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RE: Vaccination Fascism Takes Another Vicious Turn... Over Measles!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I guess as long as the deaths are not in my back yard it's all good. Too bad for all those, approx 100,000 people a year, mostly children under five, that die from measles - each year. They should have been born in a country that had a 90% + immunization rate. It didn't happen here, nothing to see, it's just a non-life threatening childhood illness. Can't wait for polio to make a come back, that was a fun non-life threatening childhood illness. I guess polio ran its course because I don't see any polio cases anymore - Anyone holding a polio-party? Anyone?

They had to hide the fact really, really deep that the Kentucky infections were due to "improper storage and handling of the vaccine." Who knew it had to be handled properly. The health provider stopped using the vaccine once they found out there were handling issues... sounds pretty logical, no cover up needed.

Let's unpact the risk of seizures and compare it to the risk of dieing from measles (yes that's right - people die from measles - but not in my backyard.)

  • approx. 3.64 million U.S. children are vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year which results in about 5,700 seizure, that's a rate of 0.0016 or 0.16 percent.
    OK, so lets say the following
  • approx. 24.4 million children (between 6-11); assume non of them are vaccinated (big win for you) BUT lets say a low rate of infection; 50% of them become infected with measles, that means approx 24,000 deaths (0.2% death rate. - there is an error in the death rates on their response to the original article.)
  • Feberial seizure are usually caused by a fever in a body that can not regulate itself - measles has a seizure (with or without fever) rate reported in 0.6%–0.7% of cases..... oh, wait... 3.64 million, times 0.6%... naw, that can't be right. err, better hide that number it doesn't support the cause celeb.

And there is no report by Miller in the British Journal of Medicine - What you are referencing is Miller's, COMMENT, on an original article about government funding to non-profits supporting clear and proper vaccine information. Let me know if you want the actual article. I can pull it from the BMJ.

I guess as long as it doesn't happen in my backyard it's all OK, but what if it does?


approx. 3.64 million U.S. children are vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year which results in about 5,700 seizure, that's a rate of 0.0016 percent. OK, so lets say the following

5700/3640000=0.0016, percentage wise that is 100x0.0016=0.16 percent. That means that out of 10000 children 16 suffer seizures. That is not the whole story, as underreported and non reported cases are estimated at 10 to 1 and as much as 15 to 1.

0.6% of 3.64 million is 23k.

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Thanks for the correction on the percentage. Yes, 23K is the expected seizure rate (with or without fever) if those vaccinated kids were not vaccinated and contracted measles. Where are you pulling the 10 to 1 and as much as 15 to 1 from?

From various sources, nurses and doctors. Underreporting of adverse reactions is generally accepted in both camps, pro and anti vaccine. This has been almost common knowledge since the very first immunizations in England circa 1860(4-5?). I'll bring some sources and supporting studies to confirm this later.

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