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RE: The Mystery Of Deja Vu

in #mystery8 years ago

All of the above and also down below have been known to be given the label of Déjà Vu. Yet, I personally only refer tot he moments where things are seemingly the same as another circumstance and very very closely resemble the actual moment lived in the now.

Otherwise, I have to call them otherwise. For instances, I have had precognitive dreams as far as I can remember and see things that happen sometimes many many years prior to the actual event happening. I get to know people ahead of time and visit location I have never seen before until the day I actually get there. they are a lot of fun, usually...

Thanks for the article, all for one and one for all! Namaste :)


Personally I believe that it might have to do something with our sub-conscious minds. I might be wrong but there's where my current inclinations lie.

thanks for reading :)

I still remember coming across the word subconscious when I was in high school and thought that might fit the bill. I quickly realized that it referred to some sort of a limitless memory tank relating to past experiences, whether being aware of them or not & conscious or not, but could not answer to facts of such happenings as, for instance, experiencing uninvented objects such as a computer when computer did exists yet. Limitless examples of such can be formulated from here and therefore debunk the original idea that, if it were to be a fruit of our subconscious, then the subconscious would have to rely on a very different definition. Its span would have to go beyond the individual's consciousness and realms of awareness as well as beyond its imagination while being connected to a future that actually occurs many many many years later.

Since hitting the Freudian wall of understanding of it "If someone talks of subconsciousness, I cannot tell whether he means the term topographically – to indicate something lying in the mind beneath consciousness – or qualitatively – to indicate another consciousness, a subterranean one, as it were. He is probably not clear about any of it. The only trustworthy antithesis is between conscious and unconscious.", I have reverted to the original definition and potential of what subconscious means and leave it as is. Though I don't necessarily relate it to is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression as Freud would have considered himself.

The subconscious has a vast domain of applicability, but it doesn't necessarily correlate to actual events happening in the future. When the actual presence of things-to-come or actions-to-come are finding themselves incorporated in the present, the realm of the future experience comes to challenge the precision of any imagination or the subconscious for that matter. If your imagination were to be exact about the coming future, would you still be calling it imagination? I couldn't. On the other hand, if your subconscious brought forth, right now, impossible things to imagine on an experiential level, experiencing it later might just prove to you that the so-called "subconscious" doesn't obey the definition from which it is drawn from and one would have to go back to the drawing board.

Namaste :)