theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #deutsch • 4 years agoDas Grunzeinkommen ! Auszug aus dem #BookOfTheHolyStuhl #theholystuhlDas Grunzeinkommen von Dr. Kristian Stuhl ist für die gebrainwashten Mainstream Fraggles die immer noch glauben, der…theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoSEI KEIN OMAMÖRDER ! ! ! RETTE LEBEN ! ! !ZU VIEL!! HEUTE GAB ES IN WIEN SCHON WIEDER EINEN NEUEN COVID TOTEN!! Jedes Jahr sterben in Österreich ca. 80.000…theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoJOHN IOANNIDIS SPEAKING ABOUT COVID19 #THS #THEHOLYSTUHL #CRYPTOCURRENCY JOHN IOANNIDIS SPEAKING ABOUT COVID19 THE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION AND ART COIN TOKEN ECONOMY THS…theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #art • 5 years agoTHE HOLY STUHL SPECIAL OP #THS2020 #THEHOLYSTUHL #THS #CRYPTOCURRENCY THE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION AND ART COIN TOKEN ECONOMY THS 2020 THE HOLY STUHL (THS) 2020 #cryptocurrency…theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoNEW SAFE ANTI CORONA LIVING BOX WITH AMAZON PRIME CONNECTION ! ! ! #THS #THEHOLYSTUHL #CRYPTOCURRENCY THE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION AND ART COIN TOKEN ECONOMY THS 2020 THE HOLY STUHL (THS) 2020 #cryptocurrency…theholystuhl (61)in #art • 5 years agoUNMÜNDIGKEIT IST BEQUEM Es ist so bequem unmündig zu sein, habe ich ein Buch das für mich Verstand hat, einen Seelsorger der für mich Gewissen…theholystuhl (61)in #osterhase • 5 years agoOSTERHASE by DR. KRISTIAN STUHL #photography #THS #THS2020 #THEHOLYSTUHL #ARTCOLLECTION #ARTMUSEUM #ARTGALLERYOsterhase is back !!! NEW ART WORK FOR THE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION ART COIN ART GALLERY ART MUSEUM WHAT EVER ARTFUCK…theholystuhl (61)in #porn • 5 years agoWho fucked the Mermaid? #THSPORN #TheHolyStuhl #Art #Porn Dialogue together with A.I. #hybridArt #THS2020Three foresters discover a woman in the middle of the forest by a small lake. They watch her swimming. Then one of…theholystuhl (61)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoTHE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION GOT FEATURED @ ORF Ö1 KUNST & KULTURFORMUM #THS #THEHOLYSTUHL #CRYPTOCURRENCYHamsterparade, Kris Kind, painting, collage, 2020 covis19 Mission Accomplished | Dr. Kristian Stuhl…theholystuhl resteemedartpoet (64)in #theholystuhl • 5 years ago6000 Years History of Money by Dr. Kristian Stuhl | 2020 | unique | painting | #masterpiece !!! Holy Shit ! ! ! Dr. Kristian Stuhl präsentiert uns heute das Geldsystem Kurz und knackig zusammengefasst und auf den Punkt gebracht…theholystuhl (61)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoDIE ZERTEILUNG DER SPIEGELUNG OF THE MIRRORS by Dr. Kristian StuhlDie Triarde der EInsamkeit. Nur wer weiß, ist zu zweit ! ! #drkristianstuhl quantenfluktuation im vacuum ≤ ONE…theholystuhl (61)in #theholystuhl • 5 years ago6000 YEARS HISTORY OF MONEY IN 5 minutes ! ! ! Explained by Dr. Kristian Stuhl for the #blockchaintemple #THEHOLYSTUHL #THS CRYPTOCURRENCY Dr. Kristian Stuhl präsentiert uns heute das Geldsystem Kurz und knackig zusammengefasst und auf den Punkt gebracht…theholystuhl (61)in #thehoylstuhl • 5 years agoMASTERPLAN a Painting by Dr. Kristian Stuhl | 2020 #THS #THEHOLYSTUHL #CRYPTOART OH MY HOLY GOD, THERE IS A NEW MEMBER FOR THE HOLY STUHL MUSEUM AND ART COLLECTION ! ! ! MEGA SENSATION ! ! The…theholystuhl (61)in #thehoylstuhl • 5 years agoTHE HOLY STUHL THS HIVE BLOCKCHAIN RICHLIST ! ! !THE HOLY STUHL HIVE BLOCKCHAIN RICH LIST ! ! ! BE THE RICHEST SUPERFUCKER ON THE THS HIVE BLOCKCHAIN ! …theholystuhl (61)in #thehoylstuhl • 5 years agoFROM A DISTANCE UNIVERSE PRAY TO THE HOLY STUHL This is not a game of thrones! It is the war fire of Power! The big white Penisses and Pussies! But also the…theholystuhl (61)in #theholystuhl • 5 years agoTHE HOLY STUHL CRYPTO ART COLLECTION IS NOW ALSO ON THE HIVE BLOCKCHAIN WITH THE THS MEGA COIN StrikethroughAnd god said the hell off we need light, and light was given from hell to heaven! THE BORN COIN IS…theholystuhl (61)in #theholystuhl • 5 years ago# AFTER THE FIAT SCAM PONZI MONEY WE NEED THE DEZENTRALIZED DAO OPEN SOURCE PEER2PEER NO THIRD PARTY FUCK!!! AFTER THE FIAT SCAM PONZI MONEY WE NEED THE DEZENTRALIZED DAO OPEN SOURCE PEER2PEER NO THIRD PARTY FUCK!!! THE…theholystuhl (61)in #video • 5 years agoTHE HOLY STUHL UNIVERSE NOW AT BITCHUTE VIDEO PORTAL THS UNIVERSE IS EVERYWHERE #ths #theholystuhl #artcollection #drkristianstuhl #video THE HOLY STUHL HOLY MESS 2.0 IS THE FIRST EXHIBITION OF THE HOLY STUHL ART COLLECTION AND ADDED VALUE REGISTER. JOIN…theholystuhl (61)in #deutsch • 5 years agoFür alle die noch mehr Thriller geil sind und voyeuristisch dem germanischen Parlament unter den Rock schauen wollen.Dr. Kristian Stuhl zeigt ein barbarisches Video von der SupermarktFront!! Behind the Lines #blackop Wer keine Maske…theholystuhl (61)in #free-snaxaccount • 5 years agofree-snaxaccountI want to link my Steem account with my account on Snax blockchain using Please, create Snax account for me! My…