
Haha, looks like you and I had the same idea for the thumbnail image!

Yes, I came across this study while writing the article. I think I will include this among others in a part 2 of this post.

Although I like the possible explanations in the original post, I do think the best explanation is indeed the conflict resolution process in memory, or more in more simple words: an error in the brain.

Bit of topic: the "Glitch in the Matrix" idea is somewhat strange idea to me; even if some scientists do believe in such model. The reason is that this model does not solve the big question "what made us", "why we are here". If anything else than the Big Bang Theory, I opt for the Holographic Universe as written by Michael Talbot some decades ago.

Learn more about the Holographic Universe:

The matrix theory cannot answer the questions you have stated perfectly but it does give us some idea. If this theory is correct, then it would be a far more intelligent race who made us. As for 'why we are here' the answer to that maybe that there is no purpose at all. Just like there is no real purpose for a game character other than be played by the player of the game.