America Has A Culture Problem, Not a Gun Problem

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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In the land of the free there is almost one mass shooting every month. Most would attribute this to the availability of guns. No guns, no problem right? Thing is, this course of action would attempt to treat the symptom, not the problem. We know very well that prohibiting X does not result in the control of it. Alcohol and Drug wars of the last century made this pretty clear. Freedom works best, always.

America has the most gun owners per capita than any other nation yet. Other countries like Switzerland, Finland and Cyprus also have a high percentage of gun ownership yet we almost never see any gun shootings in public places like schools. If there was a correlation between gun ownership and mass shootings these countries would at least have some incidents. There is almost no incidents.

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What appears to be the different in America is the imperialistic mentality. After WWII American established itself as the planet's ruler. Wherever one lives, there is exposure to American TV shows and movies, american products, lifestyle, slang, software, you name it. The influence is almost everywhere and in a way that it has become part of us. McDonalds work better than any embassie and some would have hard time imagining their life without them. Same applies to jeans, iphones and a bunch of other things.

This influence on the world has made America feel much like the center of the world. Generation after generation this is taught in schools, family gatherings and presidential elections. What made America great was violence and the imperialistic stance. It got the best of both worlds after the greatest war the human species has ever gone through. Since then America has engaged in the most armed combats in more than 30 countries worldwide, all in the name of "keeping the peace". The rest of the world bowed down, accepted this mentality and life went on. It is the country that has been at war almost constantly since its existence. Denying that this has no relevance with the violence in the U.S has rather become the norm though. Nobody wants to face the elephant in the room.

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The amazing American war culture has to be maintained within borders if America is to enlist professional killers. What is the army after all other than a welfare program for psychopaths? Ofcourse this kind of marketing doesn't work so these people are called "heroes" defending the "ideals" of some piece of land that they just happen to be born upon. It makes sense to most people because this is the narrative since birth. This is also why all army enlisting processes work great for poor areas. They are the best livestock and the most likely to buy the narrative since they are useless at pretty much anything else. The heroes that help protect the wealthy and privileges who would rarely join them in the battlefield.

For those who see this situation as problematic, I have a solution for you. If you are indeed an American and proud of your country/heritage then the mass shooters are a true blessing. All these people need is a little direction. Since the killing and dominating mentality is deep engraved in imperial America, these young Jedis should be spotted early on and shipped to war zones. Interview most marines and soldiers and you will see exactly what I mean. Most of them are what we call "troublemakers". The best use for them is the battlefield so they can be face to face with their true nature. If every army did this, everybody wins. Assholes killing assholes benefits everyone. It keeps schools safe, the American machine running, the patriots proud and human nature satisfied. The only ones that will keep bitching are some politically correct millennial plebs that are never satisfied with anything anyways.

To the idealists that dream of a peaceful planet where everyone joins hands and dances to kumbaya, I would say to pull their head off their own asses. People are different from one another. There are people who are peaceful, there are people who live on quarrels and trouble. Such is the nature of our species. To those who attribute this to "mental problems" I would point you to the fact that every single medical and behavioural treatment for changing one's personality might actually result in more violence and death. In fact, such has been the case with psychiatric medication. It claims more lives that heroin itself. In over 30 years of research and medical treatment there has been no decrease in violent gun crimes. It actually increased. So unless psychiatry becomes a real science with real treatment it should refrain from making things ever worse, heck even causing them in some instances. (I am talking about medicating children because they don't obey or don't want to be in school).

The system that works best is the one of absolute freedom. Anarchy in that sense does not mean without rules but without rulers. Some children do not belong to schools and will never fit in. Some are born assholes and we can blame it to the imperialistic culture, the parents or the genes. It does not matter. What matters is what a group of people does in order to direct these people to the right channels of society. The problem begins when we try to force troublemakers into a system they don't belong because of our naive belief that everyone should be schooled or "helped". It is much like trying to dress a feral cat for the sake of cuteness and then wondering why the cat fucked you up in the process. The problem was never with the cat. The problem is with the one trying to change someone to fit their own ideals and beliefs.

In martial arts people learn about the flow of energy. You shall never try to block or deny the force coming towards you but rather tunel it for your own advantage. This is how an organised ad mature society should treat these people. Fuck human rights, fuck political correctness and keeping appearances. The solution is extremely simple. They love guns and trouble? Give them one and ship them to a place where they can have fun.


Reports of mass shootings have been greatly exaggerated. You can tell you are being mislead when the source starts to blather about the number of incidents instead of the number of casualties, I discussed in this post yesterday how there were more casualties from large public mass shootings in a single year in France than all 8 years of the Obama administration.

Have you ever read Mill's Utopia? He offers the same solution for violent young men.

Here is the thing about America, most of those violent young men, the ones who actually commit over 90% of all gun crime, are just stupid and don't see any other way to be than gun violence. What works very well in the places they have tried it is to identify those who are the 1 in 10,000 people who are habitual gun criminals and then works with them to get them out of the cycle of gun violence. So instead of blanket laws on all the citizens what works is to just target those citizens who are habitual gun criminals.

many of the problems we have now adays i believe can be traced back to the war on drugs. We have created so many single parent families in situations that were already bad. When we leave children to raise themselves , this is what we get. it is a sad reality that needs to be addressed .

100% The gun laws we do have along with drug prohibition are essentially modern day Jim Crow and were designed, intended and still function to create and maintain an underclass and to suppress the poor and minorities. And at this point it has gone on so long it is generational and has a culture of its own. Almost all gun crime is a direct result of drug prohibition, excellent point.

To vere slightly farther off course there are 2 other contributing factors

  1. Deinstitutionalisation which got rid of asylums for crazy people and instead put many people on government benifits and left them out in the world for sll of us to deal with IE. adam lanza

  2. From generation X to present being raise on Ridlin and other drugs force fed to them as children to keep the calm, docile, zombies. Well guess who is off thier meds now!

Correct on both points, not only that but they are often on drugs that "may cause suicidal thoughts and actions" and yet some say the guns are the cause.

America needs a revolution!

I wonder if that is what the Vikings did. Ship off the overly macho and aggressive ones for fighting in far-away places and live peacefully at home, I mean.

Whilst a lot of what you say is true, the availability of guns is directly related to the number of mass shootings. In the UK almost all firearms were banned after a couple of mass shootings and there has not been one since. The same goes for Australia. Every democratic government has to balance freedom against security. And I think that the fact that you can be on a no fly list as a suspected terrorist, yet still have the right to buy and carry a gun to be slightly misaligned priorities.

"the availability of guns is directly related to the number of mass shootings. "

False, you just made that up.

In the UK almost all firearms were banned after a couple of mass shootings and there has not been one since.

How frequent were they prior to that?

The same goes for Australia.

False, they have had mass shootings there and of course studies of their mandatory gun buybacks found that their draconian laws did not cause any reduction in homicides suicides or mass shootings. In fact gun homicide rates in the US fell more than those in Australia following their ban.

Every democratic government has to balance freedom against security.

THERE IT IS! In your sentence, and whenever you hear anyone making that statement the word "balance" really means "take away", every time. Here is America our founders warned us that those who would trade liberty for the illusion of security will have neither. Of course they were right. This shooting was in a gun free zone right? One of the only places in Florida where people cannot defend themselves, is that a coincidence?

And I think that the fact that you can be on a no fly list as a suspected terrorist, yet still have the right to buy and carry a gun to be slightly misaligned priorities.

Indeed, its absurd that we have secret lists of innocent Americans, mostly Muslims, isn't it? Democrats used to rightly oppose the idea of stripping Americans of civil liberties without any due process but then they decided that if gun rights were stripped then they really like the idea of stripping innocent, mostly Muslim people of basic civil liberties in secret and without and due process. Lets think about how you get on their secret lists, its by associating with the wrong people, saying the wrong things or going to the wrong mosque right? Or just having the wrong name right? So essentially exercising your first amendment right should strip you of your 2nd and 5th and 14th amendment rights? Democrats in the house think so, they protested against civil rights.

I can’t believe people are downvoting comments they disagree with. So much for free speech and land of the free etc!

I do t care for party politics but obviously you do. I just find it amazing that the country with the highest gun ownership has by far the worst gun problems, yet no one will accept that.

I don't know that I "care for party politics" but on this issue one party is right and the other is very wrong. We don't have the worst gun problems, that's silly. You seem to be consuming some of the anti gun propaganda that is very prevalent in the American media. Here are some charts that show the reality of the "gun problems" in America.

doesn't feel good to have your freedoms taken away huh? and now i await the downvote ...... :)

our problem lies in we have a culture that is inherantly violent because of the fact that our inner cities are decaying and noone inclusing the people living there want to fix it. If you go to any american inner city the people there have adopted the (Gangster) lifestyle and are perfectly happy living in government housing, slinging drugs and killing each other in any way they can. in fact in the USA more people every year die from being blugened to death than guns. Yes more people are beat to death with a hammer every year than are shot. People that die from being a fat piece of shit every year totally eclipse the numbers killed by guns. Hell you are more likely to die in a car accident than you are walking through a Detroit getto. (walking through a Detroit getto is not a good idea).

That is false. Countries like Switzerland and Cyprus have guns and bullets in every home. Yet, zero mass shootings. Again, that is a myth propagated by the liberal muricans.

Ok if this is true what is the solution? I have spent most of my life with guns and most of my career carrying them. Iam not some liberal who wants to strip you of your rights but someone who wants to enter an informed debate. There is obviously a problem here and you obviously oppose gun control, so how do you suggest the issue is tackled?

it will take some time. right now if you try to address anything and i mean anything that includes the african american community you are imediatly labeled a racist. Unfortunatly that is where most of our gun crimes exist. black on black violence in poor urban communities. Nothing can be done untill we all realize this. right now it is like sitting in a room with an addict trying to perform an intervention. We are in denial. That is not the total of what is going on. We still have the issue of the crazy white kid that is ussually the school shooter. A lot of the time they are from middle class families and in my opinion ( take that with a grain of salt) i believe a lot of these kids have been on medications for ADHD and are having a really hard time coping with reality. the difference between america and the rest of the world besides gun ownership is the fact that we drug the shit out of our kids at a much higher rate than the rest of the world to keep them docile. This effects the brain in a way that you never really learn good social behaviors because you are a damn zombie. i have seen it my whole life. I have had a lot of friends that were put on that trash and it really screwed them up, it also gave them suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Now mix that in with testosterone and being a teenager and you have now built a very volitile bomb. just my 2 cents so take it as you will but that is what i have lived and seen.

Here in Australia, the nutters chain up and burn down nursing homes and backpacker hostels.
Not 'Gun deaths' though, which is reassuring.

Exactly. You are always going to get nutters but nutters with guns kill tens of people in a few mins. It’s a lot harder for a nutter without a gun to kill so many!

Did you miss the part where he described how the nutters there like to burn down buildings full of people? they kill far more than the average mass shooting.

I’m afraid not. The Vegas killing total was 59. I do t think anyone has ever killed that many people intentionally with a vehicle.

Did you miss where I said "average"?
Your thoughts are of course wrong, did you forget about Nice?
Did you forget 9/11?
Did you forget Oklahoma City?

July 14, 2016 - After a Bastille Day fireworks display in Nice, France, a man drives a 20-ton rental truck into the crowd, striking and killing 86 people.

that is just one headline

Of course that fellow with a truck killed far more than anyone with any gun ever killed didn't he?

then nut jobs will build bombs or drive cars through crowds. crazy is crazy.

I think this goes to prove @kyriacos point that the guns aren't the problem but the culture is. And that they are simply the means to or the symptom of the problem. The countries you mention could have a similar cultural issue as does the USA. If you take away the guns they will find something else to use or another way of behaving in a similar fashion.

You got a downvote because you wrote and stupid comment that I made perfectly clear how it goes + you upvote your own comment. Shouting harder doesn't make it more true. Use objective evidence next time. Not whatever country suits you.

And I think that the fact that you can be on a no fly list as a suspected terrorist

Unfortunately, the people who have been put on the "no fly list" are there for stupid reasons.
Like buying Mein Kampf because it was required reading for their daughter's class.

This was found out after suing for disclosure. Wasting a ton a money.

A secret list, that has tens of thousands of people on it, most unknowingly, is not something for denying somebody their constitutional rights.

Proposing legislation against the possession of a thing will never work and is a complete waste of time. Murder is already against the law and carries the worst punishment that can be carried out by the justice system. If the murderer is already ignoring that law then they will carry out their act by any means necessary, unlawful or not. How is making certain drugs illegal working out? If citizens are less armed than the government, tyranny is inevitable. There is no legitimate reason to disarm law abiding citizens unless you want them subjugated. People will own dangerous things in a free society. Take responsibility for your own safety and quit worrying about what everyone around you has. It takes courage to live in a free society. If you think the government should control people's individual freedoms, your Utopia awaits you in North Korea.

This is the first decent take I read since the recent school shooting.

absolutely. every week hundreds die in our most gun controled cities like Chicago and i believe east St. Louis was the murder capital this year. Both of which are in Illinois and is the gun grabber capitol of the U.S. . it is just sad that people have to fall back on blaming an inanimate object instead of admiting that there are some seriously messed up people out there that need mental help. If you take guns they will turn to bombs or driving cars into crowds or any other horrible way to kill and maim. you can not legislate morality.

The US does not have a gun problem, the US has a Government Problem with treachery and a hidden state that began long ago. It wants to bring the US down, so with programming and it's social modeling they are achieving a state of ab-normalcy.

I just wrote this (excerpt) on @crushthestreet:

Some postulate if we did not have guns, there would be less shootings... I postulate if the government obeyed the laws of the us there would be less shootings. If they were not intent on taking our guns, they would not be setting up these mass shooting to do just that, false flag or real incident, the government is behind these incidents (many of them) as well as allowing the gang violence by inbreeding it into the psyche of those involved.

I have owned guns many a year as have friends and family, whenever shot anyone... but just imagine if everyone around that shooter had guns, he would not have had the opportunity to shoot many. Guns protect people.

Yet you argue that you need the right to bear arms to prevent the state getting too powerful. If it’s already too powerful, the only thing having mass gun ownership achieves is mass killings.

The trouble is it’s a very different society to Europe for example. The argument is always ‘well the bad guy will always break the law and have a gun regardless so I need to have a gun to protect myself’. I can agree with this argument but in Europe it would be different as the bad guy is unlikely to have a gun.
Just different cultures and societies I guess. But it’s such an emotive issue.

Derp, let me know when an American shooter kills more than the guy in Norway or the guys in France. In France there were more killed in mass shootings in one year than in 8 years in the US. there goes your theory.

Well I think you will need to talk to folks in Sweden and Germany (as well as others) that live in fear of imported immigrants... that have taken parts of their city for their own,rape the women cower the police. As far as European Bad Guys not having guns,I think you are in for an awakening soon enough... when the cannot rape and pillage without the need of guns,they will then have them and those without will awaken to a new hell. If the people had the guns and actually carried them,it would not happen... we have countless stories here of people that do carry stopping the mass killing, but you will not hear these in media,they want to keep the people fooled and in fear.

I’ve lived in Germany for 5 years and never felt unsafe. In fact it was one of the most enjoyable places I’ve ever been lucky enough to live.

and yet two of the 10 worst school shootings in history occurred in Germany, and they didn't significantly change their gun laws after, sensible people aren't they?

I visit twice a year and never felt afraid, but I live in the US and do not feel afraid... Nuts live everywhere.

Bingo, they always crow about how many people are killed with guns, and always ignore how many people are saved by guns.

...and fuck gun free zones.

Because good people with guns, on the scene, are the only thing that ever stops bad people with guns.

99.99% of guns have never shot at anybody.

In fact the average handgun in America will only be used in a homicide once every 10,000 years.

If we are talking about the division of society into castes, then it should be noted that the Kṣatriya caste included both military and government officials. An interesting coincidence is not it?...