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RE: America Has A Culture Problem, Not a Gun Problem

in #news7 years ago

Reports of mass shootings have been greatly exaggerated. You can tell you are being mislead when the source starts to blather about the number of incidents instead of the number of casualties, I discussed in this post yesterday how there were more casualties from large public mass shootings in a single year in France than all 8 years of the Obama administration.

Have you ever read Mill's Utopia? He offers the same solution for violent young men.

Here is the thing about America, most of those violent young men, the ones who actually commit over 90% of all gun crime, are just stupid and don't see any other way to be than gun violence. What works very well in the places they have tried it is to identify those who are the 1 in 10,000 people who are habitual gun criminals and then works with them to get them out of the cycle of gun violence. So instead of blanket laws on all the citizens what works is to just target those citizens who are habitual gun criminals.


many of the problems we have now adays i believe can be traced back to the war on drugs. We have created so many single parent families in situations that were already bad. When we leave children to raise themselves , this is what we get. it is a sad reality that needs to be addressed .

100% The gun laws we do have along with drug prohibition are essentially modern day Jim Crow and were designed, intended and still function to create and maintain an underclass and to suppress the poor and minorities. And at this point it has gone on so long it is generational and has a culture of its own. Almost all gun crime is a direct result of drug prohibition, excellent point.

To vere slightly farther off course there are 2 other contributing factors

  1. Deinstitutionalisation which got rid of asylums for crazy people and instead put many people on government benifits and left them out in the world for sll of us to deal with IE. adam lanza

  2. From generation X to present being raise on Ridlin and other drugs force fed to them as children to keep the calm, docile, zombies. Well guess who is off thier meds now!

Correct on both points, not only that but they are often on drugs that "may cause suicidal thoughts and actions" and yet some say the guns are the cause.