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RE: Blacklist?!?! Is The Steemit Platform Becoming A “Muppet Show?”

in #steemit6 years ago

@dera123 if monetizing a social network share of a meme was against the law, then Zuckerberg would be in a lot of trouble. AT BEST if a copyright holder had an issue, it would be copyright infringement and thats at best. This however is not the same thing as plagiarism.

Plagiarism means, to take something that is not yours, and claim that you made it.

Also, if sharing a social media post was against the law, then Facebook users are accomplices to Mark Zuckerberg by default of facilitating the shared content.

So, I've not plagiarized anything. So to claim I have, is a false accusation.

Now lets move onto the next allegation, fraud.

How exactly is sharing my own or any other content, fraud? It is clearly not.

Lastly, scams.

How have I scammed anyone? Did I accept something from people with a promise of a return that was never issued? No.

So AT BEST (but probably not) I MIGHT HAVE (but again, probably not) inadvertently infringed a copyright which is a civil matter, not a federal matter.

So again I will ask:

What did I plagiarize?
What is my fraud?
What scam am I supposedly running?
And how is making more than 7 posts a day "spam" when there is no defined posting limits at all?


Did I say that your copyright infringements are a federal matter? I just wrote about violating copyrights and you admitted it what else is there to say?

If ppl are stealing the work of others and are also admitting it why shouldn't that be flagged? Is posting the work of others without even giving them credit the right way for a united mankind?

I mean come on, this here is just written because a plagiarizer got banned because he copied the work of others. And is that ok for you from the point of view of a united mankind? An individual who uses the work of another person to earn money without asking for permission or even giving credit? If stealing from others is ok for you then I don' want to be part that

And you are still avoiding the question from @themarkymark: which crime would you report?