SBI Upvotes Report
Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a voluntary crowd-funded basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.
Member Responsibility
It is the responsibility of every Steemian to ensure that tags used are appropriate to their content. If you use SCOT tags and they are not relevant to your content, it may sometimes result in upvote removal, if requested by the leaders of the SCOT community you elected to tag. You will not receive restitution for these removed votes.
@steembasicincome accounts voted
As each upvote is delivered by our automated system, it selects the highest VP account that can deliver the full scheduled upvote value. This visual represents the upvotes that were delivered by @steembasicincome over the last fifteen days, and the table shows the actual % weight of each upvote.
In cases where 33% of pending vote balance is greater than the 100% maximum deliverable upvote from all ten voting accounts, the unvoted amount remains in pending upvote balance until eventual upvote delivery.
STU shown are estimated, and may be different than actual STU at post payout. The 100% upvotes are delivered alongside additional upvotes from our other voting accounts.
author | vote_weight | STU_estimate | permlink |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-01-07-2020-editorial-use-photography-for-steemit-update-032-nature-abstract-10-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-28-06-2020-rushing-snails-a-visual-story-10-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-29-06-2020-yellow-jeep-a-visual-story-27-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-30-06-2020-the-world-of-flowers-a-visual-story-10-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-balancing-the-sunset-a-visual-story-10-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-blue-hour-at-port-aquatory-a-visual-story-9-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-canoe-trip-a-visual-story-24-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-sunset-birds-a-visual-story-11-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-the-art-of-sand-a-visual-story-18-photos |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 2s9lvy-a-couple |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 3aqwfu-baltic-etudes |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 3avwa3-the-ice-queen |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 5u69ki-the-stone |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | 6ixupq-empathy |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | artventure-photocontest-summer-baltic-mood |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | a-winter-dream |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | baltic-dream |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | baltic-wigwams |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | black-and-white-photography-and-art-contest-week-022-9-sbi-prize-pool-submission-post |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | black-and-white-photography-and-art-contest-week-023-9-sbi-prize-pool-submission-post |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | bloody-pattaya |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | bridge-to-heaven |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | burned-to-emerge |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | century-silver-coin-of-china-1850-1949-72-coins-set-replicas-coin-57 |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | century-silver-coin-of-china-1850-1949-72-coins-set-replicas-coin-58 |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | dance-with-me |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | duw3u-orange-fashion |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | i-am-the-blossom |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | in-light-and-shadows |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | let-your-dreams-blossom |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | leviathan |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | qurator-s-photo-friday-133-the-red-dress |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | salt-lake-canyons |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | sanctuary-of-truth |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | soul-of-the-earth |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | split-of-the-mind |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | stop |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | summoning-fire |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | tainted-love |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-days-of-blood |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-flame |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-girl-of-the-universe |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-green-island |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-melody-of-grace |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-queen-of-fire |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-rising-phoenix |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | the-shopping-game-02-07-2020-evening-shopping-at-rimi-stores |
@axeman | 10000 | 0.391 | zemyna |
@axeman | 9966 | 0.389 | ice-soldiers |
@axeman | 9948 | 0.389 | 100-days-of-steem-friday-challenge-how-much-does-your-shopping-cost |
@axeman | 9367 | 0.366 | fashion-girl |
@axeman | 9286 | 0.363 | stairs-of-the-mind |
@axeman | 9266 | 0.362 | 2ugwjt-hold-my-fire |
@axeman | 9111 | 0.356 | 61uknj-sleeping-boats |
@axeman | 8812 | 0.344 | duality |
@axeman | 8676 | 0.339 | 2aqozc-dialogue |
@axeman | 8155 | 0.319 | ways-of-the-mind |
@axeman | 7958 | 0.311 | sailing-sea-of-emotion |
@axeman | 7876 | 0.308 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-city-geometry-and-reflections-a-visual-story-11-photos |
@axeman | 7657 | 0.299 | the-look-into-infinity |
@axeman | 7092 | 0.277 | 6u4s65-tentacles |
@axeman | 4982 | 0.195 | 100-days-of-steem-day-83-wednesday-challenge-this-is-me-a-different-approach-to-wedding |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200620t035621197z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200621t035605022z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200624t032543372z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200625t030452184z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200626t033844349z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200627t040555410z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200628t034040539z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200629t032111099z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200630t023927123z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200701t023348099z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200702t055001283z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200703t033429816z |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | bug-fables-beating-spuder-on-hard-mode |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | bug-fables-fighting-aria-hard-mode |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | bug-fables-venus-guardian-hard-mode |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | evo-smashketball-spongebob-and-thanos-o |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | fire-emblem-3-houses--killing-the-death-knight-on-hard-mode |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | i-got-all-202-platinum-relics-in-crash-bandicoot--caddicarus |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | monsieur-scarlet-hard-mode |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | smash-64-remix-with-yortie-and-mech-1ne-final-destination-first-destination-and-snow-stage- |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | sonic-strawberry-milkshake-chug |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | the-last-of-us-after-just-finishing-tlou2 |
@awesomegames007 | 10000 | 0.391 | the-last-of-us-after-just-finishing-tlou2-pt-2 |
@awesomegames007 | 9069 | 0.354 | doom-isabelle-is-abusive-bro |
@awesomegames007 | 9027 | 0.353 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200619t021159118z |
@awesomegames007 | 8876 | 0.347 | bug-fables--lets-get-this-loser |
@awesomegames007 | 8669 | 0.339 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200623t025612979z |
@awesomegames007 | 8290 | 0.324 | paper-mario-64-hd-textures-project-beta-2-update--nintendo-64-emulator |
@awesomegames007 | 7477 | 0.292 | doom-with-isabelle--i-did-not-get-destroyed |
@awesomegames007 | 6866 | 0.268 | actifit-awesomegames007-20200622t031233604z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | 3qwhc4-fuck-me-friday |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | 4vhqje-stfu-saturday |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | a-balancing-game |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200626t014742494z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200626t235842566z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200629t013954192z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200630t020842222z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200702t015138093z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200703t021534359z |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | not-forgotten |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | thursday-plans |
@davedickeyyall | 10000 | 0.391 | unexpected-workday |
@davedickeyyall | 9966 | 0.389 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200625t020007329z |
@davedickeyyall | 9525 | 0.372 | 4kwady-the-daily-highlight-reel |
@davedickeyyall | 8806 | 0.344 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200620t012149217z |
@davedickeyyall | 8459 | 0.33 | heee-s-baaacck |
@davedickeyyall | 8084 | 0.316 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200621t002102062z |
@davedickeyyall | 7843 | 0.306 | 3spt9v-stfu-saturday |
@davedickeyyall | 7061 | 0.276 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200701t023753880z |
@davedickeyyall | 6340 | 0.248 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200623t013232387z |
@davedickeyyall | 4235 | 0.165 | ftsj9-hits-from-the-bong |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | birdwatcher-log-19-05-20 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-741 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-742 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-743 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-744 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-745 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-746 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-747 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-748 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-749 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-750 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-751 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-752 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-birdwatching-753 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-squirrel-8 |
@ratel | 10000 | 0.391 | wildlife-squirrel-9 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 346404619 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 1574899761 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 1834029834 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 2357915937 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 4345548831 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 4849161124 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 5497884785 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 5640625158 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 5920049956 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 5943433229 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 6748020524 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 7127925978 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 7433202737 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.391 | 7635578251 |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-359-lemons |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-360-caturday |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-361-happy-father-s-day |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-362-mother-and-child |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-363-tree-tuesday |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-364-clouds |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-365-the-beach |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-367-clouds-at-night |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-368-happy-caturday |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-369-feed-me-hooman |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-370-the-fog |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-371-yoda-the-cat |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-372-our-cat-s-name-is-yoda |
@sgbonus | 10000 | 0.391 | ulog-373-cats-in-our-house |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200625t063319044z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200626t074003360z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200627t051913420z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200628t051006088z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200630t071116616z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200701t081055473z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200702t044115191z |
@abbak7 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-abbak7-20200703t045006328z |
@abbak7 | 9873 | 0.386 | actifit-abbak7-20200624t040745628z |
@abbak7 | 8191 | 0.32 | actifit-abbak7-20200620t054256498z |
@abbak7 | 8142 | 0.318 | actifit-abbak7-20200621t061759916z |
@abbak7 | 7279 | 0.284 | actifit-abbak7-20200623t063929057z |
@abbak7 | 6847 | 0.267 | actifit-abbak7-20200622t070717676z |
@abbak7 | 3026 | 0.118 | actifit-abbak7-20200629t065230006z |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-19-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-19-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-21-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-21-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-23-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-23-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-24-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-24-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-26-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-26-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-30-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.391 | 06-30-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-10-january-2018-with-guest-curator-sanmi-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-11-january-2018-with-guest-curator-snook-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-12-january-2018-with-guest-curator-chiefmappster-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-13-january-2018-with-guest-curator-ghulammujtaba-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-14-january-2018-with-guest-curator-simgirl-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-15-january-2018-bonus-edition-with-guest-curator-samiwhyte-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-15-january-2018-with-guest-curator-ecoinstant-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-6-january-2018-with-guest-curator-firedream-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-7-january-2018-with-guest-curator-chiefmappster-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-8-january-2018-with-guest-curator-ecoinstant-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-8-january-2018-with-guest-curator-ghulammujtaba-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.391 | the-daily-sneak-9-january-2018-with-guest-curator-djlethalskillz-hive-189312 |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | double-dragon-trilogy-should-you-buy-it-no |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | earn-your-your-share-of-basic-income-here |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | eletronic-arts-seemingly-gives-up-trying-to-compete-against-steam-and-epic-games |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | is-kretch-tallevor-any-good-splinterlands-under-the-microscope-dec-giveaway |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | linux-caught-me-off-guard-when-i-was-trying-to-get-away-from-windows |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | por-que-nao-temos-renda-basica |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | urgent-steam-news-sacks-of-gems-have-no-value-anymore |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | who-is-the-sexiest-female-in-splinterlands-dec-giveaway |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | windows-10-windows-7-and-linux-back-and-forth |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.391 | zombie-shooter-2-is-a-delightful-isometric-shooter |
@felipejoys | 8606 | 0.336 | software-to-play-local-only-games-in-online-mode-using-windows-7-or-linux |
@felipejoys | 8209 | 0.321 | zenohell-a-bullet-hell-shooter-for-enthusiasts |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | 2020 |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | 5ntwu9-dora-6 |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | blurt-zapata |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | dora |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | dora-6 |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | dora-sbi |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | epicdice-hive-engine |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | ipad-7 |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | kryptogamers-gamer-hive-engine-moon |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | omisego-omg-network |
@glastar | 10000 | 0.391 | paypay |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | asia-s-50-best-bars |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | cocktails-gallery-vol-1 |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | it-s-up-to-you |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | mandarin-oriental-bangkok |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | mocktail-in-a-teapot |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | music-if-life |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | my-beauties |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | one-of-asia-s-50-best |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | safety-matters |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | too-beautiful-to-eat-too-tasty-to-let-it-rot |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.391 | vila-podvin-review |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trailing-update-day-25-68-eff |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-20-50-sbi-shares |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-21-52-sbi-shares |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-22-59-sbi-shares |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-23-59-sbi-shares |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-24-64-sbi-shares |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-26 |
@votebetting | 10000 | 0.391 | trail-update-day-27-99-strong |
@votebetting | 9912 | 0.387 | trail-update-day-19-53-sbi-shares-plus-changes |
@votebetting | 7266 | 0.284 | trail-update-day-18-50-sbi-shares |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | deciphering-a-new-viola-damore-piece |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | duinenmars-kijkduin-the-netherlands |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | kasteel-ammersoyen-ammerzoden-netherlands |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | luna-trial-funds-for-real-staking-on-kucoin-my-thoughts |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | neoverse-an-unexpected-gem-pc-game-review |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | securing-your-lastpass-account-with-2fa |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | splinterlands-card-feature-twisted-jester |
@bengy | 10000 | 0.391 | travel-in-corona-time |
@bengy | 7759 | 0.303 | preparing-a-kerst-diner-gift |
@bengy | 7634 | 0.298 | how-to-cook-a-tortilla |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | cryptobrewmaster-nouveau-jeu-sur-hive |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | l-helicoptere |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | moment-magique |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | piggericks-gains-de-4-cochons |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | regarde-la-nature |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | splinterlands-achat-de-5-packs-untamed |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | steemmonsters-1-pack-untamed-gagne |
@cryptoyzzy | 10000 | 0.391 | wde7phdfwv3 |
@cryptoyzzy | 7642 | 0.299 | degrade-de-couleurs |
@cryptoyzzy | 5342 | 0.209 | fleurs-blanches |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | announcement-winner-gewinner-looking-back-look-forward-3-02 |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | contest-wettbewerb-concurso-looking-back-look-forward-3-02 |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | contest-wettbewerb-concurso-looking-back-look-forward-3-03 |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | how-competitive |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | on-my-way-to-go-but-slow |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | sjoegren |
@wakeupkitty | 10000 | 0.391 | this-is-me |
@wakeupkitty | 9103 | 0.356 | rain |
@wakeupkitty | 8466 | 0.331 | announcement-winner-gewinner-looking-back-look-forward-3-01 |
@wakeupkitty | 2466 | 0.096 | soon-i-ll-travel-again |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-contrabourdon-20200623t092309176z |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-contrabourdon-20200628t091240698z |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-contrabourdon-20200629t090053637z |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | chant-anthony-giamanco-or-the-organist-s-companion-volume-42-no-3-march-2020 |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | gamers-watch-people-play-games-instead-of-playing-so-you-can-watch-me-practising-instead-of-practising-yourself |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | new-demo-of-the-radeker-and-garrels-organ-of-the-magnuskerk-anloo-v2-part-1 |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | organ-recital-or-28th-june-2020-or-james-flores |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | organ-recital-starting-in-30-mins |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.391 | retrospective-organ-recital-or-tunes-on-tuesday-21-november-2017 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 459851353 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 2098191259 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 2478444770 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 2905705458 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 3763061698 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 7862207025 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 7867974364 |
@ghostbanker | 10000 | 0.391 | 8146447105 |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | 3rd-league-germany-uerdingen-vs-chemnitz |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | 3rd-league-germany-week-34-wuerzburg-vs-chemnitz |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | premier-league-2-matches-today |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | premier-league-chelsea-vs-man-city |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | premier-league-crystal-palace-vs-burnley |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | premier-league-liverpool-vs-crystal-palace |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | relegation-1st-bundesliga-bremen-vs-heidenheim |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.391 | relegation-3-liga-verl-vs-lok-leipzig |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | 5dhl68knjy3 |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | 8r94ddt14xl-hive-178091 |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | ayvmj74ybux |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | hy2kpfvdt1u |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | restez-chez-vous-et-faites-un-bonne-action-cleanplanet-votre-bonne-action-recompensee |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | stayin-in-place-and-helping-the-planet-new-way |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.391 | wde7phdfwv3-hive-150210 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-212183 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-213464 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-214523 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-215207 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-217404 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-218744 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-220538 |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-samuel-swinton-20200623t034137264z |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-samuel-swinton-20200624t035301348z |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-submits-cross-chain-with-hive |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | covid19-destroyed-41-of-black-small-businesses--quartz |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | internet-privacy |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | millions-face-income-cliff-next-month-when-extra-600-in-ui-ends |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.391 | us-ranked-worst-for-workers-rights-among-major-economies--bloomberg |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | 3-winners-splinterlands-card-delegation-contest-9 |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | a-little-more-about-chanseus-the-great |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | armorsmith-cute-and-efficient-full-battle-analysis |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | contest-winner-choose-your-theme-and-win-dec-2 |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | ready-to-be-blown-up-my-yodin-is-now-at-max-lvl |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.391 | splinterlands-history-old-cards-new-life-1 |
@felixgarciap | 10000 | 0.391 | my-daily-devotional-a-new-heart-in-christ |
@felixgarciap | 10000 | 0.391 | my-daily-devotional-inherit-the-kingdom-of-god |
@felixgarciap | 10000 | 0.391 | my-daily-devotional-let-s-give-our-lives-for-our-friends |
@felixgarciap | 10000 | 0.391 | my-daily-devotional-the-lord-is-your-god |
@felixgarciap | 9087 | 0.355 | my-daily-devotional-the-heavenly-abode |
@felixgarciap | 3053 | 0.119 | my-daily-devotional-one-in-spirit-and-one-mind-in-christ |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-n1hal-20200619t182950894z |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-n1hal-20200626t134749744z |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-n1hal-20200627t145746196z |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-216227 |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-217583 |
@sinfrancisco | 10000 | 0.391 | bay-area-night-light |
@sinfrancisco | 10000 | 0.391 | beats-traffic |
@sinfrancisco | 10000 | 0.391 | city-slickers |
@sinfrancisco | 10000 | 0.391 | itty-bitty-city-by-the-water |
@sinfrancisco | 10000 | 0.391 | outside-looking-up |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-theb0red1-20200619t065807741z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-theb0red1-20200620t062429263z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-theb0red1-20200625t053228583z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-theb0red1-20200626t060859306z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-theb0red1-20200630t053844738z |
@havok777 | 10000 | 0.391 | latest-randonautica-location-from-trip |
@havok777 | 10000 | 0.391 | mushrooms-found-on-walk-yesterday-after-rain |
@havok777 | 10000 | 0.391 | playing-through-part-of-angel-island-hard-boss-mode-glitch-land |
@havok777 | 9665 | 0.378 | new-music-video-for-random-consumption-out-of-order-by-synthesis-underground |
@havok777 | 9181 | 0.359 | new-collage-soundscape-song-synthesis-underground-metropalypse |
@iamjadeline | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593252901260-s |
@iamjadeline | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593345424001-s |
@iamjadeline | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593497002642-s |
@iamjadeline | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593691599530-s |
@iamjadeline | 8722 | 0.341 | wherein-1593606781749-s |
@liuke96player | 10000 | 0.391 | 4wl4nvwu527 |
@liuke96player | 10000 | 0.391 | g0lloy0l062 |
@liuke96player | 10000 | 0.391 | x6m6p1p8n3l |
@liuke96player | 10000 | 0.391 | zohd0b4vogj |
@liuke96player | 6769 | 0.264 | 25vu5s5weoq |
@erikklok | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-erikklok-20200624t195040317z |
@erikklok | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-erikklok-20200629t194013116z |
@erikklok | 8968 | 0.35 | actifit-erikklok-20200621t185324926z |
@erikklok | 8776 | 0.343 | actifit-erikklok-20200623t183810076z |
@erikklok | 5003 | 0.195 | actifit-erikklok-20200628t173718702z |
@thecrazygm | 10000 | 0.391 | 196543836 |
@thecrazygm | 10000 | 0.391 | 3272163158 |
@thecrazygm | 10000 | 0.391 | comment-please |
@thecrazygm | 10000 | 0.391 | need-replies |
@thecrazygm | 1975 | 0.077 | 7315287308 |
@evernoticethat | 10000 | 0.391 | 2020-the-year-that-changed-everything |
@evernoticethat | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-evernoticethat-20200620t004323604z |
@evernoticethat | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-evernoticethat-20200630t025321236z |
@evernoticethat | 10000 | 0.391 | i-ve-never-given-a-downvote-here-s-why |
@fullcoverbetting | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-fullcoverbetting-20200629t183334502z |
@fullcoverbetting | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-fullcoverbetting-20200630t213853684z |
@fullcoverbetting | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-217184 |
@fullcoverbetting | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-217641 |
@myklovenotwar | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-215099 |
@myklovenotwar | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-215523 |
@myklovenotwar | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-217856 |
@myklovenotwar | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-220514 |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.391 | how-does-being-healthy-in-business-and-in-your-life-help |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.391 | microrrelato-el-pico-de-oro |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.391 | my-top-3-post-in-the-project-hope-community-24-06-2020 |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.391 | my-top-3-project-tope-posts-01-07-2020 |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.391 | bitcoin-bald-bei-paypal |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.391 | brave-browser-news-juni-2020-negativ-schlagzeilen-and-android-update |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.391 | fc-barcelona-fan-token-bar-in-zwei-stunden-ausverkauft |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.391 | tael-airdrop-200-wabi-token-ca-20-euro-fuer-das-erledigen-eines-quizes |
@socalsteemit | 10000 | 0.391 | 24bffp-show-us-your-california-contest-winners |
@socalsteemit | 10000 | 0.391 | 4myhd6-show-us-your-california-contest-winners |
@socalsteemit | 10000 | 0.391 | show-us-your-california-contest-week-80 |
@socalsteemit | 10000 | 0.391 | show-us-your-california-contest-week-81 |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.391 | 64jvra-daily-giveaway-300 |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.391 | daily-giveaway-455 |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.391 | daily-giveaway-456 |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.391 | steembasicincome-closing-update |
@tydebbie | 10000 | 0.391 | 20200620t182749342z |
@tydebbie | 10000 | 0.391 | 20200622t160439505z |
@tydebbie | 10000 | 0.391 | 20200628t012031550z |
@tydebbie | 10000 | 0.391 | baby-shower--20200630t030655875z |
@pingcess | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-211064 |
@pingcess | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-211285 |
@pingcess | 9347 | 0.365 | appics-v1-appics-im-213703 |
@pingcess | 9019 | 0.352 | appics-v1-appics-im-214512 |
@blessed-girl | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-my-diary-game-dia-5-24-06-20-aprovechando-el-agua |
@blessed-girl | 10000 | 0.391 | my-diary-20-de-junio-2020-dia-3-feliz-cumpleanos-a-mi-princesa |
@blessed-girl | 9085 | 0.355 | my-diary-dia-4-21-de-junio-dia-del-padre |
@blessed-girl | 3490 | 0.136 | 100-days-of-steem-my-diary-game-day-7-dia-7-30-06-20-sesion-de-fotos-selfies |
@steemknightsstat | 10000 | 0.391 | steemknightsstat-2020-06-29 |
@steemknightsstat | 10000 | 0.391 | steemknightsstat-2020-07-01 |
@steemknightsstat | 10000 | 0.391 | steemknightsstat-2020-07-02 |
@steemknightsstat | 2470 | 0.096 | steemknightsstat-2020-06-30 |
@tbnfl4sun | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-tbnfl4sun-20200624t003000415z |
@tbnfl4sun | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-tbnfl4sun-20200625t220926603z |
@tbnfl4sun | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-tbnfl4sun-20200701t231449496z |
@tbnfl4sun | 1600 | 0.063 | actifit-tbnfl4sun-20200628t110658712z |
@crypto.piotr | 10000 | 0.391 | 4w2bdz-let-s-discuss-my-recent-idea-on-how-to-bring-more-value-into-steem-blockchain |
@crypto.piotr | 10000 | 0.391 | let-s-discuss-my-recent-idea-on-how-to-bring-more-value-into-steem-blockchain |
@crypto.piotr | 10000 | 0.391 | more-details-revealed-about-our-new-partnership-on-steem-blockchain |
@curationkiwi | 10000 | 0.391 | 1593463632665 |
@curationkiwi | 10000 | 0.391 | 1593665233179 |
@curationkiwi | 10000 | 0.391 | curationkiwi-daily-upvote-log-06-22-2020 |
@curatorcat | 10000 | 0.391 | a-bit-of-early-caturday-fun-from-curator-cat |
@curatorcat | 10000 | 0.391 | curator-cat-says-more-cat-content-is-like-more-cowbell |
@curatorcat | 10000 | 0.391 | quick-and-slightly-artsy-caturday-post |
@freebornsociety | 10000 | 0.391 | how-the-bullies-will-respond |
@freebornsociety | 10000 | 0.391 | mcgruff-the-crime-dog-rip |
@freebornsociety | 10000 | 0.391 | what-antifa-is-what-it-isn-t-and-why-that-matters |
@hashzone91 | 10000 | 0.391 | finally-i-completed-my-first-fiverr-sale |
@hashzone91 | 10000 | 0.391 | get-dofollow-web-2-0-to-rank-your-website-higher |
@hashzone91 | 10000 | 0.391 | index-your-backlinks-fast |
@improv | 10000 | 0.391 | chiming-in |
@improv | 10000 | 0.391 | criminently |
@improv | 10000 | 0.391 | this-is-not-a-photograph |
@itharagaian | 10000 | 0.391 | francophones |
@itharagaian | 10000 | 0.391 | il-devient-quoi-ithara |
@itharagaian | 10000 | 0.391 | les-ecu |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.391 | 391-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-freitag-19-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.391 | 392-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-montag-22-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.391 | 396-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-freitag-26-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@marcosdk | 10000 | 0.391 | interplanetary-file-system-ipfs |
@marcosdk | 10000 | 0.391 | que-es-wax-para-que-se-utiliza-y-como-crear-una-cuenta-con-wax-cloud-wallet |
@marcosdk | 10000 | 0.391 | tokens-breve-introduccion-a-los-valores-digitales-de-moda-ft-nft-nnt |
@owasco | 10000 | 0.391 | owasco-s-favorite-comments-regarding-the-covid-con |
@owasco | 10000 | 0.391 | retribution-country-style-a-freewrite |
@owasco | 10000 | 0.391 | when-neighbors-snitch-on-neighbors |
@summisimeon | 10000 | 0.391 | 2ptecf-martha |
@summisimeon | 10000 | 0.391 | 5ile3h-height-does-matter |
@summisimeon | 10000 | 0.391 | 5qn7py-life-quote |
@minimining | 10000 | 0.391 | 18-one-year-with-trine |
@minimining | 10000 | 0.391 | my-daily-quest-one-legendary-and-gold |
@minimining | 6970 | 0.272 | my-fight-with-twisted-jester |
@helengutier2 | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-dia-festivo-29-06-2020 |
@helengutier2 | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-tengo-cerca-el-covid-19-30-06-2020 |
@helengutier2 | 1560 | 0.061 | 100-dayspf-steem-the-diary-game-un-dia-de-urgencia-02-06-2020 |
@newageinv | 10000 | 0.391 | pokemon-go-digital-fest-details |
@newageinv | 8910 | 0.348 | actifit-newageinv-20200703t021411702z |
@newageinv | 921 | 0.036 | actifit-newageinv-20200701t023050935z |
@newageinv | 707 | 0.028 | precious-metals-portfolio-update |
@accelerator | 10000 | 0.391 | map-rewarder-mapr-payouts-to-delegators-and-price-increase-for-token-holders-for-22-june-2020-21-5-apr |
@accelerator | 10000 | 0.391 | map-rewarder-mapr-payouts-to-delegators-and-price-increase-for-token-holders-for-29-june-2020-21-8-apr |
@adncabrera | 10000 | 0.391 | buscando-mis-temores-poema-y-fotografia |
@adncabrera | 10000 | 0.391 | memoria-un-poema-escrito-en-la-arena |
@alequandro | 10000 | 0.391 | watercolor-attempts-in-photoshop |
@alequandro | 10000 | 0.391 | watercolor-self-portrait-with-in-photoshop |
@athomewithcraig | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-214929 |
@athomewithcraig | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-215758 |
@charjaim | 10000 | 0.391 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-24-06-2020-venezuela-el-juego-del-diario-dios-hazme-sentir-que-todo-estara-bien-para-mi |
@charjaim | 10000 | 0.391 | el-juego-del-diario-dia-1-venezuela |
@city-of-dresden | 10000 | 0.391 | der-evangelist-lukas-an-der-hofkirche |
@city-of-dresden | 10000 | 0.391 | skulptur-der-verlorene-sohn-von-hans-hartmann-mac-lean-1928 |
@cryptocariad | 10000 | 0.391 | happy-spud4steem-day-i-ve-powered-up |
@cryptocariad | 10000 | 0.391 | powering-up-tomorrow-for-spud4steem |
@cryptocopy | 10000 | 0.391 | something-to-think-about |
@cryptocopy | 10000 | 0.391 | who-needs-a-haircut |
@deadzy | 10000 | 0.391 | et-le-jardin-il-en-est-ou |
@deadzy | 10000 | 0.391 | un-rio-de-plus-de-700-sur-steem-tout-en-soutenant-un-super-projet-francophone |
@dm312 | 10000 | 0.391 | completely-shutting-down-steem-account |
@dm312 | 10000 | 0.391 | test1 |
@freedomshift | 10000 | 0.391 | weekly-contest-what-does-today-mean-to-you-win-steem-basic-income-sbi-or-incinboost-shares-and-more-ccc-3-03 |
@freedomshift | 10000 | 0.391 | weekly-contest-what-does-today-mean-to-you-win-steem-basic-income-sbi-or-incinboost-shares-and-more-ccc-3-04 |
@johndoer123 | 10000 | 0.391 | 10-minute-homestead-update |
@johndoer123 | 10000 | 0.391 | man-down-i-got-injured-at-the-homestead |
@madstacks | 10000 | 0.391 | my-weight-loss-blog-36-year-old-man-300-lbs-100-lbs-to-lose-pt-12 |
@madstacks | 10000 | 0.391 | my-weight-loss-blog-36-year-old-man-300-lbs-100-lbs-to-lose-pt-13 |
@paradigmprospect | 10000 | 0.391 | steem-s-price-holding-vs-hive-s-swapping-becomes-more-lucrative-by-the-day |
@paradigmprospect | 10000 | 0.391 | universe-offering-us-a-prime-housesitting-opportunity-or-diary |
@peekbit | 10000 | 0.391 | co2-sucker-post-no-13-do-good-resteem-earn-coco |
@peekbit | 10000 | 0.391 | co2-sucker-post-no-14-do-good-resteem-earn-coco |
@retinox | 10000 | 0.391 | upvote-game-106-1-sbi-9-sbi-jackpot-win-your-lifetime-upvotes-by-sbi-reglas-tambien-en |
@retinox | 10000 | 0.391 | upvote-game-107-1-sbi-10-sbi-jackpot-win-your-lifetime-upvotes-by-sbi-reglas-tambien-en |
@richi0927 | 10000 | 0.391 | la-educacion-virtual-sin-virtualidad |
@richi0927 | 10000 | 0.391 | mi-primer-planta-carnivora |
@scilwa | 10000 | 0.391 | curation-report-steemit-38-for-r2cornell-s-discord-community |
@scilwa | 10000 | 0.391 | curation-report-steemit-39-for-r2cornell-s-discord-community |
@spinvest | 10000 | 0.391 | compounding-growth-to-riches |
@spinvest | 10000 | 0.391 | spinvest-get-rich-slowly |
@suedoenym | 10000 | 0.391 | on-this-day-in-history-20-june-1942 |
@suedoenym | 10000 | 0.391 | the-great-toilet-paper-shortage-of-2020 |
@tggr | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-211595 |
@tggr | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-216228 |
@thedarkhorse | 10000 | 0.391 | interesting-and-disappointing |
@thedarkhorse | 10000 | 0.391 | thoughts-on-my-marketing |
@themightyvolcano | 10000 | 0.391 | all-the-pointy-things-anytime-tournament-champion |
@themightyvolcano | 10000 | 0.391 | the-largest-dcity-ever |
@tonyz | 10000 | 0.391 | brand-new-skatepark-amsterdam |
@tonyz | 10000 | 0.391 | old-boat |
@tyrnannoght | 10000 | 0.391 | tyrnannoghtupdates20200622-202006221058138230 |
@tyrnannoght | 10000 | 0.391 | tyrnannoghtupdates20200628-202006281723295154 |
@wonderwop | 10000 | 0.391 | day-978-freewrite-thursday-prompt-early-gift |
@wonderwop | 10000 | 0.391 | weekend-freewrite-06-27-2020-single-prompt-option-lost-cat |
@zord189 | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593149738756-s |
@zord189 | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1593162417554-s |
@louis88 | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-214022 |
@louis88 | 9868 | 0.385 | appics-v1-appics-im-214267 |
@marblely | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-marblely-20200626t154520495z |
@marblely | 9699 | 0.379 | actifit-marblely-20200701t141741815z |
@bewithbreath | 10000 | 0.391 | burning-all-my-lotus-earning-for-july-2020 |
@bewithbreath | 9391 | 0.367 | one-of-the-basic-yet-profound-chanting-prayer-and-its-meaning |
@netizens | 10000 | 0.391 | test |
@netizens | 8926 | 0.349 | ibmzn-test |
@animeshsingh452 | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-animeshsingh452-20200630t183221197z |
@animeshsingh452 | 4792 | 0.187 | actifit-animeshsingh452-20200627t193309672z |
@jaynie | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-220828 |
@jaynie | 4668 | 0.182 | appics-v1-appics-im-221050 |
@chrisparis | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-chrisparis-20200630t190943130z |
@chrisparis | 4154 | 0.162 | actifit-chrisparis-20200623t191606748z |
@franciscana23 | 8102 | 0.316 | deliciosa-ensalada |
@franciscana23 | 5487 | 0.214 | el-tiempo-es-ahora |
@team-ccc | 8289 | 0.324 | contest-what-does-ccc-mean-to-you-3-03 |
@team-ccc | 4980 | 0.195 | contest-what-does-ccc-mean-to-you-2-04 |
@riverflows | 10000 | 0.391 | being-home-in-the-garden |
@riverflows | 2984 | 0.117 | the-new-chook-house-p1 |
@diogosantos | 10000 | 0.391 | how-much-sleep-do-you-actually-need |
@diogosantos | 1241 | 0.048 | use-of-mask-5-tips-to-take-care-of-your-skin |
@achim03 | 10000 | 0.391 | exchange-steem-into-tron-or-btc-without-kyc |
@adalger | 10000 | 0.391 | reminder-amazing-nature-community-located-in-hive |
@andrewgenaille | 10000 | 0.391 | ghost-effect |
@andrewharland | 10000 | 0.391 | honest-question |
@angelica7 | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-220816 |
@athunderstruck | 10000 | 0.391 | new-100-iv-purified-and-general-updates-some-new-shiny-encounters-too |
@braaiboy | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-211867 |
@byzantinist | 10000 | 0.391 | splinterlands-a-guide-to-rulesets-v2-0 |
@cgames | 10000 | 0.391 | actifit-cgames-20200702t011442269z |
@creationofcare | 10000 | 0.391 | is-this-platform-still-running |
@cyemela | 10000 | 0.391 | steemit-blog-part-03-riots-riots-riots |
@d00k13 | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-219335 |
@dabeckster | 10000 | 0.391 | painting-the-pandemic |
@dauerossi | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-219223 |
@derekrichardson | 10000 | 0.391 | my-california-the-silliman-crest |
@dinglehopper | 10000 | 0.391 | draw-this-in-your-style-challenge-10-fireman |
@dmilliz | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-221499 |
@enrique89 | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-220471 |
@forykw | 10000 | 0.391 | historical-moment-you-can-now-exchange-steem-for-hive-1-1-at-current-prices |
@giddyupngo | 10000 | 0.391 | earn-usd9-in-comp-on-coinbase-earn-now |
@gjart | 10000 | 0.391 | gjart-s-third-album-out-now |
@hedidylan | 10000 | 0.391 | too-hot-to-go-outsite |
@ijmmai | 10000 | 0.391 | comment-over-reward-it-works |
@insaneworks | 10000 | 0.391 | despite-the-heat-still-alive |
@itravelarts | 10000 | 0.391 | give-me-wings-let-me-fly |
@jadams2k18 | 10000 | 0.391 | the-laundry-short-fictional-story-traducida |
@jensvoigt | 10000 | 0.391 | hase-freischneidearbeiten-und-schoene-ansichten |
@jingyu | 10000 | 0.391 | jesie-and-his-code-name |
@josueelinfame | 10000 | 0.391 | reaccion-de-animes-shingeki-no-kyogin |
@justlee87 | 10000 | 0.391 | justlee87-buzz-i27mnewhere21i27veused-1593490070-km5h1e7p |
@juwel2018 | 10000 | 0.391 | stemmmonster-session-end-of-the-day-share-my-card |
@khan.dayyanz | 10000 | 0.391 | good-bye-steem |
@lammbock | 10000 | 0.391 | wieder-da-examenspruefungen-sind-erstmal-geschafft |
@liubao | 10000 | 0.391 | 20200703t052543311z |
@luzeroc4 | 10000 | 0.391 | ludonopoly |
@mastergerund | 10000 | 0.391 | czvqy-daily-quest-reward-gold-i |
@minhaz007 | 10000 | 0.391 | got-a-rare-gold-this-time |
@morningshine | 10000 | 0.391 | wherein-1592665030529-s |
@nathen007 | 10000 | 0.391 | just-wondering |
@naturalmedicine | 10000 | 0.391 | we-ve-moved |
@nyarlathotep | 10000 | 0.391 | forbidden-fruit |
@onelovedtube | 10000 | 0.391 | jr73dbpb48c-hive-134220 |
@phillarecette | 10000 | 0.391 | gratin-d-aubergine-au-bleu |
@quantumdeveloper | 10000 | 0.391 | the-mandelbrot-set-and-how-to-make-it |
@r2cornell | 10000 | 0.391 | additional-rules-for-hive-152200-community-subscribers |
@rayshiuimages | 10000 | 0.391 | guam-where-america-s-day-begins |
@robtheranger | 10000 | 0.391 | dzvuhgbxiw3 |
@samsemilia7 | 10000 | 0.391 | 4p64qd-splinterlands-season-reward-champion-iii |
@sbi10 | 10000 | 0.391 | ckxmc-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi2 | 10000 | 0.391 | 5hwfwa-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi3 | 10000 | 0.391 | jvxak-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi4 | 10000 | 0.391 | 7kd3cr-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi5 | 10000 | 0.391 | 2rw5nr-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi6 | 10000 | 0.391 | mmel9-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi7 | 10000 | 0.391 | 5tiar3-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi8 | 10000 | 0.391 | 5om9ak-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi9 | 10000 | 0.391 | 2dggkm-sbi-upvotes-report |
@senorcoconut | 10000 | 0.391 | garlic-mustard-processing-it-for-pesto-and-horseradish |
@skramatters | 10000 | 0.391 | life-after-steem |
@ssg-community | 10000 | 0.391 | has-anyone-missed-my-boringpostwednesday-s-is-it-july-already |
@steembasicincome | 10000 | 0.391 | i3mke-outgoing-votes-report |
@steemitguide | 10000 | 0.391 | phemex-review-a-fast-growing-and-disruptive-cryptocurrency-exchange |
@taskmaster4450 | 10000 | 0.391 | hive-monthly-distribution-report-through-6-30-2020-whales-are-losing-power |
@teenagecrypto | 10000 | 0.391 | these-carnivorous-plants-are-doing-great |
@theoutlaw | 10000 | 0.391 | tael-airdrop-200-wabi-token-ca-20-euro-fuer-das-erledigen-eines-quizes |
@trucklife-family | 10000 | 0.391 | what-do-you-see |
@vegeta | 10000 | 0.391 | appics-v1-appics-im-216561 |
@vida-blanca | 10000 | 0.391 | music-for-steem-week-4-vida-blanca-takeo-watanabe-baile-de-ensueno | | 10000 | 0.391 | new-logo |
@wongbraling | 10000 | 0.391 | my-birthday-on-steem |
@xuanphuc98 | 10000 | 0.391 | su-gap-go-vo-tinh |
@yeceniacarolina | 10000 | 0.391 | spanish-city-lluvia-de-deseos-iniciativa-un-deseo-para-mi-y-muchos-para-ustedes |
@ylich | 10000 | 0.391 | de-la-vida-la-pasion-y-de-la-muerte-libro-electronico-para-ti |
@cryptocurrencyhk | 9786 | 0.382 | paypal |
@jeezzle | 8739 | 0.341 | it-s-got-something-to-do-with-young-men-killing-each-other |
@chunkysoupsvc | 8634 | 0.337 | actifit-chunkysoupsvc-20200619t062704194z |
@brwhale | 8577 | 0.335 | schumann-resonance-today-06-21-2020 |
@sunravelme | 8321 | 0.325 | 6f7un1-working-title-msp-creative-writing-curation |
@querdenker | 7485 | 0.292 | ein-neuer-meilenstein-reputation-60-sind-erreicht-danke-a-new-milestone-reputation-60-is-reached-thanks |
@querdenker | 820 | 0.032 | erdbeerhof-warnsdorf-ostsee-schleswig-holstein-naehe-scharbeutz-bei-karls-erlebnisdorf-erdbeerhof-german-english-hive-181925 |
@mariannewest | 7661 | 0.299 | the-3-prompt-weekend-freewrite-6-20-2020 |
@hlezama | 7612 | 0.297 | stranded-robot-or-inktober52-prompts-21-23 |
@curart38 | 6756 | 0.264 | street-art-fest-2020-snek |
@vcclothing | 6194 | 0.242 | trying-out-some-astro-photography |
@pizzaboy77 | 5646 | 0.221 | ok-boomer |
@reddragonfly | 5482 | 0.214 | one-year-since-we-closed-shop |
@niallon11 | 5463 | 0.213 | actifit-niallon11-20200623t222602622z |
@francyrios75 | 5218 | 0.204 | tutorial-making-a-lady-s-long-sleeve-blouse-step-by-step-tutorial-confeccion-de-una-blusa-de-dama-manga-larga-paso-a-paso |
@simonjay | 4920 | 0.192 | steem-diary-entry-26-23-6-2020 |
@shanghaipreneur | 4719 | 0.184 | apple-should-reduce-30-commission-fees-for-the-app-store |
@kgwork | 4421 | 0.173 | un-recorrido-por-ccs |
@futuremind | 4222 | 0.165 | bean-plant-update | | 3818 | 0.149 | hobodao-contest-38-of-50-contests |
@miyata1987 | 3053 | 0.119 | dead-for-covid-19-vs-dead-for-hunger-argentina-2020 |
@mariita52 | 3046 | 0.119 | bienvenidos-a-la-comunidad-steem-greet-comunidad-para-los-nuevos-en-steem-programa-pro-minnow-achievement-y |
@simplegame | 2760 | 0.108 | splinterlands-left-steem |
@der-prophet | 2758 | 0.108 | appics-v1-appics-im-214283 |
@travelfeed | 2670 | 0.104 | asia-weekly-round-up-122 |
@michelangelo3 | 2528 | 0.099 | frische-luft-teil-2 |
@pompe72 | 2319 | 0.091 | actifit-pompe72-20200623t191748063z |
@ketcom | 2212 | 0.086 | corona-virus-update-and-my-spliterlands-report |
@d-zero | 1886 | 0.074 | chainlegends-blockchain-mmorpg-exclusively-on-steem |
@lighteye | 1728 | 0.068 | veleizdaja-i-tekhnike-izborne-kradje-u-srbiji |
@arunava | 1627 | 0.064 | actifit-arunava-20200623t180305905z |
@backinblackdevil | 1620 | 0.063 | appics-v1-appics-im-214266 |
@amalinavia | 1382 | 0.054 | ya-vernulas-sama-v-shoke-ot-etogo |
@manimore | 1237 | 0.048 | 1658 |
@jayna | 1170 | 0.046 | actifit-jayna-20200622t045739786z |
@soteyapanbot | 1029 | 0.04 | son-24-saatte-oylanan-yazilar---soteyapanbot---23062020 |
@mimismartypants | 1012 | 0.04 | actifit-mimismartypants-20200623t203359940z |
@smokingfit | 958 | 0.037 | actifit-smokingfit-20200623t201348655z |
@successforall | 936 | 0.037 | zero-carbon-project-an-eco-friendly-crypto-and-blockchain-use-case-a-way-to-reduce-your-electricity-bill |
@leoplaw | 903 | 0.035 | sunday-portrait-drawing-session |
@ajaygautam621 | 854 | 0.033 | gun-game-standoff |
@welshstacker | 803 | 0.031 | another-successful-day-crash-and-burnt |
@marpa | 802 | 0.031 | 100-days-of-steem-dia-78-desafio-de-viernes-cuanto-cuestan-mis-compras |
@practicaleric | 780 | 0.03 | actifit-practicaleric-20200623t202720825z |
@fleur | 777 | 0.03 | 23-6-20-poppies-in-all-sorts-of-colours |
@prydefoltz | 737 | 0.029 | garden-in-my-lens-haiku-digital-art-and-photography |
@forecasteem | 734 | 0.029 | 2020-06-23-updown-upbit-steem |
@steemhunt | 708 | 0.028 | daily-top-10-hunts-on-steemhunt-23-jun-2020 |
@ahmadmanga | 697 | 0.027 | my-relationship-with-game-guides-what-s-yours |
@jeffjagoe | 689 | 0.027 | 6ktg5x1rq0x |
@elsiekjay | 655 | 0.026 | t-minus-8-days-to-dtube-s-independent-blockchain-launch-ready |
@lyon89 | 655 | 0.026 | watch-out-trap-type-beat-produced-by-lyon89 |
@justyy | 649 | 0.025 | reseting-the-token-of-the-steemit-discord-bot |
@singa | 647 | 0.025 | fancy-wool-and-linen-fantasies |
@bo022022 | 645 | 0.025 | wherein-1592921714818-s |
@mrnightmare89 | 643 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-214039 |
@kevmcc | 641 | 0.025 | insectoid-alien |
@grimjim | 640 | 0.025 | woko-s-basiwisk |
@chireerocks | 639 | 0.025 | anger-of-nature |
@drugelis | 638 | 0.025 | actifit-drugelis-20200622t205049089z |
@theholystuhl | 637 | 0.025 | 6000-years-history-of-money-in-5-minutes-explained-by-dr-kristian-stuhl-for-the-blockchaintemple-theholystuhl-ths-cryptocurrency |
@shuvo35 | 636 | 0.025 | 8iowg252rrl |
@tormus1958 | 635 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-213659 |
@mysearchisover | 634 | 0.025 | shaky-steem-bearish-hive-predictions-897 |
@uruguru | 634 | 0.025 | ly7reqftxcy |
@jyoti-thelight | 633 | 0.025 | seashore-scenery |
@shinersfamily | 632 | 0.025 | this-god-what-shall-i-render-to-him |
@aniestudio | 630 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-214241 |
@voclab | 629 | 0.025 | strife-for-more-do-not-settle-for-less |
@jodipamungkas | 628 | 0.025 | bcncg4gwdr7 |
@goodmemories | 535 | 0.021 | actifit-goodmemories-20200622t045637471z |
@yasu | 514 | 0.02 | kates-choice |
@ramsesuchiha | 512 | 0.02 | jhon-case-part-2-or-best-options-to-invest-your-money |
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