Moving to hivesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Fuck you Justin, we're moving to Hive.

Fuck Justin Sun


@ranchorlaxo look like a noob whale but given how inactive he's been with his stake I think he deserve some patience and respect.

AFAIK this initiative is jumping the gun assuming bad faith or collusion.

I'm personally not a fan of technical analysis but no doubt people might believe in it given the insane global bull trend that's been happening in all alts.

IMO predicting 28$ SBD knowing the underlying fundamentals of the peg is irresponsible if not borderline criminal.

Like saying USDT will pump to 2.00 USD... No amount of technical analysis will make that sound remotely sane.

Looking a bit at this, I'm tentatively inclined to agree with you @transisto.

In looking at a sampling of @haejin's posts from about a week ago and earlier, what I see is this:
A prolific crypto analysis poster.
5300 followers... but only follows a few hundred (pretty normal for a content creator)
Average rewards in the $20-35 range.
Typically about 200-250 upvotes per post.
Typically about 10-20 comments per post.
Typically about 3000+ views per post.... whoa... hang on... 3000+ views???

Hardly ANYBODY on Steemit averages 3000 views per post.

Anyway, if we just leave that alone, it's the posting profile of a busy Steemian with a well-developed following. As a content creator, if each of my posts brought 3000 views here, I'd damn well hope I'd be getting $25-35 a post!

Has a web site; has a very active twitter with 9,500 followers. Posts all his Steemit posts to his twitter feed (external promotion of Steemit).

ONLY THING that has changed is the sudden 100% upvotes from an account with 1.3 million SP starting 3 days ago. An account that doesn't upvote a damn thing, otherwise. And has been largely dormant for months. That part is a bit suspect.

Other than that, we know very little. Aside from the fact that rancho's SP came from blocktrades. Most everything else is speculation.

Could we call this "rewards pool rape?" Sure. But maybe @haejin is merely a bystander who got some inadvertent good fortune at the hands of this "unknown" whale. My point: the damage is really being done by the person doing the VOTING, not by the recipient.

Now that make sense.

The truth is always in the data and not in opinion.

Well said Transisto first half. Well sorry but he's right so far about SBD. Seems the peg is flawed. Re USDT it's more likely to hit 0.5 that 2 but that's another story - ps how's does it feel to Be flagged Into grey by BS! Robots?

@transisto, we now have proof Haejin controls the Ranchorelaxo account.

I just shit myself, too @themarkymark... because that would also suggest that 6% of the collective voting power applied as FLAGS would be needed to bring this back to even a reasonable level.

that's 6.7% after it has already been flagged pretty heavily by @grumpycat, it was higher prior.

Sometimes, usually when someone gets the last slice of turkey on Thanksgiving.

@Berniesanders, you are what we in Australia call a real cunt. If you do not like and appreciate what he does for all of us then just move on.
Go get a life but then again your life must really suck if you have to go around and try and degrade every one around you. I say it again, YOU ARE A CUNT

Seriously? You just flagged a really old post of mine (this post) but didn't leave a comment at all. I actually think @haejin is your own account, but you refer to it in the third person; Guess you are also not very honest. I don't want to mix myself in any other war happening here, but you also seem to lack respect with the language you use in the comment just above.

maybe everybody who disagees with your opinion is an account originally owned (and controlled) by @haejin and its all a giant conspiracy with the single goal to keep you busy while we all (maybe we are all @haejin and there is no Internet community at all) take the rewards that actually you deserve?
And dont forget: this account is also originally owned and controlled by @haejin, because all this guy does is create accounts and spent all day ever day in front of the computer, just to downvote you, because @haejin is really controlled by your insane ex-wife looking for revenge ;)

Not sure why you spend the time writing this comment, without further looking into it (I simply dont care), you seem to be flagged looking at your rep being below 25. You also become very perosnall while not knowing me at all; Do I have an ex-wife? BTW, flagging someone means also explaining why the flag was placed; That this user didn't do at all. And BTW, flagging an post older than 7 days doesnt mean anything at Steemit. Anyways, wish you a happy upplaying of all those who gets flagged, and downplaying of all those who try to get some honesty and foremost respect back into our community. Happy X-Mas.

wow your great with math....your a genius.....


Im jealous when someone takes the last turkey leg ! Mm mm delicious !😋😋😋😋🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗
This Turkey really knows how to Twerk !!😂

Thanks ! LOL ! I love this Twerky Turkey !!😂😂😂

It is showing wrong rewards. The actual was about 2% and after grumpycat and adm downed, it became about 1.2~ of total reward pool.

Yeah, I noticed that's bugged. Last time I checked it became 1,200% of the reward pool.

Given that you and others were irate about one person raking 6% of the reward pool now shown to be just over 1% I have 2 questions.

Was there ever a target to knock @haejin down to when 6% was deemed too high?
With the revelation of his take being 1.2% how low is low enough?

It's already revealed to be about one fifth the original estimate meaning the flaggers are not satisfied with an 80% reduction from the original alarming number.

wow ..1 guy ...6% of the rewardpool? That cant be right..

He deserves it if that's what he's getting. nobody was saying anything when his posts were making $5 or $20, then he got a whale behind him and now they are worth hundreds each. Haejin has not changed his behavior and has not done anything wrong, why should he be penalized? He is educating people and making them a lot of money.

I must admit that I agree with your above statement. It's clear that Haejin is making quality content and he deserves to be rewarded. I also think it's good that this is out in the open and we're having critical discussion about it. That's indicative of a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how best to solve this problem. Or maybe it is not a problem at all?

Unfortunately this is not a critical discussion - the way I see it is that some people are jealous of Haejin getting higher rewards than them. If they really wanted to address a problem, they shouldn't blame on Haejin for abusing the ecosystem of steem. He hasn't broken any rule and that says it all. If the ecosystem needs a change - well, that's another discussion and I believe it is needed. But simply castigating and shouting loudly that Haejin is doing something wrong while he isn't, shows a very low level of morality. Yeah, I am talking about you, berniesanders and your crowd of hate-infested trolls.

Where is the critical discussion?? All I see are hidden posts

Eh, well it wasn't like this last night. And this thread does bring up some good points of which I personally wasn't previously aware.

dont care how much he make. I care about that its 6% of the rewardpool?


Well, could there be something built in that once you hit a threshold for posts within a 24 hour period that you then can't get payouts for posts beyond the limit?

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong. He's really not doing anything wrong and if people have a problem with what's happening, it seems to me that it's a greater issue with Steemit and rewards and voting in general.

And he is an extremely valuable person in the Steemit community and has really created tremendous positive change for a lot of people, including myself.

thanks for your reply.

I also dont see him doing anything wrong its just again One person gets 6% of the rewardpool? I thought we are here with 30k active users? That can not be okay if you ask me..

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong.

Agree, people just need to stop give him massive upvotes. No flags needed :)

Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool. Although i can not complain with the current SBD prices :)

Time to smoke


Well, steemit is more of a capitalist than a communinist ecosystem. Therefore, I don't think that we need strict rules such as ''you may or may not up vote that person'' - this is the definition of a police state which is one step closer to a dictatorship.

''Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool.''
While I agree with you on this one, I will add that these people need better posts and/or marketing in order to benefit from the rewardpool. Again, capitalism works this way. If you need a communist ecosystem then rules need to be changed (I quite like the idea of anarchysalis where each user has some threshold).

I try to figure out what exactly is going on here and who is right. You post seems to make sense. I first need more information about how steem exactly work to know what side to follow.

agreed. unless there's foul play involved.. he's just a guy with a lot of support. i might be wrong because 6% does seem a little high. i would love to see someone post exactly how any one person can get there. rather than flagging just because he's getting rich..

Where are you finding this information?

!!!!!!! 48,000 in rewards? ?!?!?!!?!?!? that is insane man seriously that's a year salery senior position in whatever.. man that's unreal

@themarkymark I just pulled my witness vote from you. Just because you don't find value in Haejin's content doesn't mean that it isn't valuable.

I never said it wasn't, but it certainly isn't $200,000+ /week valuable (and far more once the weekly average kick in, that was 7-day average but only 2 days of real votes), the real number is going to be in the hundreds of thousands.

If you think one person should be getting that many rewards by spamming 10+ posts a day and getting $250 upvotes, I'm ok with losing that vote.

He's already up to 56K+/week and will be around 300K/week once he has received 7 days worth of votes.

You may be ok with that, but 99.9% of Steem isn't likely.

I am no expert on how Steemit works but this seems to be more of a problem of @rancherorelaxo abusing their power/vote rather than a problem with Haejin. I have no idea who that account represents but there is a community of users who have come to Steemit solely to read Haejin's material.

This also highlights the problem that we have in society at large where more money leads to more influence. If Steemit wants to be a more egalitarian place then perhaps there should be a change made where voting power peaks after some amount of SP and then only increases at a much reduced rate. How many of those people in Power would willingly vote to give up some of their power to create a fairer system?

First off, I didn't flag him. I only presented data I dug up.
Second, flagging is a tool like upvotes, the community decides the value of a payout. If something is too high, people can flag it (really downvote) if it is too low, people can upvote it. That's how Steemit was designed.

One person getting 300,000 USD/week from one person for posting charts seems a bit out of whack. I have no idea how good or bad his material is, but posting 10+ times a day for $250+ is not something Steemit community is favorable to.

I also have the question if it is the same person doing the voting. I find it difficult to believe someone with 3M USD stake decides to reward on and only one person all his rewards.

Again, I just presented the information and my opinion, all your buddies decided to downvote me and threaten my life and threaten to dox me. Sounds like real winners.

I appreciate you putting the data out there. I have no affiliation with anyone who makes threatening comments. Violence is not my way.

So if i understand right, this "whale" give 300K a week to him for posting charts? If its the money of this whale, where exactly is the problem? I not get it...

We all share a reward pool, and one person getting 8%+ of it isn't healthy. Especially for low effort content being boosted by one person. If I started to use my 2M SP to just pump my content to $450 posts 10+ times a day, people would be pissed.

Can you explain what the graphs above represents?

The graphs are pie charts of 3 different posts and who gave how much reward breakdown.

Who the hell is @ranchorelaxo? 3 million USD of Steem has a lot of power, apparently.
Two posts and 1 comment in 7 months. @ned seems to have taken notice.

I see i must learn a lot more about how steem works...

sad, just sad

So much butthurt from communist loser @berniesanders because the retarded loser can't rape the reward pool anymore?😂

Nah, I'm good thanks.

Hahaha! Your responses are killing me! And that double t individual, where do these people come from? Actually, based on the biblical comment (where I just got an education on the order of things- first comes jealousy, then comes adultery, then comes sin, lol) he's either noganoo or noganoo's twin.

That made me lol, I needed that after getting all pissed off over this latest reward pool rapist. Thanks @themarkymark

PS - I'm a huge Mel fan too

I thought she hadn't had anything betwixt her nethers that hadn't been powered by batteries. The way she smelled that strawberry.....

Lol, this place truly is a great place to find a good laughter.

phuc you dikless dweebs! you inbred sheep listen to this Cheeto eating wife beater! are the definition of a looser! soley relying on the steemit subsistence to feed your f.a.s. kids by shitting on productive people. you should learn from haejin instead of envying him you phukin pudwak!

Sorry to intrude, but it clearly says this when you click at the "flag"

(Disagreement on rewards)
Anyway, there are no real rules here, including flagging rules.. just rules set forth by stakeholders through voting.. and that includes upvotes and downvotes.

The grammar errors were hurting my head. Do you have a tl;dr version?

@berniesanders since this guy is such a big guy, it is obvious for the sake of Steem that you will have to continue to flag this dude, hence "forcing" him to follow through with this threats and Power UP.

This is rich! lol

Your next tough guy. Sucks to be poor doesn’t it lmao

you will regret your childish not think you are protected by a computer screen want to act like an imaginary character on your imaginary movie b series keyboard warrior?.......this is my last warning not abuse your power next thing you will be doxxed and the internet world in your starfly movie imagination will turn into the REAL world....

Since you haven't been here too long, I'll explain something. Doxxing and physical threats do not go over to well. Even if they are just threats pulled out of some lame's ass.

i will singlehandedly destroy all of you as you are bullies ....i cannot stand bullies can go ahead flag my rep down as it will only further justify and prove the bully that you are.......but remember when your followers flag me down you are on a list...and justice will be served..the hand of god will come for you and he will not answer your prayers....

You will need to bring a lot of money over to do what you claim..OHH and get your rep up because at this point your account will be useless. Maybe spend some time and learn about the platform too before you think you are going to do something that you aren't. You are messing with the wrong people idiot.

You obviously think you're a scary dude. But I wouldn't be surprised how much of a little bitch you are in real life. So I would keep those threats in your piece of shit head. Because there are some people around here who do not give a shit and aren't some 5 foot nothing little punks.

Ohh and since you do not know much about the blockchain...ALL OF YOUR OLD POSTS ARE BELONG TO ME... they dont get deleted when you put creepy clown fasces on them.

Threatening to kill people and dox them, then removing the threats when your account gets flagged? Now you picking on someone for supporting me from your nonsense? You are a real piece of shit.

If you continue to threaten people I will file a police report as I know where you live.

If you have doubts.

This is awesome! 🙌 We did it! 👊

I'm one of the @haejin followers that became a Dolphin just to be stronger and to vote for his posts.


Because his analysis showed me the way to learn, understand and work with charts, so I can earn some money. And I did. From my profits I bought some STEEM, powered up and now am voting for him. 🚀

Both me and my roommate ONLY joined Steemit because of @Haejin and his valuable trading tutorials and daily updates!
I think everybody should go watch his videos and posts, because their value is obvious, he actually helps us learn and profit!

LOVE @haejin, we support you!

edit: having my doubts, i'm walking away.

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

go watch 'the red pill' .. it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

Lol organized group ? @Haejin's army ? I came to Steem because of his youtube videos . I have only been here for two or three days , you people are organized people here . Look at @Haejin's previous post , he used to get $20 - $30 , Just recently he got $200 . He is 47 year old analyst and far knowledgeable than your group . If you people had problem with him , you guys could have contacted him instead of flagging him . He even tried to contact some flagger from your group yesterday, you guys could have talked it out but , what you people did only made him more popular .

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

Same kind of story here, following him about a month then decided to open a steemit account to upvote him because I learned so much.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

he would make maybe 10 dollars from youtube, here he is gaming the system for $250 per post, that aren't even videos

You people need to be careful with your ignorant comments. It shows you dont even understand how the valuable of content is derived. Haejin's content is very much valuable to his followers.

Ofcourse, you may not be a forex or cryptotrader and thus understand almost nothing he has posted and so will not find his content interesting or valuable. His followers may have something different to sau. I make less than $1 on content that I had put much effort into and don't go complaining about other people's gain; especially those who got it by growing their followers organically.

I understand the need to regulate or cap rewards but to start making outrageous unfounded claims about haejin is outright wrong! Is he supposed to decline payout? Would you?

There are better ways to approach these issues instead of calling someone out for something they are not.

He could simply have been flagged to adjust his rewards and a note sent to him stating that exact reason, and that's it.

Haejin is not gaming the system. The system is the problem!

agreed. i'm never listening to this berniesanders guy again.

i am very sorry, i've removed my flags and comments have all been changed or will be to reflect that.

Great stuff sir!

You're a star to say this Klevn..... A real man! :)

I would like to add something..
Check this @cryptoriddler
All these bots have himin Common as the first follower they have

time to call the calvalry.......pew pew pew

Cant believe I am saying this but well done @berniesanders found new respect for you. Although I dont agree at times the way you go about things I knew deep down you had a good intention for the blockchain. I noticed this account earlier today but am currently refueling VP. Good work on the community effort Bernie.

Awesome. Seeing you join in is a relief.

My sentiments exactly.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

For all those posting that @haejin deserves everything he gets... he certainly appears to be gaming the system. Instead of those little short posts multiple times a day, he could do maybe a morning and evening report sharing the same info.

Then that big upvote may seem more justified than the 8 or 10 times a day they are going on now. Interesting that his benefactor bought in six months ago, stays pretty much inactive in all that time and then suddenly in the last few days starts upvoting just @haejin who also seemed to increase his posting rate.

There in lie the problems and why the flags are hitting.

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

Because he has a lot of followers and his TA is on steemit. If you do not have twitter account but someone you want to follow has a twitter account you create one just for his tweets, make sense ?


only BIG MEN say sorry. Priceless. Do me a favour and send Haejin a Thumbs up... he'd appreciate it. what he's calling. He just got the BTS rise down to a 30 min window. It might not be your game but he's genius.

i did go to one of his posts and apologize, congratulated him on not being negative himself. If he is right, I hope he wins out. I don't feel I have the right to judge, and well, I just felt bad this morning when I woke up. Jumping on bandwagons is bad.

...but HE is, that's the point. I'm just another guy that set up an account here to follow his posts. Still learning everything this platform has to offer, and so far it's great. Reward may seem large, but know that he is bringing people to the platform and even if they don't contribute "value" as you put it, people they know might.

We are not zombies but genuine followers. The point of steemit is having as much blogs as possible and as much people as possible, haejin is just taking thousands of people from twitter/youtube here. Wait some time and his followers will begin to post too, maybe even about other subjects and that will be a really valuable effect on steemit. Think before going to war or you could lose it. And again, not the fault of haejin if he has made one the most interresting and valuable blog of steemit ...

i hear you. i am sorry. i will never follow berniesanders again. this man doesn't even stand here and fight. he just leads witch hunts and destroys, never seen him build.

Guess who also joined 6 months ago?

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

No he could not because then WE, his followers would find it extremely difficult to find the posts/cryptos that we need to reference when it is time to sell.
@haejins blog is a library that many followers use every day, and so It MUST BE SEPARATED in different posts for each crypto analysis! Sorry.

you could just directly say that to him instead of flagging him . i came to steemit because of his analysis .

Many people came to steemit directly for his analysis. I've been far more interested in steemit because of his analysis.

Yes, many people who have never posted, bought any steem, or powered anything up. Until today. Seems to me like this is nothing but a huge shill factory. I'd call you a shill, but you're too ignorant.

Can we bring back the n2 now?
There was definitely less self voting,...
And a 50mvest upper limit?
On the honor system?

A sigmoid reward curve would be interesting, too. That made self-voting less attractive but would also prevent extremely high payouts because it is getting flat in the end again.

Apart from that 'diminishing returns' would make self-voting less attractive as well.

Stinc, et al, doesnt care, that i can tell.

Been going on from the beginning.


I reckon he's a toy analyst - he just makes ridiculous EW "calls" in bull markets. If he's done so well, he doesn't need jack from the rewards pool. Simple.

Shill ? It is TA , you probably don't know that . This is not some Pump & Dump thing . anyway you could have talked it out with him , whatever your concerns were . Why did you just flagged him before giving any reason ? You should have contacted him and raise your concerns like a grown men .

Yep, many did, and now the Steemit Mafia is attacking us. Good work team Steemit. We can just go private, and say fuck this place. Yall can get your piddly little 1 SBD for bot payouts, while real content moves to another site.

I have upvote you, now it you're turn.

jk, haha

Ok, I'll give you a vote for that. :)

I know I should downvote you just for asking an upvote, but I do not know how to do it ... You are lucky :-)

The reason his posting rate increased dramatically is because all the Altcoins spent months in a downward trend... and now all of them are popping up!

@haejin gave us perfect targets for the several waves, in a multitude of coins... and his accuracy is almost miraculous! :-D

Don't flag him before you take the time to understand what he is doing. By doing that, flaggers look like jealous kindergarten bullies.

Hey, flaggers of @haejin, you're all turning SteemIt into StinkIt!

I don't care if he's getting me daily knob shines from Jennifer Lawrence. He doesn't deserve to make 600k/month. No one on the planet is worth that much. Well maybe Jennifer Lawrence.

lol Jennifer Lawrence hahaha

Genuine LOL at daily knob shining from Jennifer Lawrence.

Bernie sanders posting frequency:
23 hours ago
yester day
2 days
6 days
7 days
10 days
12 days
12 days
16 days
16 days
19 days
20 days

12 posts in 20 days your guys posts that many times in 2 days, please STFU

It's a blogging website owned by a corporation. There is nothing "free market"about that.

Actually the Steem system isn't just a website. You can access and post to Steem without going to Steemit. Take a look at or chain BB, or esteem. Steemit != Steem

it's very clear his posting rate increased to take advantage of as many whale votes as he could get. He could share the same information a couple of times a day and be just as effective.

He dedicates each post to ONE crypto so that his blog may be used as a referencing library by his followers! I came to Steemit because of @haejin, and have introduced many people to Steemit because of him. Everything he does is for his followers, @haejin is an asset to Steemit, not a problem!

Say's someone who doesn't participate in any way on Steemit except to hump one person, has 18 followers and hasn't made a single post. You aren't here to be a part of the community, you are here for the same reason as chart boy. To get rich quick.

To those that still dont understand what is going on here:

so, 400 views * 0,01? 4 right?
now, 4 * 10 posts a day? 40 right?
now do this for 6 months: 40 * 30 * 6 = 7200 SBD
Now, use that 7200 to buy around 36k STEEM + the rewards you get from your true followers + some money you have to put on the game, what you get?

Transfer it all to a second account you created around the same time (@ranchorelaxo) Boom! you have a second account that have 1,304,013.214 SP, that can give you 200 SBD per vote, and you make 200*10 posts =2k in rewards EVERY DAY. thats 20k dollars a day (and fuck the community).

You get your money back in a few days, and take the rewards from the people who play fair (like you and me)

If things like this goes by, and become normal what you think will happen to steemit?

The people that work hard to provide good content wil go elsewhere, and the small and blind guys will stay hostage to these unfair accounts.

Also, no normal good content account gets 400 views/votes per page. That gives visibility and more and more real blind people follow and upvote someone who is not playing fair.

Btw, if he is actually that good at trading why would he need to use bots to upvote his post? Wouldnt his content talk about itself?

Just think a bit beyond what you see at first glance...

I trade often and Haejin has had a huge influence on me. I know people have made a ton of money just following his blogs. I think he deserves everything good and is a huge reason I use steemit.

If that's possible, then it's a serious flaw in Steemit, one that lots of users are going to abuse now that it's become publicly known.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

I would like to know what made you change your mind.
I may also be wrong and change my mind, but i need arguments, since i only made my decision after doing some doing my own resarch on the matter...

I woke up feeling bad about it. I realize I don't know enough about his posts to judge the quality. The shear number of upvotes. The fact he does in fact have a huge following on youtube. Of course his followers would come here and support him. What if he is giving valuable information that is making others better informed and that is really 'the problem' jealous users are trying to destroy.

made a blog post why I changed my mind

I see... So basically people who can not offer any interesting content are ganging up on Haejin who is offering invaluable info on a daily basis. This is basically a blog! Not some company where you get money just by doing nothing because you have a lot of shares! Get your asses up and create some interesting content instead of ganging up on people!

Well Said!

So someone with 12 followers is lecturing @BernieSanders with 4000+ followers, @themarkymark with 1300+ follower and myself @randystiefer with 1300+ follower about creating "interesting content".

Sit the fuck down little man. #micdrop

Welcome to Steemit :)

bout 2100 here....... ;) hey could do a count list on here and add it up, just a thought

do your research next time sheep or your next....words have meaning ...


basically what bernie is doing is stopping the drain from an exploiter so that those many many people who work hard on here and do actual quality posts get a fair share of the reward pool.

I have come to Steem to follow Haejin. I have no intention to become a blogger so felt this platform is not for me. But after being here for a while I started considering buying steem as well just that my interactions have more of an effect. If you guys want to form a private boys club and hope that it will also to become a functional and lucrative Blog, well good luck with it. New comers will come, see whats up with this place and if they like it they stay and become a functional member of the community. What you fail to understand is People like Haejin are drawing enormous number of new people here! Thanks to that and his hard work, he is benefiting the greatest, but you guys will benefit from that in the short to mid term as well. But as long as the atmosphere you create here is toxic (claiming all newcomers are bots, name calling etc.) and trying to lynch someone who happened to get a bigger share of the cake... The cake will be small and dry as it is now.

the bottom line is if @haejin or anyone else is okay with the huge upvote by one whale, then he needs to be just as okay with counter votes bringing the payout down. That is the way the system balances itself out.

those multiple posts per day getting huge upvotes each was bound to draw attention. That is also how the system works to maintain balance.

There are several ways the downvotes could end. They depend on behaviour being modified to contribute to balance in the community.

You may be right, you may not be cut out for this platform.

The funny thing is that you all were using this whales money for a half a year and nobody chuckled. And now, when this person finally gave his vote to the content creator that is valuable for him, all the parasites are screaming that it is not fair.

We were using his money? You think STEEM is a bank?

STEEM is created through content creation. He made an investment just like buying any other other crypto. When the value of STEEM rises, do does the investment. Likewise when it falls, down it goes.

He used his investment to upvote someone he presumably liked and bernie and others used their investment to counter that vote because they disagreed. Each acted as they chose.

Like I said earlier if @haejin is fine with the upvotes, he has to be likewise accepting of the downvotes. Doesn't appear to be bothering him as much as the shills behind him.

If anything he's again stepped up his posting rate. When I look this morning and see him putting up posts 3 minutes apart, it appears he will keep up his behaviour and will have to take the response to it.

I know that your mafia is very strong and you have ton of bots that do the dirty job for you. This if fine with me.

steemit bots

You just can not imagine that there are enough smart people on the other side as well. And if they start to use the same technique against you? With the money they have earned with the knowledge they got from the content they read, I am sure you gonna be down really soon.

But we use all the resources to do no harm. I wish you good luck with your fights. 🙏

my mafia is very strong? and I have a ton of bots?

You're funny... a moron .. but funny.

When you get an actual clue.. let me know.

i'm having my doubts. what if what he is really doing is preventing upvotes by sucking all the steempower here right before christmas, poisoning the water of the new users, making them think steemit sucks.

so i look this morning and he's posted two posts three minutes apart and then another less than an hour later... you really think any thought goes into creating that content?

Looks more and more like someone on a mission to milk all he can.

no different that the vote sellers. both abuses need to be addressed. all that will happen with this downvote brigade is less upvotes from good hearted people that want to do what is right.

this issue needs to be address in another way.

you keep missing the point that those with stake have as much right to downvote as they do to upvote.

I'm not familiar with vote sellers... heard they are around but not something i have contact with.

You are doing an apples and oranges thing here.

He did that because the 3 posts were 3 different cryptos, and it look him a few minutes to chart and analyse each, and then he made them immediately available to his followers so that they could buy before it was too late! What is wrong with that?

He makes it easy for his followers to find what they need by keeping it simple, one post = one analysis.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

Third time you made that comment. Just go already. We know you really like that movie and what it is about.

i changed my previous comment to that. sorry if it bothers you.

Can you stop posting this same thing over and over?

i didn't have anything else to say, i changed my previous comment to that, I want to disengage myself, and that was the best way I could see. sorry.
