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RE: Blacklist?!?! Is The Steemit Platform Becoming A “Muppet Show?”

in #steemit6 years ago

They are using their stake how they see fit. Nobody is being censored, you have the right to post, not to be heard or to earn.

I don't always agree with their actions, but I support their ability to use their stake to try to shape the platform how they wish.

By the way, this was flagged and I still saw it.


We are on the same page a lot today, loved your post by the way.

This was flagged as a result of 87 incoming flags in the last two days from most of the people in the comment sections.

@whatsup using their steak to benefit themselves without screwing others would be fine. But what they are doing is not only abuse by moral standards, but I'd imagine by legal ones as well. This isn't people outbidding each other in the stock market. This is something entirely different.

Plus, the fact that this bot literally edits the view of other peoples posts and makes false claims about them is at best, defamation. Using defamation to harm someone else's continuity while gaining from having done that harm, is at worst, illegal.

I'm not a stocks professional and I'm not a lawyer but this sounds similar to insider trading which is illegal as all hell. Insider trading in essence, is a small group of people using insider knowledge and resources to gain unfair advantage by gaming the system.

Don't get me wrong though, from an objective perspective it is a clever scam. A beautiful fraud. I might even go so far as to say genius. But there is still a difference between criminal genius and someone using their stake as they see fit (legally).

And all of that regulation on trading and money has created a system that people are trying to avoid. Legally.

@whatsup of course it is not a leap of logic to admit that if someone has enough money, the law does not apply to them. No one of the upper ruling class of this world ever goes to jail for anything, murder included. They literally have the entire system bought and paid for.

Guilty until proven wealthy, as I like to call it.

I'm just not sure if Marky Shark is lacking concern about getting caught with his laundering scheme because he's simply just too over competent, or -- if he is one of these top 1% that runs the world so he is literally above the law.

I have no clue who Marky Shark is "in real life".

Get caught for what I ask again?
For blacklisting spammers, plagiarists, frauds and flagging the worst case ones?

If you haven't figured out why you are on the blacklist, it is because you post 7 or more times a day and most all of your post are garbage. Most of your posts are links to third party videos on bitchute and occasionally youtube milking the system with zero effort stolen content or a screenshot of someone else's comment from other sites like below. In fact, your comments here probably account for more of your own words than all your posts combined since December 2017. Many times you post the same damn video 2-5 in a row using a different tag.

The occasional one to five cents you get on a post is still far more than it is worth.

LOL, flagged for being a cuck!

@themarkymark I wasn't aware that more than 7 posts a day was not allowed. Why does the system allow more posts if they are not allowed? Also, everything in your screen shots that you just provided is my original content and I can absolutely prove that. Yes, I syndicate that content on BitChute and other places, which again -- where are the rules against doing so?

Thus far all you've shown me is that you think you feel that you are the judge of what "does and does not suck" for all of humanity and based upon that presumed moral authority, you add people into these bots simply because you personally dislike their content.

Where is it in the Steemit guidelines that @themarkymark must think that "your content isn't crap"? I seem to have missed this someplace. Can you point me to that documentation?

No, all I see is that you feel that you have the right to censor an entire platform based on what your personal tastes are. There is nothing stated that Steemit users must abide by your personal tastes in genre. Who exactly are YOU anyways and what gives YOU legal or any other authority over an entire social media platform and an entire cryptocurrency? Who granted you this authority and where is your proof of this authority? Who exactly are YOU?

I want facts, not the opinions of one person.

I personally love this part where you said "stolen content or a screenshot of someone else's comment from other sites like below" and then you proceed to screen shot my own original content. You simply have just outted yourself as someone who does no research what so ever. Did you even check into who owns the profiles you're claiming I stole from? I do. Did you bother checking into whose content it is I'm posting or who I even am?

I've had my deviantART profile (paradigm-shifting) since 2005. I've done the Paradigm Shift an Educational Comedy video series since 2011. I have more hours of original video (and other) content (as well as my written stuff) than most people would even care to look through because its years of material.

In 5 mins or less you could have figured this out.

So I'm going to issue you a challenge that I know you'll decline.

A live stream, you and me -- on my YouTube Channel to discuss this issue. Full voice and face time.

My real name (which I also do not make a secret of) is Dave Kelso. Nice to meet you.

You can downvote me all you want. You can post ridiculous screen shots and make assumptions about them and pretend they are evidence of things all you want. But I've got provable facts on my side and a willingness to have a real time face to face live stream conversation about this, for all of Steemit and the Internet Community as a whole to see.

Now I'm sure you're going to decline with some reason like "you're not worth my time to bother with blah blah blah" or some cop-out and thats fine. But I'm doing a live stream video about this issue with or without you. You might want to consider joining me to make sure my video is not one sided.

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 04-11-32.png

Oh and how cute, no daily posting limits either. In fact, quite the opposite. I'll definitely be having some fun on this live stream whether you're on with me or not.