Ketogenic Breakfast for the Nomadic Lifestyle

in #nomad7 years ago (edited)

Today on The Wizard Life I will be sharing how I make Hot Chocolate containing 1500 calories of fat for breakfast every morning while living nomadically in my truck.

You may be asking yourself why in the world am I drinking 1500 calories of fat for breakfast. Well, there are several reasons:

Triggers Ketosis

Drinking fat puts me into Ketosis, which is a state in which my body is burning Ketones instead of Glucose for energy. Ketones come from fat, while Glucose comes from carbohydrates and sugars.

There are many benefits to Ketosis, which you can learn about here, but its primary importance to me is that it provides a huge amount of stable energy that lasts for hours. It's also a very clean feeling energy which leaves my body relaxed and my mind able to focus with ease.

Supports Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is a type of fasting in which you only eat food within an 8-hour window and fast the rest of the day. There are numerous benefits to and variants of Intermittent Fasting which you can learn about here.

Technically I am "eating" outside of the 8-hour window, but fat does not seem to trigger the energetically taxing processes of digestion that proteins, carbohydrates and fibers do, allowing me to mimic the effects of Intermittent Fasting without feeling hungry. So I get to intake a ton of calories from fat without losing energy digesting it. As a result, mornings are the most productive part of my day by far!

Space Efficient Calories

While living in my truck I have to constantly be thinking about how to minimize the amount of space I'm using. Food tends to be fairly bulky, especially if I'm trying to stay out in the wilderness for as long as possible before requiring a trip to town.

A tablespoon of fat contain around 125 calories, which is extremely space efficient.


Food tends to go bad fairly quickly without refrigeration, especially out in the deserts I've been enjoying recently. It's possible to get refrigerators that run on a 12-Volt system, but that's spending energy I can use for other things, and the fridge itself would take up a ton of space! They're also noisy...

I'm using Ghee and Caprylic Acid as my fats. Both are extremely stable with shelf lives lasting into the years when properly stored.

Let's Make Some Hot Chocolate!


Now that we've covered the 'Why', let's talk about the 'How'!

Before we start, I want to state that the products I'm using are the brands I prefer, but you can get all of this stuff from lots of different places. Also, most of the links in this section are Affiliate, meaning if you decide to purchase something for yourself you'll be helping to fund my wizardly lifestyle. Nice!

Okay, first things first...

Let's Boil Some Water


Before I do anything else, I always start boiling some water since it can take awhile.

I have the option of using my propane camp stove, but if it's sunny and I've stored enough energy using my Solar Panel I prefer to use a little 12-Volt Water Boiler. It can plug into the cigarette lighter of any car, but I've adapted my battery to have a plug of its own.

Add the Chocolate Powder


I use 1 Tablespoon of unsweetened Chocolate Powder, and it seems to be all I need. I prefer the Bulletproof® brand because they test all of their products using external labs to ensure there are no mold toxins or other contaminants. I'm pretty obsessive about that kind of thing...

Besides being delicious, I like using chocolate because it has a ton of health benefits. You can learn about those here.

Pour in the Caprylic Acid


Caprylic Acid is one of the many fats found in Coconut Oil, and is the key ingredient in this mixture when it comes to triggering Ketosis. Normally it can take days or weeks of careful diet planning to get into a Ketogenic state, but this stuff activates it almost instantly. It's like cheating!

I've worked myself up to being able to handle 6 Tablespoons at a time, but I've been doing this for almost 2 years and had to start closer to 1 Tablespoon. Here's the brand I prefer to use.

If you'd like to learn more about the magical substance we call Caprylic Acid, this is a good place to start.

Scoop Out Some Ghee


Next I scoop 6 Tablespoons of Ghee into the thermos, which is essentially purified butter fat. It is made by boiling butter and skimming off everything that floats to the top until there's nothing left but glistening golden goodness.

It's extremely important to me that the cows who produced the milk were fed 100% grass. Grains drastically change the nutritional makeup of the milk for the worse, and the fat soluble mold toxins and pesticides the grains carry is concentrated into it. Gross!

Click here to learn more about the advantages of using grass-fed butter.

I like to use the Ancient Organics® brand because they make their ghee using the traditional Ayurverdic method... I've heard they even still chant at a certain point in the process. In other words, these people really care about their product.

You can buy 16oz and 32oz jars on, but if you want the 128oz jars I roll around with you'll need to order from the company's website.

Add the Hot Water


Almost time for some Hot Chocolaty goodness!

As soon as the water is almost boiling, I add it to the thermos and let it sit with the lid on for a couple minutes to melt the ghee in preparation for the final step...

Mix It All Up!


In order to make this drink easy for the body to digest, it's critically important to break the fat molecules into tiny little droplets. At home I'd use a high-powered blender, but I've found a little USB Charged Milk Frother that works nearly as well!

I mix it up for about a minute, and then my breakfast is ready for me to enjoy! I tend to drink it slowly over many hours until I eat lunch around 2pm.

If you're thinking about trying something like this, don't start at 1500 calories worth of fat! It takes awhile for the body to get used to that. I started around 250 calories, or one Tablespoon each of Ghee and Caprylic Acid.

I've also recorded a video of the process if you'd like to see it in action:

Thanks for stopping by!

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Super interesting and informative. Had couple questions

How long does that keep you full for (does it leave you full)? I know when I try calorie dense foods (like bags of almonds), I'm simply consuming a lot more calories while not feeling as full as simply eating carbs. Do you just hit a calorie limit and know your body is good, despite how hungry you may or may not feel?

It doesn't leave me feeling full, but I do not feel hungry. It removes that whole spectrum of experience from the game board. I take a sip every 15-30 minutes until around 2pm and I don't get hungry. If I go longer without drinking I start to notice a little hunger in my stomach, but not really a craving for food. More like a reminder that it's time for a refuel.

How do u handle that.. I mean, you need to access the drink every 15 min. -- do u keep it in frig. then?

I keep it in a thermos so it stays hot, and it's pretty easy to take with wherever I go. I wouldn't say I need a drink every 15min. I can go a couple hours before I feel a lack of energy, but I can sense a slight hunger starting at about 30min or so.

GHEE WHIZ, I 'm glad you told me of a New method of "Morning #Breakfast" - will indeed have to recall to only use a T. of the ghee at the outset (thanx for that #Healthy #TIP !! ) .

I know about #Ketosis ♦♦ And the IMPORTANCE of arriving at ketosis (to Minimize chance of #DIABETES ).

Anyway, thanx 4 the NEW IDEA and the #RECIPE ..

Will need 2 study up on the Caprylic acid; had never heard of that, even tho I have read a lot online re: Herbs, Vitamins, #HEALTH

Interesting ...

My new fetish is USB-charged kitchen appliances. Possibly solar energy. Maybe.

It's an awesome combination!

So it seems! I have a semi-vision of an RV with a family of panels on top to power me across the country. So far I only have pictures to look at. Baby steps.

Nice! What's the next baby step?

Downsizing. So many things need to go. Have you thought about an RV?

I love downsizing, though it can be painful to let certain things go...

Ya, thought about an RV but I don't want to deal with the difficulty of parking. At the moment the truck feels like plenty of space.

Nice video. So informative. I've been thinking of going on a ketogenic diet since I heard Joe Rogan talk about it. I'm so hooked on sugar it's not even funny. Pop is my drug of choice. I've been weaning myself off of the stuff. Slowly but surely at this rate I should be off pop in 3 weeks. Thank you for this.

Keep calm, Keto on, @duvster! Sugar is a scumbag that will try to call you back but the benefits that come from a ketogenic way of eating are so amazing that soon you won't be able to imagine going back. And even if you do slip up, risking going through the "flu" associated with the withdrawals more than once will likely keep you in line ;)

I love that... Keep Calm, Keto On!

You're very welcome @duvster!

I'm a Bulletproof Coach and would be happy to talk with you for free on the phone or on Skype for an hour if you'd like some help determining how to proceed with overcoming the sugar issue.

Feel free to email me if you're interested:
[email protected]

I was about to add caprylic acid to my grocery list until I checked into it further...turns out it is a multi-chain triglyceride, and I already have an MCT oil that I am working my way through. I have been working to better understand saturated fats and their impacts on our bodies, so I have been attempting to vary my oils so that I avoid overindulging in a given type as I continue to collect information. Thanks for your recipe!

You're welcome, @thedreamsteem!

Yup, medium-chain triglycerides are the ones that generally trigger ketosis, though Lauric Acid doesnt really act like an MCT in the body, and it's the most abundant.

The other oils in most MCT you can buy at the store trigger intestinal... issues... if you have too much, which is why I stick to just Caprylic Acid.

Here a good article explaining each of the fats and their properties:

Thanks for the article. I switched to this way of eating due to intestinal distress, so any "issues" are either not occurring at my intake amount or are not anything beyond my typical experience haha. Plus, I have a big bottle to go through, so I will keep it in the mix.

Seems like my MCT oil brand gets good reviews for the carbon chains present, but most of these reviews seems to be at the mercy of self-reporting, so off I go, grain of salt in hand ;)

My first time taking two tablespoons of MCT were... Not enjoyable. Probably the most painful and exhausting few hours of my entire life.

Yikes. I don't know that I have ever put a full tablespoon into a cup of tea/coffee so perhaps I am not a good reference for GI issues. Like I said, I have had my share of those for other reasons so I may not be as aware.

I've never had ghee before. Isn't it the butter substitute? So how does it taste with the chocolate powder?

Hi @isharmaine! I wouldn't call it a butter substitute since it is made using butter.

The ghee I use tastes delicious with the chocolate! It's also great for cooking because it can withstand high heat that the proteins in butter can't without burning. Cook anything in ghee with some salt and people will beg for more!

ohh shoot! I guess I don't really know what ghee is! I thought it was an alternative to butter. I'll try it out though next time I see it at the farmers market! Thank you @cahlen! :)

Or u can order thru Thrivemarket. com online, too . I've been happy w/ their Ghee product .

Take care

Wow...never knew about that ketosis state...let alone Caprylic acid....gotta get on to that. I find that the energy you get from adding chillies to your diet helps with intermittent fasting as it gives you such good energy levels.....and yeah man...good clean wholesome chocolate ( complete addict to the good kind )

Nice, I've never heard that about chillies! Is it any kind or a specific variety?

Any kind really...the hotter you can have em the better.. all sorts of health benefits..check here for more info and mainly I find if I have in with breakfast it get my energy levels way up

Thanks for the link! I'm near Sante Fe... I hear they have good chillies. Might have to check it out!

That's one dense Drink my Friend!! Intermittent fasting is a great tool for fat loss and general well-being i found, no matter your type of diet. 10 Hour window works well for me!
Will be following your adventures :)

What type of diet do you like to follow?

I eat a varied diet, roughly 50% Carbs 30% Protein 20% Fats. Mainly Rice/Oats/Sweet potato with Lean Meat some whey supplement and Fats from Nuts and Oily Fish. How about you?

Nice, I love rice and sweet potatoes. I only eat then for dinner though, because too many carbs make me sleepy.

I have this drink for breakfast, then I usually eat protein bars made of collagen protein and cashews. For dinner I have vegetables, white rice and grass fed meat if I can find it where I am.

I am also allergic to coffee! something in it makes my emotions erratic.

you are drinking a cup full of fat every morning, that is amazing that the body can process all that! i usually do a quarter cup of fat at most in my drink. i think chai tea is my favorite non-coffee drink so far.

btw let me know if you are ever in arlington tx or dfw and need a place to stay or want to hang out.

Haha, when I think of it being almost a cup of fat it starts to seem like a lot even to me! I bet chai tea would go well with the ghee and caprylic acid... I'm gonna have to try it.

I imagine I'll be driving through Texas at some point, so thank you for the offer!

no problem... best way to contact me is email
[email protected]

Tanks for the insight! I'm on keto right now since January first and the cravings for high carb foods have diminished (although sweets still beckon to me randomly). I've found MCT oil, ghee and cheese strings to be extremely helpful in a pinch on keto.

Keep up the great work; looking forward to more posts!

Awesome to hear you're finding success with Ketosis @misiahb! Something I found helpful with the sweets craving was to allow myself to partake, but then notice its affects on how I felt. It consistently made me feel significantly worse. These days it's hard to even imagine craving something like candy or cake because body tells me no way

I enjoyed your article on Theanine. I thinking you're gonna have an awesome Steemit! Don't give up, it takes awhile to get people's attention, but once you do this can be very lucrative.

Hey @cahlen, I really appreciate your encouragement. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

I think I'll focus on becoming more mindful of my emotions and body in regards to food and cravings. It's a process but I know I'm moving forward!