Vaccination Fascism Takes Another Vicious Turn... Over Measles!

in #informationwar6 years ago

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Not only are anti-vaccination websites and spokespersons being scrubbed from social media in an ongoing attempt to silence dissent, the judiciary has become involved as well. Sometimes in the heat of debate- at least when it's allowed- we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture... in this case the ramifications on naturally occurring human rights. What governments seem to have lost sight of- both state as well as federal- is that they work for us, we do not belong to them. It's only under Fascism/Communism that citizens are property of the state, described as "cells belonging to a larger organism" by the designers. America was founded on rights given to the individual by their Creator, a concept that is being eroded, sometimes slowly, sometimes rapidly. Forced vaccinations are just another tool of a growing Fascist state, run by corporations- in this case, Big Pharma.

One of the more recent manifestations, Rockland County, New York has banned unvaccinated children from all public facilities... going so far as to declare a "state of emergency" for measles of all things, a common childhood disease. Given the governmental hysteria (not to mention overreach) one would think it was an outbreak of ebola.

 Rockland County Executive Ed Day held a press conference earlier today to announce that he had declared a “state of emergency” regarding the New York state county’s 153 cases of measles over a 6-month period, and placed a ban on all children under the age of 18 from appearing in any public area, which includes schools, malls and places of worship. 

153 cases... when I was growing up there were more cases in a single school at one time. According to Mr. Day:

 Parents will be held accountable if they are found to be in violation of this state of emergency act. And the focus of this effort is on the parents of these children. We are urging them once again, now with the authority of law, to get your children vaccinated. 

Accountable for what? This is insanity!  Mr. Day tried to downplay fears of police checkpoints and random checks for vaccination status, but he also stated that any parent found to be not in compliance with the emergency order would be referred to the district attorney’s office for possible prosecution.

 If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney. 

I'm curious to know just what the penalty for an unvaccinated child is? In effect what is happening here is the criminalization of a non-life threatening childhood illness. This reminds me of the hysteria in medieval Europe surrounding the Black Plague- an actual epidemic. " The Rockland County Health Department, who recommended the emergency ban, has reportedly been going door to door and calling homes within the community in an effort to deal with the measles 'epidemic.'" The only real threat is to the bottom line of the big pharmaceutical companies.


Our inspectors have begun to meet increasing resistance from those they are trying to protect.
Our health inspectors have been hung up upon or told not to call again. They’ve been told “we’re not discussing this – do not come back,” when visiting the homes of infected individuals as part of their investigations.
This kind of response is not acceptable, and frankly, irresponsible.
It is extremely difficult for our department of health to do their jobs when people refuse to cooperate with our investigators and fail to notify doctors when they are sick.

When asked about religious exemptions to the vaccinations- New York as a state allows for such- Mr. Day replied that they would not be observed- everyone must be vaccinated.

 When confronted with more specific questions about the MMR vaccine, such as one person who asked if the MMR vaccine was for the correct strain of measles currently being found in the community, Mr. Day chose to criticize those who had suffered from vaccine injuries, claiming a higher moral ground for “the greater good” of society: 

 If you are going to People Magazine, and Jenny McCarthy for your medical advice, then you need to start re-examining your life.

There’s risk in everything.

Could there have been a child or a few children who have been compromised by a vaccination? Of course there could be.

But there’s something called ‘The Greater Good’ here. Society has to come to an understanding at some point, that we have a responsibility to the greater good of the community. 

Of course, the overriding question here is: "Does this mean parents face losing their children to CPS if they refuse to vaccinate their children?"

The question I have is, how much did Big Pharma donate to Mr. Day's campaign and how involved are they in this criminalization of communicable diseases? These things have a way of spreading both in size and scope... in fact this issue has already made its way into federal court (what a surprise).

 Despite being entirely healthy, a federal judge handed down a decision this week that denied healthy children entry into school based on the sole factor of being unvaccinated. The judge cited an “unprecedented measles outbreak” for his decision to ban unvaccinated children from school.

 After the judge’s ruling in the courtroom, parents of the children—who are now being treated as 21st century lepers—embraced each other in disappointment and shame. 

Once again, we're talking about measles here not ebola or the black death... given that there are no real health dangers from having measles, why the hysteria? The only beneficiaries are Big Pharma, who naturally increase their bottom line, and Big Government, who increase their stranglehold on the public (not to mention benefits monetarily from their pals in Big Pharma). After the judge's ruling, one parent remarked:

 “Preventing my child from being with his class, his teacher, his classroom, has had a significant social and psychological impact,” said a parent of a 4-year old preschooler who declined to give her name. “He is confused, given his young age, about why he isn’t allowed on his campus,” she said, her voice wavering, according to 

But what are the feelings of children and their parents when there's money and power to be gained? To show both the overreach and absurdity of the ruling:

 The judge’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by the families of 44 children who have been banned from school because they have chosen to remain unvaccinated. The lawsuit argues that Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert’s order violates the families’ religious objections to vaccinations and is unnecessary because the cases have been largely confined to insular Hasidic Jewish communities.

 The lawsuit showed that not a single case of measles has been reported among any of the Chestnut Ridge school’s “excluded children,” their families, or the Fellowship Community that surrounds it. Despite this fact, the unvaccinated children are still barred from attending school. 

Not one case of measles in the entire school district!

Forgive for sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but the complete absence of measles shows that deeper and darker forces are at play. "As of March 7, there have only been 228 cases of measles in the entire United States illustrating that this “epidemic” really only exists in the media." (and in the minds of those for whom profits loom) There's also the question of the efficacy- not to mention dangers- of the MMR vaccine itself.

 What’s more, most people who get the measles make a full recovery within a week or so. Although some studies do link unvaccinated people to measles cases, according to multiple other studies, the MMR vaccine islikely worse than getting measles.  In 2017, the Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) reported in the British Medical Journal that every year, approximately 5,700 U.S. children suffer from seizures as a direct result of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

This compared to no children suffering from seizures from the disease itself. According to the president and founder of PIC:

 “In the United States, measles is generally a benign, short-term viral infection; 99.99% of measles cases fully recover,” said Dr. Shira Miller, PIC president and founder. “As it has not been proven that the MMR vaccine is safer than measles, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that mandatory measles mass vaccination results in a net public health benefit in the United States.” 

 While there is a risk of seizure from contracting measles, according to the data, the risk of developingseizures from the vaccine to combat measles is five times higher.  

The study goes on to say that the damage caused by the MMR vaccine is most often permanent whereas the symptoms of the disease disappear after a few days or a week. And then, of course, there's this:

 Last month, measles hysteria came to a head as every single mainstream media outlet across the country ran with stories pumping fear over some non-existent epidemic. Headlines like “For God’s Sake! Vaccinate Your Children!” and “Measles is on the rise. But telling anti-vaxxers they’re stupid won’t fix it” have run constantly since last month as the media and the government wage a war on those who advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent. There was one headline, however, that was the opposite of these and went entirely under the radar

 “Vaccines given in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana causing infections,” readone headline that was suppressed to the deepest darkest depths of the search engine algorithm. After all, it’s hard to foster fear over a non-existent epidemic to encourage people to vote away their right to informed consent when the very medicines being mandated are found to be contaminated and causing infections. But that is exactly what happened. 

That's right, the government is deliberately forcing vaccinations when they know that some of the vaccines are contaminated! But, if it isn't being reported, it's the same as not happening... isn't it? In addition to the MMR vaccine, shots for flu, whooping cough and hepatitis A were found to be contaminated. The symptoms can show up as long as three months after injection.

 Ironically enough, the health departmenis urging all those who were vaccinated by this company—that may have infected them with contaminated vaccines—to get another round of shots. 

 Even if you don’t live in one of these three states, this is a perfect example of why mandatory vaccinations are a terrible idea. Not only do people react differently to different medicines, but these medicines are manufactured and administered by humans—who make errors—a lot. 

It is a perfect example of why mandatory vaccinations are a terrible idea... more people are being damaged than are being protected it seems. It also seems, in view of the obvious failures- mandatory vaccinations in a school district with zero cases of measles being one- that there is another agenda at play here, and it does not bode well for the American people. This is about money and power, not protecting children and other citizens. As I said in the beginning, America was founded on the principle of individual rights given by our Creator, not the government- a fact the government seems to have lost sight of. This vaccine Fascism is just another step in the direction of totalitarianism. 


We do not need a state of an emergency for measles. I would like to thank our bodies are our own to do with as we choose. Sadly when we are born we become the property of the government as we're giving Social Security numbers and are only good for wet cash we can bring the government. The world has gone to hell and the older I get the more belligerent I am. Thanks for sharing @richq11

I could not agree more with you regarding forced vaccination. It's a crime against humanity. However, I note you do not grasp that the underlying principle of government - all government - is that humans are chattel.

Every form of government is predicated on that principle. Government is not possible absent that basis. This is the reason that every form of government ultimately pursues policies that utterly abnegate human rights.

~40% of cases of measles are caused by MMR vaccine. The single largest vector of measles outbreaks is vaccination. Were government actually predicated on human rights, rather than power projection, just courts would overturn the implementation of forced vaccination based on this metric alone, but what will courts do? Enforce government edicts. Because courts aren't just, and laws are depredations on human rights, and the very purpose of courts is to enforce those depredations.

CRISPR now affords individuals the ability to manufacture their own vaccines. In the event some groups intent on combating the forced vaccination and chattelization of humanity used CRISPR to do so, the fundamental arguments of the totalitarians that non-vaccination is a danger would be entirely invalidated. This should be done, IMHO, as nothing could more refute the horrifying and ongoing chattelization of humanity that is being undertaken in this push for mandatory vaccination.


Well I obviously lack your superior intellect

LOL I don't agree at all. Simply noting the quality of your posts makes that a ludicrous proposition. It's true that each of us learns different facts from our experiences, and that's the whole point of discussion: we learn each from the others what they know.

Don't be mad at me my friend. I just know that we face enemies that abuse our faith, and don't want you to be abused as I have. Like you, I want us to be free and prosperous, and to do that we need to be aware of traps and mistakes we can fall into. Not grasping that government is necessarily predicated on it's own power, rather than the power of individuals subordinated to it, leaves us vulnerable to expectations that let us fall into traps and snares we could avoid by knowing better. The fundamental problems caused by that aspect of government cannot be solved by tweaking or increasing the power of government, but only via mechanisms outside of it's purview.

I and others that have understood this need all the help we can get to succeed in meeting those challenges, and few could be of more benefit than someone of your breadth and depth of knowledge.

Please, no bully!

It is time to take up arms. It is our inalienable right to do so. This is what I got to say about this forced medical tyranny taking place.

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Amen, and amen! If they can vaccinate, they can also liquidate.

This is the height of tyranny. Even the "uneducated" "bushmen" of The Congo are fighting back against mandatory vaccination--with extreme prejudice-- while our MSM-"educated" brethren here are begging for it.


You say things here that I do not read or listen to elsewhere, which is great, and I support you.

Could you provide sources or pages that I can visit to be informed about this topic? I refer to the arguments of the anti-vaccination movement.

I have heard about anti-vaccination, but except for the distrust of the government, something totally valid, I do not understand this political discussion very well, I would like to know all the arguments, but what I find in google is very basic, pages where they satirize the arguments of anti-vaccination, and I would like to read the arguments starting from the main source.


Grab the book Fear of the Invisible.

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Thank you! I will do it!

Thumbs Up 2.gif

I guess as long as the deaths are not in my back yard it's all good. Too bad for all those, approx 100,000 people a year, mostly children under five, that die from measles - each year. They should have been born in a country that had a 90% + immunization rate. It didn't happen here, nothing to see, it's just a non-life threatening childhood illness. Can't wait for polio to make a come back, that was a fun non-life threatening childhood illness. I guess polio ran its course because I don't see any polio cases anymore - Anyone holding a polio-party? Anyone?

They had to hide the fact really, really deep that the Kentucky infections were due to "improper storage and handling of the vaccine." Who knew it had to be handled properly. The health provider stopped using the vaccine once they found out there were handling issues... sounds pretty logical, no cover up needed.

Let's unpact the risk of seizures and compare it to the risk of dieing from measles (yes that's right - people die from measles - but not in my backyard.)

  • approx. 3.64 million U.S. children are vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year which results in about 5,700 seizure, that's a rate of 0.0016 or 0.16 percent.
    OK, so lets say the following
  • approx. 24.4 million children (between 6-11); assume non of them are vaccinated (big win for you) BUT lets say a low rate of infection; 50% of them become infected with measles, that means approx 24,000 deaths (0.2% death rate. - there is an error in the death rates on their response to the original article.)
  • Feberial seizure are usually caused by a fever in a body that can not regulate itself - measles has a seizure (with or without fever) rate reported in 0.6%–0.7% of cases..... oh, wait... 3.64 million, times 0.6%... naw, that can't be right. err, better hide that number it doesn't support the cause celeb.

And there is no report by Miller in the British Journal of Medicine - What you are referencing is Miller's, COMMENT, on an original article about government funding to non-profits supporting clear and proper vaccine information. Let me know if you want the actual article. I can pull it from the BMJ.

I guess as long as it doesn't happen in my backyard it's all OK, but what if it does?

approx. 3.64 million U.S. children are vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year which results in about 5,700 seizure, that's a rate of 0.0016 percent. OK, so lets say the following

5700/3640000=0.0016, percentage wise that is 100x0.0016=0.16 percent. That means that out of 10000 children 16 suffer seizures. That is not the whole story, as underreported and non reported cases are estimated at 10 to 1 and as much as 15 to 1.

0.6% of 3.64 million is 23k.

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Thanks for the correction on the percentage. Yes, 23K is the expected seizure rate (with or without fever) if those vaccinated kids were not vaccinated and contracted measles. Where are you pulling the 10 to 1 and as much as 15 to 1 from?

From various sources, nurses and doctors. Underreporting of adverse reactions is generally accepted in both camps, pro and anti vaccine. This has been almost common knowledge since the very first immunizations in England circa 1860(4-5?). I'll bring some sources and supporting studies to confirm this later.

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Howdy sir richq11! this is a brilliant post. It's shocking that we've gotten to this point. The only surprise to me is that all of California didn't get there first.