Sheeple phone call (hypothetical room microphone) - Simulated Stupidity Experiment

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Before you read the following post, know that this is meant as a mental experiment, and as an experiment only. If there are any similarities between the fictional character talking on the phone and someone in real life its complete coincidence.

If you are sitting there scratching your head wondering why I even write these things, I can only tell you that they nothing more than practices in perspective. I happen to believe that to understand a problem, specially of the social nature, we must attempt to submerge ourselves at least momentarily into the minds of those who we believe are perpetuating the problem.

Starting Simulation

Phone rings...

Hey Dude, saw your message man... I woke up this morning super confused, you have no idea. I'm sitting there at the edge of my bed looking around my room and I'm wondering if everything is OK with me, if I'm feeling well. All of the sudden I started to panic a little bit, I could not find my phone anywhere around me. I'm thinking to myself "WHO DA HELL TOOK MY PHONE?" and right when I was about to shove the cat who was sleeping peacefully next to me onto the floor, there it was, next to my shoe.

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I'm like, My facebook bro! have not checked the whole time I've been sleeping. I got to check it right now, I had to use the bathroom, but it couldn't wait you know, not after what Josh shared the other day on my timeline. Did you see it? I unfriended him of course.... I'm not gonna put up with that, he can do it in his timeline if he wants to, but I still unfriended him, he is so dense and intolerant, I can't stand the guy anymore.

BTW Did you see the new thing about trump last night? OMG I know, the dude is a complete moron, he was like saying things that he had said before were not even true, that's so stupid, that is why we are going to die soon, I swear. We are totally gonna end up nuking Somalia or something very soon..... Well not Somalia, but one of those countries from the middle east or something..... Well From the middle east, man... Why are you being so passive aggressive today, you got the micro aggression on fifth gear or something...

Listen I was meaning to ask you the other day, but you were completely doing your own thing and I was not about to kill the vibe... Did you and Stace hook up? .... I was totally gonna hook up with her before, but I'm thinking that it would not work out anyways, she's like a total prude... Well, turns out her parents are super religious, so she wants to be safe about everything... and I mean everything... She would not even take a drink from me... It's not like I would do something to her, I'm got game I don't need that crap, you know I got game.

I'm supposed to work today... arggghhhh... I hate it so much, my manager is a complete asshole, he wont let me take any smoke breaks anymore... Well I can have 5 tops, but that complete BS because I need way more than that in a day, I get stressed out and when I get stressed out I can't do my job, he is totally shooting himself in the foot there. Dude can be a total Hitler, I can't wait to quit, I hate it there.

Well you got the cool job bro, you get to just chill and not do shit, that's awesome! I wish I got paid to not do shit.... Nah dude, don't let them boss you around like that, they agreed to your schedule back in summer. Well, I know, but the thing of it is, we got shit to do man... You wanna be like your boss, get old and have like a stupid life? Nah man... we better than that, just look at us.... We got talent, I'm totally gonna learn to DJ n shit and make a ton of money, you watch...

Are you serious? Are you really gonna go to college????? WHAT FOR??? WHAT FOR?? Dude... I mean.... I guess man, if you can get that money like that... Are you serious? How much? faaaark man... you get to use 3k a month for whatever you want? ..... HAHAHAHA now I'm thinking I should get to college too... Well, I'm not gonna study that crap, numbers are stupid and don't apply to shit.... we got cellphones now, don't gotta learn all that crap...

Cool man... Well, I'll catch you on the flipside then, I think today Ima go register to vote n shit... Why? Because its my duty man... I got my rights bro, you do too you gotta stay informed... you gotta know whats up!!! Dude, you gotta watch some videos man, I'm gonna send you some shit, its gonna blow your mind man... the game is rigged, we gotta bring those idiots down man... they wanna enslave us, shit man... they are already doing it... look at you man... you gonna go to college, you becoming what they want!!!

Alright man... no, I mean sorry bro... its cool man... sure... talk to you later... yeah...

End of Simulation

Footnotes & Closing thoughts

Funny enough writing this crazy experiment thing, because I don't know what else to call them, both frustrated me and made me feel better, go figure. No millennials were harmed in the making of this post.

Other posts by yours truly

• disregard the gray hairs
• The Silver Lining - Ned and Bloomberg
• Helpie Meeting 5/7/2018 - Full Recording
• it's about to get serious
• Celebrating a small milestone, 2000 followers! - Giving away some SBD


Brother, this is brilliant. Brought a tear to my eye and a smile on my face... The tragedy if modern day individualism turned nihilism caught in a one-sided phone-call... Sometimes I wonder if you do this on purpose, or if you just naturally make these subtle connections. Intently or not, but the fact that you chose to let us experience just one side of this dialogue turned out to be a telling choice indeed :-)

Tragedy & hope (also the title of a ridiculously boring book everybody should read) compressed to diamond:

Dude can be a total Hitler, I can't wait to quit, I hate it there.

the fact that he reacts like this when his boss, who probably really is every bit the tyrant he describes, tries to help him stop a bad habit: our friend ain't talking about quitting smoking because his boss says so, and instead wants to quit the boss... I smoke to.

I wish I got paid to not do shit....

This is the highest attainable position on the social ladder as depicted in all corporation sponsored messages from advertisements to Hollywood productions to mainstream sitcoms and RAP MUSIC VIDEOS... I love a lot of rap music to.

I think today Ima go register to vote n shit...

in the same paragraph as

the game is rigged, we gotta bring those idiots down man...

Our friend shows the way "democracy" is perceived: as a re-occuring duty to be done each four years. The game can be rigged because of this far too limited perspective on democracy; it's not a political system but a cultural given: democracy begins at home, in the family, it is a culture of dialogue and shared decisions. I stopped voting.

you gonna go to college, you becoming what they want!!!

Our friend is right, but is naturally blind to the fact that he himself also has become a product of the environment he detests so much... And so am I, I'm afraid..

Like I said: I don't know if you thought of all of this in advance... or if you meant to tell something completely different. It's brilliant either way :-)

You are right on the money my friend... I don't plan these for a long time, I kind of let them happen... It's an attempt to put a magnifying glass on the things I see all the time.

It kind of reminds me of music, where a musician just grabs an instrument and channels something. That is basically what it is...

I'm glad you find value in the experiment, It's not a post for just anyone... to some it's just @meno losing his mind.


LOL. Oh the lolz...

Gotta say, though, that I do take some slight issue with this, though not much. The thing is, the millenials have every reason to be lazy, bitter, unthinking nincompoops because That is what We made Them.

There was time in my life that I had a lot (well, okay... very little) in common with this character... granted, I always try to put on a show of decorum, because self-respect, but still. I get this idea, of futilely expecting the world to be your oyster because I was sold the precise same line by the boomers' America. GenX represent!

So were the Boomers themselves. We were all betrayed by the institution of trickle-down economics, and as predicted, it has resulted in a culture where futility and self-destruction is served on a silver platter, Biggie-sized if you like.

This character, and all of us, have been the victims of a mass decentralized conspiracy, borne on a culture of sanctified avarice and contempt.

The values of "I got mine... and so can you for only $15,000 a semester!" were an absolute racket perpetrated by our own government. I know because I fell for it - hook, line and sinker. College was a wonderful experience, and I owe much of my life to relationships founded there, but... Given the choice to redo things, I would have gone to trade school for welding, then sailed into college on the "pulse and a Pell" requirements. (Because gothnik ladies, I mean - damn!) <3

I apologize, I'm rambling... I'm certainly planning on blogging about this stuff myself. Ad-nauseam. Just wanted to throw my two-cents.

edit - Hippy drummers too... damn I'm old.

Hey mate... well awesome to see you in my comment section. I gotta tell you I had a premonition the other day. You and I are going to become friends, I know this is a weird thing to say, but I happen to know these things from time to time.

I recognize something in your writing, we share some truths if you know what i mean... In any case, I'm stoked Serena invited you to Steem, I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.


So often we go against the grain only to find ourselves in another lane. Anti-heros and heros have so much in common.

very true... very true

sorry I do not understand what you mean .. and what you write in your post ... may you give a little about your post ... thank you

Imagine you are listening to someone who is on a phone call... you can't hear what the person on the phone is saying, only to what the person that is next to you is talking about.

Well that's the scene here... The person who we are effectively listening to speak is just having a casual conversation. This thought experiment is meant as a thought experiment.

Thought Experiments are common in philosophy.

what do you mean as we talk to the mute

very interesting sir....