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RE: America Has A Culture Problem, Not a Gun Problem

in #news7 years ago

The US does not have a gun problem, the US has a Government Problem with treachery and a hidden state that began long ago. It wants to bring the US down, so with programming and it's social modeling they are achieving a state of ab-normalcy.

I just wrote this (excerpt) on @crushthestreet:

Some postulate if we did not have guns, there would be less shootings... I postulate if the government obeyed the laws of the us there would be less shootings. If they were not intent on taking our guns, they would not be setting up these mass shooting to do just that, false flag or real incident, the government is behind these incidents (many of them) as well as allowing the gang violence by inbreeding it into the psyche of those involved.

I have owned guns many a year as have friends and family, whenever shot anyone... but just imagine if everyone around that shooter had guns, he would not have had the opportunity to shoot many. Guns protect people.


Yet you argue that you need the right to bear arms to prevent the state getting too powerful. If it’s already too powerful, the only thing having mass gun ownership achieves is mass killings.

The trouble is it’s a very different society to Europe for example. The argument is always ‘well the bad guy will always break the law and have a gun regardless so I need to have a gun to protect myself’. I can agree with this argument but in Europe it would be different as the bad guy is unlikely to have a gun.
Just different cultures and societies I guess. But it’s such an emotive issue.

Derp, let me know when an American shooter kills more than the guy in Norway or the guys in France. In France there were more killed in mass shootings in one year than in 8 years in the US. there goes your theory.

Well I think you will need to talk to folks in Sweden and Germany (as well as others) that live in fear of imported immigrants... that have taken parts of their city for their own,rape the women cower the police. As far as European Bad Guys not having guns,I think you are in for an awakening soon enough... when the cannot rape and pillage without the need of guns,they will then have them and those without will awaken to a new hell. If the people had the guns and actually carried them,it would not happen... we have countless stories here of people that do carry stopping the mass killing, but you will not hear these in media,they want to keep the people fooled and in fear.

I’ve lived in Germany for 5 years and never felt unsafe. In fact it was one of the most enjoyable places I’ve ever been lucky enough to live.

and yet two of the 10 worst school shootings in history occurred in Germany, and they didn't significantly change their gun laws after, sensible people aren't they?

I visit twice a year and never felt afraid, but I live in the US and do not feel afraid... Nuts live everywhere.

Bingo, they always crow about how many people are killed with guns, and always ignore how many people are saved by guns.