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RE: Vaccination Fascism Takes Another Vicious Turn... Over Measles!

I could not agree more with you regarding forced vaccination. It's a crime against humanity. However, I note you do not grasp that the underlying principle of government - all government - is that humans are chattel.

Every form of government is predicated on that principle. Government is not possible absent that basis. This is the reason that every form of government ultimately pursues policies that utterly abnegate human rights.

~40% of cases of measles are caused by MMR vaccine. The single largest vector of measles outbreaks is vaccination. Were government actually predicated on human rights, rather than power projection, just courts would overturn the implementation of forced vaccination based on this metric alone, but what will courts do? Enforce government edicts. Because courts aren't just, and laws are depredations on human rights, and the very purpose of courts is to enforce those depredations.

CRISPR now affords individuals the ability to manufacture their own vaccines. In the event some groups intent on combating the forced vaccination and chattelization of humanity used CRISPR to do so, the fundamental arguments of the totalitarians that non-vaccination is a danger would be entirely invalidated. This should be done, IMHO, as nothing could more refute the horrifying and ongoing chattelization of humanity that is being undertaken in this push for mandatory vaccination.



Well I obviously lack your superior intellect

LOL I don't agree at all. Simply noting the quality of your posts makes that a ludicrous proposition. It's true that each of us learns different facts from our experiences, and that's the whole point of discussion: we learn each from the others what they know.

Don't be mad at me my friend. I just know that we face enemies that abuse our faith, and don't want you to be abused as I have. Like you, I want us to be free and prosperous, and to do that we need to be aware of traps and mistakes we can fall into. Not grasping that government is necessarily predicated on it's own power, rather than the power of individuals subordinated to it, leaves us vulnerable to expectations that let us fall into traps and snares we could avoid by knowing better. The fundamental problems caused by that aspect of government cannot be solved by tweaking or increasing the power of government, but only via mechanisms outside of it's purview.

I and others that have understood this need all the help we can get to succeed in meeting those challenges, and few could be of more benefit than someone of your breadth and depth of knowledge.

Please, no bully!