The Silver Lining - Ned and Bloomberg

in #steem6 years ago (edited)
It seems to me the negative voices have gotten a little louder in the past few days. It's not that I don't understand it, the price of steem is going down once again, and to be honest with you Ned's interview on Bloomberg did not go that great. Don't take my word for it, watch the video yourself it's not that long and it will make my point quite clear.

Negative Press

There are those who believe there is no such thing. Getting your name out there is more important than specifics, but I have the hardest of times subscribing to the idea.

I'm under no illusions that our platform is perfect, that we figured everything out already or that we are currently riding a sustainable course. I'm painfully aware of the shortcomings of this blockchain and in full knowledge of them have decided to stay and do my best, add my two cents as they say to help overcome them.

I know hindsight is always 20/20 and I don't know if any of us "the steem believers" could have done a better job explaining this platform if the need ever surfaced. As someone with some experience in front of cameras I can say that when the red light is on, the game completely changes.

All is not lost

There is a silver lining to this whole thing even though its quite hard to see at this exact second. Making it to Bloomberg is no small feat and for anyone who is paying enough attention, this might be a sign of big change. I fully expect Ned to participate in many more conversations of the kind in the months to come as SMTs and Hive/Communties get ready to launch.

I know many believe the SMT's have become nothing more than a carrot at the end of the stick and that the promise of their launch is one Steemit Inc will never fulfill but, the Korean tour and Bloomberg TV appearance hint otherwise. This might be complete speculation from my part, but I have a feeling we are a month away from a big change, the timing would seem to suggest it.

The first mover advantage

Is nothing to take for granted, and this is the case for Bitcoin and it's certainly the case for Steem. If this little virtual experiment is to survive the shifting of the tide it needs to not ignore the lessons of the recent past. We could attempt to make a case for the unwarranted decline of myspace, but it would fail to take into account the warranted rise of its competitor facebook.

Most of us should be comfortable with the notion that "competition is a good thing". We are competitive by nature and only when we are pushed from our comfort zone do we react in adjustment. I'm saying this because the recent announcement of projects that could be mayor competitors for Steem should not be something that keeps any of us up at night. Change is good, competition is good and there is nothing outrageous about those statements.

But...Where would we go if Steem Fails?

If and let me emphasize the word "IF" Steem does not survive its needed mutation, I fully expect for the market to be filled with great competitors. If this happens, I also fully expect for some of the communities that are currently participating of this blockchain to make their respective migrations.

The most valuable elements of my personal journey on this experiment have been in the form of relationships with people from all over the world. I can't see myself forsaking the connections made just because a blockchain failed us and I suspect there are many who share this sentiment.
I'm interested in your thoughts on this matter, did you see the interview? Are you excited about the competitors, scared or indifferent?

Other posts by yours truly
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• it's about to get serious
• Celebrating a small milestone, 2000 followers! - Giving away some SBD
• Open Mic Week 83 - Meno - Top 5 Picks and Honorable Mentions
• crossing the bridge to St. Pete

personally i thought the interview went well. i'm of the belief that even just getting onto bloomberg is positive press. the average person enters into watching a video with preconceived notions and finishes watching the interview with those same notions. but what it does do is establish steemit in the mainstream as an option. the more the name gets out there the better.

why is everyone being so negative here?

this is a social experiment and we, the ones who are here believing in it, largely determine its future. i've seen a lot of negativity thrown all over the place around ned-- is there something i'm missing?

i see that they're largely uncommunicative and have delayed on delivering promises, but i think largely this experiment is succeeding! and as you say, whether another competitor comes in or not-- we have formed relationships here. are we all going to mass-bail where we think the grass is greener? interesting thoughts!

Well you guys come with a positive mindset into this, that is more than half the battle... I think regardless of where we are a few years from now, those who think like you and me won't feel regret.

Dear @meno well said and hope fully steem price again going up after Small flow
Always shearing well content with us keep-your-work-up dear @meno

There's already many competitors as far as app blockchain is concerned. I think what's unique about EOS is that Dan is making it, and Dan's a genius when it comes to this stuff. I can't really get excited about hf20, hives, smt's, too much yet. I really don't want to get worked up and the hype overstates it all. I'm hoping. We'll see.

I think a little competition is healthy for all platforms involved, including other app blockchains. Keeps them on their toes. I'm not married to any of these platforms. We're just dating at this point. maybe if I was a million vested somewhere, I'd feel differently.

I'm not married to any of these platforms. We're just dating at this point. maybe if I was a million vested somewhere, I'd feel differently.

This had me cracking up!! hahahha

The internet's got plenty of room for two or three new social media platforms.
It's Twitter and facebook that should fear the blockchains.
If anything, competition will lessen any threat from regulators. I'm sure napster would've benefited from half a dozen peers.
You don't want to be the only hen around when the fox gets in.

The internet's got plenty of room for two or three new social media platforms.

100% agree on this... in all honesty myspace is still around and has more users than steem, go figure. It's just not the default platform we think of when we utter the words "social media".

It's Twitter and facebook that should fear the blockchains.

Facebook is having talks about implementing a crypto of their own (i remember a video about this) so they will adapt, they simply have to... Will it succeed? Will it crush the competitors again? That is a whole different story.

You don't want to be the only hen around when the fox gets in.

I could not agree more... regulations are around the corner, anyone who does not think so is unicorning big time.

I watched the interview and I thought it was semi warm or mediocre. Ned was there but no one was home. I don't know him from a bar of soap but his answers were not great. Thee was no enthusiasm and wouldn't make me go and have a look at what Steemit was all about. He looked over whelmed and out of his depth. When you are being interviewed you sell the product. I wouldn't have bought the product. Harsh maybe but this is the real world and not the world of Steemit.

As someone who appreciates honesty I welcome your comment to this conversation. That being said, explaining Steem to those who are not part of it is no small task... On the energy aspect, the sales pitch enthusiasm you are supposed to convey, maybe he could have done better.. I've certainly seen him do better, but again... Not easy to do and so little time to do so...

Not easy. But being the head of Steemit it is his job. It was a blown opportunity. Maybe when you have seen him talking before it was to people who had an inkling what Steemit already was. The lady interviewing him was clueless and that may have thrown him. She was also to blame and should have done a little research. The whole thing was not great.

I think it's fine. Hyping the platform in its current form and at its current price could have been disastrous, the last thing we need is the CEO getting noobs to buy in at too high of a price and watch them instantly be forever turned off as the prices slid. I'm probably the last person to defend him, but from a logical standpoint I can see why unrealistic enthusiasm was disfavored over measured, restrained explanations of the topics. Although the explanation of how posts paid out could have been way more digestible for the television audience than "it comes from a magical digital treasury".

Let's hope smt launch in next 3 months

The EOS presale has been competing with steem for a while now. Maybe the impact of Dans new offering is already priced in.

maybe... but at the same time, its still not operational... I for one think EOS is overpriced.. that's just me, but I'm sure I don't stand alone.

Not much point in waiting until it's operational if you think you could get it cheap beforehand.
Theres an excellent chance that most of the EOS speculators have already bought their stake, meaning no dramatic goldrush at launch.
Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I'm on the sidelines... I've done a bit of digging and some of the things I've found make me doubt certain claims.

I don't want to FUD... but....

I have a toenail in EOS, but no serious stake.

I feel I should have moved my steem out and then back in but honestly I am very bad trader and it is all sitting there. Hector told me interview was bad snd the need to fix the abuse of the trending page more needed than ever

I hesitate to call the interview bad, but only because its not easy to explain this whole thing to anyone outside of steem. But the fact that the interviewer brought that up, that felt like a punch in the gut...

Let us grow and take it over with love

I don't really know what to think about all of this stuff, but when people start talking about the possibility of failure of steem and steemit, it makes me a bit nervous about putting all my energy into this platform. Not that I have anywhere else to go....

None of us should lose sleep over this my friend, we are all going to be OK.

Steem is mimicks the failed real world Centralized Oligarchy and the few rule the many..

I am still here for now keeping up with a few friends I've made, but refuse to support the platform with my content.

New players are in the game and Steemit, short of a very hard fork is done...

I get your frustration and share some it myself... I'm not ready to give up tho..

It's not frustration, since I could care less. I cannot change my government, but I can the platforms I use and will use every freedom afforded to me.

Yeah.I saw it, the price of steam decreased.!!! I noticed it last day ago but the issue was not clear, now I understand.thanks for the post sir.

the steem price decline is also connected to some FUD .. comments made by Buffet and Gates... but don't worry much about that, they are from a different era and asking their opinions is not too relevant.