The Mystery Of Deja Vu

in #mystery8 years ago

We have all had those moments where for a second, we feel like the moment we are in has somehow already happened before. It is also accompanied by a oracle like feeling where you know what’s going to happen in the next few moments.

The scary part is when it actually happens and you get freaked out for a second as to what just happened. Before being introduced to the word “Deja Vu”, it used to be especially odd but we learn as we grow that this is something that most people experience. 

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So, what is Deja Vu and why does it happen and make us feel all supernatural-y. If it is something that most people have experienced, there should be an explanation for it, right?

Turns out, no one knows for sure. People have suggested many theories over the years but no conclusive description or understanding of the phenomena has been put forward yet. Let’s take a look at three of the most popular ones.

1. Glitch In The Matrix

This is not just a theory from a movie (The Matrix) but something that many scientists think could explain deja vu. We already know that many physicists say that our universe is only a hologram meaning that we are literally living in a simulation.

In simpler words, we are just characters in a program inside a computer of higher intelligence beings. Just like in open world games like GTA San Andreas and others. 

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If this is true, it could also be true that sometimes there might be a glitch in the program itself i.e. a glitch in the very fabric of space-time itself. It could be a temporary hiccup in the program.

Therefore, deja vu could just be a reset of the program or a change in some variables which would account for the ‘familiar events’ that we “know” we haven’t experienced before. 

2. Precognitive Dreams

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Another possible explanation put forward is that deja vu has something to do with our dreams. More specifically, it is suggested that maybe we get precognitive dreams from time to time which predict something that happens in the future.

And when we do experience the same thing in real life, it feels both foreign and familiar at the same time because we mostly forget what we see in our dreams. 

This would suggest that our subconscious mind has a sixth sense or a seventh sense, if you will that has the ability of glancing into the future. Since we do not understand the world of dreams, this theory cannot be tested and confirmed yet.

3. Parallel Universe Theory

The multiverse theory is a theory put forward by scientists which states that there are an infinite number of universes out there each different to the rest in some respect.

That means that for every single possibility that can exist, there is a universe. So, there is a universe where you are a doctor and there is a universe where you are a president of some country.

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This theory could also explain deja vu. If there really are an infinite number of universes, deja vu could occur when two different universes overlap in which you are doing the same thing or have done the same thing just recently.

It would give you an unmistakable feeling of experiencing things for a second time yet you wouldn’t be able to remember when you did it because you never did, you from the other universe did it.


All of the above and also down below have been known to be given the label of Déjà Vu. Yet, I personally only refer tot he moments where things are seemingly the same as another circumstance and very very closely resemble the actual moment lived in the now.

Otherwise, I have to call them otherwise. For instances, I have had precognitive dreams as far as I can remember and see things that happen sometimes many many years prior to the actual event happening. I get to know people ahead of time and visit location I have never seen before until the day I actually get there. they are a lot of fun, usually...

Thanks for the article, all for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Personally I believe that it might have to do something with our sub-conscious minds. I might be wrong but there's where my current inclinations lie.

thanks for reading :)

I still remember coming across the word subconscious when I was in high school and thought that might fit the bill. I quickly realized that it referred to some sort of a limitless memory tank relating to past experiences, whether being aware of them or not & conscious or not, but could not answer to facts of such happenings as, for instance, experiencing uninvented objects such as a computer when computer did exists yet. Limitless examples of such can be formulated from here and therefore debunk the original idea that, if it were to be a fruit of our subconscious, then the subconscious would have to rely on a very different definition. Its span would have to go beyond the individual's consciousness and realms of awareness as well as beyond its imagination while being connected to a future that actually occurs many many many years later.

Since hitting the Freudian wall of understanding of it "If someone talks of subconsciousness, I cannot tell whether he means the term topographically – to indicate something lying in the mind beneath consciousness – or qualitatively – to indicate another consciousness, a subterranean one, as it were. He is probably not clear about any of it. The only trustworthy antithesis is between conscious and unconscious.", I have reverted to the original definition and potential of what subconscious means and leave it as is. Though I don't necessarily relate it to is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression as Freud would have considered himself.

The subconscious has a vast domain of applicability, but it doesn't necessarily correlate to actual events happening in the future. When the actual presence of things-to-come or actions-to-come are finding themselves incorporated in the present, the realm of the future experience comes to challenge the precision of any imagination or the subconscious for that matter. If your imagination were to be exact about the coming future, would you still be calling it imagination? I couldn't. On the other hand, if your subconscious brought forth, right now, impossible things to imagine on an experiential level, experiencing it later might just prove to you that the so-called "subconscious" doesn't obey the definition from which it is drawn from and one would have to go back to the drawing board.

Namaste :)

BEING LIGHT is true freedom

Hey! Look who stopped by. I feel special that you made this video mentioning my post :D
As for parallel universes, they can be considered as the many possible realities can't they?

Maybe I'd like to visit these mountains sometime, sounds like an interesting place. :P's likely a conflict resolution process in memory: The Scientist-Magician Who Summons Deju Vu Into You

Haha, looks like you and I had the same idea for the thumbnail image!

Yes, I came across this study while writing the article. I think I will include this among others in a part 2 of this post.

Although I like the possible explanations in the original post, I do think the best explanation is indeed the conflict resolution process in memory, or more in more simple words: an error in the brain.

Bit of topic: the "Glitch in the Matrix" idea is somewhat strange idea to me; even if some scientists do believe in such model. The reason is that this model does not solve the big question "what made us", "why we are here". If anything else than the Big Bang Theory, I opt for the Holographic Universe as written by Michael Talbot some decades ago.

Learn more about the Holographic Universe:

The matrix theory cannot answer the questions you have stated perfectly but it does give us some idea. If this theory is correct, then it would be a far more intelligent race who made us. As for 'why we are here' the answer to that maybe that there is no purpose at all. Just like there is no real purpose for a game character other than be played by the player of the game.

Great post man!

Thank you man! :D

Most the time for me its event that I dream about show up in real life. Not like perdicting the future just crossing the street and almost getting hit by a car. Little things.

yeah, it is quite connected with dreams which makes it really interesting.