the internet. I didn't make them, I don't own any rights to them, I just downloaded them and decided to share them with you.

So you found the work of other ppl and thought you have to post them to earn money through it? Well I would say that is sth. that is against the law. ;-)
So you are talking about unity of mankind but you are selling the work of other ppl to earn money ... good job man XD

@dera123 if monetizing a social network share of a meme was against the law, then Zuckerberg would be in a lot of trouble. AT BEST if a copyright holder had an issue, it would be copyright infringement and thats at best. This however is not the same thing as plagiarism.

Plagiarism means, to take something that is not yours, and claim that you made it.

Also, if sharing a social media post was against the law, then Facebook users are accomplices to Mark Zuckerberg by default of facilitating the shared content.

So, I've not plagiarized anything. So to claim I have, is a false accusation.

Now lets move onto the next allegation, fraud.

How exactly is sharing my own or any other content, fraud? It is clearly not.

Lastly, scams.

How have I scammed anyone? Did I accept something from people with a promise of a return that was never issued? No.

So AT BEST (but probably not) I MIGHT HAVE (but again, probably not) inadvertently infringed a copyright which is a civil matter, not a federal matter.

So again I will ask:

What did I plagiarize?
What is my fraud?
What scam am I supposedly running?
And how is making more than 7 posts a day "spam" when there is no defined posting limits at all?

@dera123 also if you want to take it to where you took it and act as if I'm being hypocritical, lets turn this back around then in the spirit of fairness:

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 04-46-43.png

@themarkymark is sharing content he did not make, and not just images. He does not own the copyright for the video games he is playing and yet, he is streaming all of those image frames per second of copyrighted game content that he does not own, and earning money from it on Steemit.

Good job, man!

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 05-00-53.png

@themarkymark is no more or less a scammer, spammer or plagorizer than I -- in regards to fair use posting of content on monetized platforms. Milking the system with his bot however, might be another matter. I'm no legal professional and not going to claim to be. But I love asking lots of questions. Especially to people who have answers for me. Its how I learn.

@themarkymnark by the way I've said this in another section but to your credit: for as long as humanity refuses to unite, we deserve war, genocide and domination as a race. Similarly, we here on Steemit deserve your abuse for as long as we're unwilling to unite against it. I view you as an opportunity, not a burden. I'm curious to see whether or not the community has the balls to unite against you and others like you -- or be rightfully and deserving abused and cucked by tyrants as is classic historical failure. So be ruthless. We need the incentive.

Fight plagiarism is beneficial. And all these fighters for the purity of the network just make money on it. The more fighters, the less interesting content and the more impostors earn on regulation of what should not be regulated. These impostors appointed themselves. The only chance is to fight these impostors. Otherwise, the blockchain steem is waiting for a very miserable.

These impostors hide behind themselves, creating empty accounts and voting for their comments. They spamyatsvoimi comments. Look, is not this spam?
A earns from this spam @ipromote

Look at how much he creates garbage comments to clean up his own upvote. A real laundry.

Here is another example of useless spam on which creators earn.
Here he launches his upvotes, @adm

They are their destructive actions that mask the struggle for the purity of content, only destroy the blockchain. I do not use and I do not have to follow its rules. After all, steem is created as a platform for creating many different sites based on it. Different sites with their own rules. And these pests impose their conditions on everyone. On what grounds?

P.S. Now both these manipulators will put me flags, but, it must someone say.

P.P.S. If you want to earn on your upvote, can this be done honestly without damaging the system? For this, there are posts with the tag #sbdgiveaway. Use and do not harm the development of the blockchain, please. Do good deeds, not harm.

@topfindings you do realize that speaking these sorts of truths public might end you up on the badcontent blacklist yourself, right? :) With that said:

everything is plagiarised on the internet and on
people have the right to write whatever they want post whatever they want. thats how steemit should be not facebook. its a free god damn world

@banditqueen by extremist logic, everything basically is plagiarism. To so much as make a cultural reference, is plagiarism. And cultural appropriation if you're not of that culture. That is the extremist mind. Of course the extremist mind also thinks that they can say and do whatever they want, it is simply just that no one else can. It is an elitist mentality. It is classic. It is historic. It is this idea of "purity" and "conformity" that has been the primary driver of everything from two people getting into a fist fight over an ideological discussion, to war and genocide. I personally have little faith in humans, plural. A human I can like. A human I can respect. A human can earn my trust. A human, can be a good moral person. But people are aggressive panicky animals that have a bloodlust they aren't even consciously aware of. The drive to feel a false sense of superiority to over compensate for trauma. Maybe they were beaten as a child? Maybe molested? Maybe they just weren't as popular as they wanted to be and they go through life with a chip on their shoulder. Every person who acts shitty towards others has reasons to justify their behavior. Quite frankly if we're too unenlightened and to addicted to drama to unite in a civil way against tyranny, then we deserve all the war, all the genocide and all of the abuse that people like The Marky Shark can rape us with. And we deserve it as a fair consequence for our gross negligence. I see Marky as an opportunity, not a burden. I'm curious to see whether or not people will unite and use this as an opportunity to improve Steemit, or just let themselves be cucked by Marky and any other elitists who think they reserve the right to push their false sense of moral superiority onto others. We deserve all of the CryBullies, SJWS, Tyrants and War Mongers that are unleashed upon us, if we are going to continue to fail to learn from the mistakes of history.

By the way it's not just in english. I saw people play "steemit police" in german here as well lol.

What’s happening here is an unfortunate side effect of a completely free society. A few people will assign themselves the roll of moral police. What do we do about it? I don’t know... ignore them? If you fight them they win. Never wrestle with a pig, because you both get dirty and the pig likes it.
I dig your content, dude. Keep up the good work. Don’t allow an idiot to ruin your day.

It is necessary to make the business of these impostors unprofitable. Set them back flags. When they become unprofitable, they will stop doing it. They are not for the sake of an idea, they are for the money spoil the entire system.

@topfindings I agree. Right now here are the ways to make it increasingly unprofitable:

#1 - report frauds to proper authorities:

#2 - unity in the community. Everyone that has gotten abused by this scam needs to track each other down, follow each other and support each others work as much as possible. Our COMBINED reputation power will over power nazi dick tators such as The Marky Shark once we have enough numbers. Steemit makes it easy to see exactly who is being abused by this money laundering racket, so it hasn't been difficult to unite.

#3 - support each other on other platforms as well. YouTube, BitChute, etc the list goes on.

United we stand, divided we're cucked.

@dudeboblives I don't think we're seeing a side effect of a completely free society, I think what we see is an attempt at a completely free society that has made the mistakes all non-free societies have always made. For example, the reputation scoring thing. That is not a free society aspect at all. That is an elitist ranking system. A free society would mean if someone is a douchebag, then people reserve the freedom and the right to block them if they wish to, and that no one else gets to make that choice for them. So where as IPFS itself may be completely free societaly, STEEMIT most surely IS NOT. Anything based around a centralized hierarchy is inherently non-free. Though IPFS is a decentralized method of storing and transferring data, this does not automatically imply that everything using this method is magically and by default in a state of freedom.

Now if someone creates a blacklist of some sort and people have the option of opting-in or opting-out, this would be completely fine. But no one can opt-out of @badcontent. Whether anyone likes it or not, if they come across a steemit profile whose content is on this list and they find it annoying that they are getting bogus "beware of spammer" messages every time they view that content -- they have no option what so ever to opt-out of seeing that. Therefore, Steemit is NOT a "free society" and therefore this is not a side effect of a free society, it is business as usual in the usual classic historical tyranny / kakistocracy.

Amazing idea of the post fantastic job


Fantastic job


Amazing idea of the post
