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RE: Sheeple phone call (hypothetical room microphone) - Simulated Stupidity Experiment

in #life6 years ago (edited)

LOL. Oh the lolz...

Gotta say, though, that I do take some slight issue with this, though not much. The thing is, the millenials have every reason to be lazy, bitter, unthinking nincompoops because That is what We made Them.

There was time in my life that I had a lot (well, okay... very little) in common with this character... granted, I always try to put on a show of decorum, because self-respect, but still. I get this idea, of futilely expecting the world to be your oyster because I was sold the precise same line by the boomers' America. GenX represent!

So were the Boomers themselves. We were all betrayed by the institution of trickle-down economics, and as predicted, it has resulted in a culture where futility and self-destruction is served on a silver platter, Biggie-sized if you like.

This character, and all of us, have been the victims of a mass decentralized conspiracy, borne on a culture of sanctified avarice and contempt.

The values of "I got mine... and so can you for only $15,000 a semester!" were an absolute racket perpetrated by our own government. I know because I fell for it - hook, line and sinker. College was a wonderful experience, and I owe much of my life to relationships founded there, but... Given the choice to redo things, I would have gone to trade school for welding, then sailed into college on the "pulse and a Pell" requirements. (Because gothnik ladies, I mean - damn!) <3

I apologize, I'm rambling... I'm certainly planning on blogging about this stuff myself. Ad-nauseam. Just wanted to throw my two-cents.

edit - Hippy drummers too... damn I'm old.


Hey mate... well awesome to see you in my comment section. I gotta tell you I had a premonition the other day. You and I are going to become friends, I know this is a weird thing to say, but I happen to know these things from time to time.

I recognize something in your writing, we share some truths if you know what i mean... In any case, I'm stoked Serena invited you to Steem, I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.
