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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I almost shit myself when I saw this, 6.7% of the reward pool alone.


I just shit myself, too @themarkymark... because that would also suggest that 6% of the collective voting power applied as FLAGS would be needed to bring this back to even a reasonable level.

that's 6.7% after it has already been flagged pretty heavily by @grumpycat, it was higher prior.

Sometimes, usually when someone gets the last slice of turkey on Thanksgiving.

@Berniesanders, you are what we in Australia call a real cunt. If you do not like and appreciate what he does for all of us then just move on.
Go get a life but then again your life must really suck if you have to go around and try and degrade every one around you. I say it again, YOU ARE A CUNT

Seriously? You just flagged a really old post of mine (this post) but didn't leave a comment at all. I actually think @haejin is your own account, but you refer to it in the third person; Guess you are also not very honest. I don't want to mix myself in any other war happening here, but you also seem to lack respect with the language you use in the comment just above.

maybe everybody who disagees with your opinion is an account originally owned (and controlled) by @haejin and its all a giant conspiracy with the single goal to keep you busy while we all (maybe we are all @haejin and there is no Internet community at all) take the rewards that actually you deserve?
And dont forget: this account is also originally owned and controlled by @haejin, because all this guy does is create accounts and spent all day ever day in front of the computer, just to downvote you, because @haejin is really controlled by your insane ex-wife looking for revenge ;)

Not sure why you spend the time writing this comment, without further looking into it (I simply dont care), you seem to be flagged looking at your rep being below 25. You also become very perosnall while not knowing me at all; Do I have an ex-wife? BTW, flagging someone means also explaining why the flag was placed; That this user didn't do at all. And BTW, flagging an post older than 7 days doesnt mean anything at Steemit. Anyways, wish you a happy upplaying of all those who gets flagged, and downplaying of all those who try to get some honesty and foremost respect back into our community. Happy X-Mas.

wow your great with math....your a genius.....


Im jealous when someone takes the last turkey leg ! Mm mm delicious !😋😋😋😋🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗
This Turkey really knows how to Twerk !!😂

Thanks ! LOL ! I love this Twerky Turkey !!😂😂😂

It is showing wrong rewards. The actual was about 2% and after grumpycat and adm downed, it became about 1.2~ of total reward pool.

Yeah, I noticed that's bugged. Last time I checked it became 1,200% of the reward pool.

Given that you and others were irate about one person raking 6% of the reward pool now shown to be just over 1% I have 2 questions.

Was there ever a target to knock @haejin down to when 6% was deemed too high?
With the revelation of his take being 1.2% how low is low enough?

It's already revealed to be about one fifth the original estimate meaning the flaggers are not satisfied with an 80% reduction from the original alarming number.

wow ..1 guy ...6% of the rewardpool? That cant be right..

He deserves it if that's what he's getting. nobody was saying anything when his posts were making $5 or $20, then he got a whale behind him and now they are worth hundreds each. Haejin has not changed his behavior and has not done anything wrong, why should he be penalized? He is educating people and making them a lot of money.

I must admit that I agree with your above statement. It's clear that Haejin is making quality content and he deserves to be rewarded. I also think it's good that this is out in the open and we're having critical discussion about it. That's indicative of a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how best to solve this problem. Or maybe it is not a problem at all?

Unfortunately this is not a critical discussion - the way I see it is that some people are jealous of Haejin getting higher rewards than them. If they really wanted to address a problem, they shouldn't blame on Haejin for abusing the ecosystem of steem. He hasn't broken any rule and that says it all. If the ecosystem needs a change - well, that's another discussion and I believe it is needed. But simply castigating and shouting loudly that Haejin is doing something wrong while he isn't, shows a very low level of morality. Yeah, I am talking about you, berniesanders and your crowd of hate-infested trolls.

Where is the critical discussion?? All I see are hidden posts

Eh, well it wasn't like this last night. And this thread does bring up some good points of which I personally wasn't previously aware.

dont care how much he make. I care about that its 6% of the rewardpool?


Well, could there be something built in that once you hit a threshold for posts within a 24 hour period that you then can't get payouts for posts beyond the limit?

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong. He's really not doing anything wrong and if people have a problem with what's happening, it seems to me that it's a greater issue with Steemit and rewards and voting in general.

And he is an extremely valuable person in the Steemit community and has really created tremendous positive change for a lot of people, including myself.

thanks for your reply.

I also dont see him doing anything wrong its just again One person gets 6% of the rewardpool? I thought we are here with 30k active users? That can not be okay if you ask me..

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong.

Agree, people just need to stop give him massive upvotes. No flags needed :)

Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool. Although i can not complain with the current SBD prices :)

Time to smoke


Well, steemit is more of a capitalist than a communinist ecosystem. Therefore, I don't think that we need strict rules such as ''you may or may not up vote that person'' - this is the definition of a police state which is one step closer to a dictatorship.

''Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool.''
While I agree with you on this one, I will add that these people need better posts and/or marketing in order to benefit from the rewardpool. Again, capitalism works this way. If you need a communist ecosystem then rules need to be changed (I quite like the idea of anarchysalis where each user has some threshold).

I try to figure out what exactly is going on here and who is right. You post seems to make sense. I first need more information about how steem exactly work to know what side to follow.

agreed. unless there's foul play involved.. he's just a guy with a lot of support. i might be wrong because 6% does seem a little high. i would love to see someone post exactly how any one person can get there. rather than flagging just because he's getting rich..

Where are you finding this information?

!!!!!!! 48,000 in rewards? ?!?!?!!?!?!? that is insane man seriously that's a year salery senior position in whatever.. man that's unreal

@themarkymark I just pulled my witness vote from you. Just because you don't find value in Haejin's content doesn't mean that it isn't valuable.

I never said it wasn't, but it certainly isn't $200,000+ /week valuable (and far more once the weekly average kick in, that was 7-day average but only 2 days of real votes), the real number is going to be in the hundreds of thousands.

If you think one person should be getting that many rewards by spamming 10+ posts a day and getting $250 upvotes, I'm ok with losing that vote.

He's already up to 56K+/week and will be around 300K/week once he has received 7 days worth of votes.

You may be ok with that, but 99.9% of Steem isn't likely.

I am no expert on how Steemit works but this seems to be more of a problem of @rancherorelaxo abusing their power/vote rather than a problem with Haejin. I have no idea who that account represents but there is a community of users who have come to Steemit solely to read Haejin's material.

This also highlights the problem that we have in society at large where more money leads to more influence. If Steemit wants to be a more egalitarian place then perhaps there should be a change made where voting power peaks after some amount of SP and then only increases at a much reduced rate. How many of those people in Power would willingly vote to give up some of their power to create a fairer system?

First off, I didn't flag him. I only presented data I dug up.
Second, flagging is a tool like upvotes, the community decides the value of a payout. If something is too high, people can flag it (really downvote) if it is too low, people can upvote it. That's how Steemit was designed.

One person getting 300,000 USD/week from one person for posting charts seems a bit out of whack. I have no idea how good or bad his material is, but posting 10+ times a day for $250+ is not something Steemit community is favorable to.

I also have the question if it is the same person doing the voting. I find it difficult to believe someone with 3M USD stake decides to reward on and only one person all his rewards.

Again, I just presented the information and my opinion, all your buddies decided to downvote me and threaten my life and threaten to dox me. Sounds like real winners.

I appreciate you putting the data out there. I have no affiliation with anyone who makes threatening comments. Violence is not my way.

So if i understand right, this "whale" give 300K a week to him for posting charts? If its the money of this whale, where exactly is the problem? I not get it...

We all share a reward pool, and one person getting 8%+ of it isn't healthy. Especially for low effort content being boosted by one person. If I started to use my 2M SP to just pump my content to $450 posts 10+ times a day, people would be pissed.

Can you explain what the graphs above represents?

The graphs are pie charts of 3 different posts and who gave how much reward breakdown.

Who the hell is @ranchorelaxo? 3 million USD of Steem has a lot of power, apparently.
Two posts and 1 comment in 7 months. @ned seems to have taken notice.

I see i must learn a lot more about how steem works...

sad, just sad