Downvote War: are we back to Old Witnesses behavior?

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

00004-1565461997 Kopie.jpg

"@Xpilar, sønn av Norge" Digital Art by @myskye


Hello dear Steemians


I decided to do this post today because of a lot of hassle that was caused by trying to test one new function of creating comments using AI, many of you noticed that during last two days multiple comments under their posts and I saw this comment because @solaymann tagged me and that is what we should do to clarify what is happening.









This is the way how normal people and users who know each other and also who know and also who respect @xpilar and I mean a real Person behind this account behave

I wanted to thank @michelangelo3 and @solaymann for your polite way and worries about the problem that could happen with the account. That is why I respect you and it is always a pleasure to communicate with you.


What made me sick today


Since the time of Old Witnesses who created Hive and moved the whole community the number of Downvotes dramatically reduced here and in my opinion it is good because in general everything what is negative is not good. I am glad that Steemit Team is not supporting Downvotes and staying away from that despite of having such a big Stakes and you can imagine if SC01 or SC02 would be Downvoting then the account is DEAD

When I decided to check on my old friend @Xpilar.witness account I found that it has lost him reputation within night hours in UK and now xpilar.witness (-4)

What happened?

Over night @steemchiller and his second account @realrobinhood downvoted @xpilar.witness without any comment that he left in order to explain or even he did not asked if Xpilar needs some help with the program, he is a developer and as we always say: We are great Community on Steemit, we need new people and new Investors but ourselves what is here happening?

One whale and N1 Witness downvoting and destroying other well known Witness @xpilar with a huge Community "World of Xpilar" that is well known and established on Steemit.

When people from outside see that nobody will join such platform, where people fight each other because of a minor error with testing a program..

I am just asking: Where we are? Are we in Kindergarten, where kids fight with each other? Or are we adults and educated people living in Western countries with everything available like in Germany, Norway and UK.

Here I have a snapshot from the Downvote war from last night, see yourself and make your own conclusion.





When I saw that it made me sick.


What @xpilar means for Steemit


00005-193369192 Kopie.jpg

"@Xpilar, sønn av Norge" Digital Art by @myskye


I have never met Xpilar before but I came across on Steemit in 2017-18 and somehow we had the same idea to make it interesting for users, to support users, to organise contests and just to be there for active users.

He always has new ideas and everyone knows that he is very approachable and ready to support any time with his words, advise and with Steem.

Currently there are many initiatives:

  • @wox-helpfund, this fund constantly funding many users with Steem, here what was last donations




  • He constantly running different contests with prizes in Steem

  • Running WOX trial with major Norwegian Sponsors contribution

  • He supporting many initiatives like @hardphotogrpaher project on Telegram,

  • he supports many users outside of his community with his votes but also I know no situation where he would say no

  • he supports many activities of WOX moderators with their contests

I am just wondering if everything what Xpilar has done and what is maintaining is that now mean nothing. It was heart hurting to see how some users also downvoted his Witness account @xpilar.witness but also it was very painful to see how some of users removed their Votes from Xpilar's account.

By the way, do you know that Xpilar is excluded from Witness Discord, already a long time ago and that is another ridiculous action from Witnesses, another similarity to Old Witnesses from old Steemit

Steemians, let's think about each other and support each other, I would like to call you to be thoughtful and understandable to each other. Let's communicate more with each other and we notice any problem why not to ask and offer help.

In real life we also do not harm each other, we always ask: Are you okay? and if we can help we do help!

Why we do not do that in reality?

I wanted to call you to give some supportive words to Xpilar and encourage him to continue his dedicated being on Steemit, because this demotivating action can make him to give up and maybe even to leave Steemit.

I hope everyone who knows me and who like what Xpilar does please support him, I hope that Steemit Team will support this call and please show your contribution.


Trenner groß.png

  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




Hi Stef! You have good reasons to stand up for your colleague. As I wrote elsewhere: I really appreciate @xpilar for his activities and input on the Steem.

I was all the more appalled by the comment cannonade - which I find not only really bad and inferior, but unfair! Telling the ‘normal, small’ users that we don't accept their AI-generated comments and that they are not real engagement. And a Witness, one of the most respected accounts on Steem, ignores this - to advertise themselves?


Wrong decision. Let's put it this way: why doesn't he speak up early? Why is it being continued? What made me wonder: under one of his rants on one of my Community posts, he apologised and deleted the comment. As far as I could make out, he did this for a few of those affected. And I think it was manual...


Please enlighten us as to what's going on, or rather: was going on. Xpilar is networked and has a lot of contacts here, in case he no longer has control over his account. It should be possible to explain himself...

Ich gebe dir absolut recht: diese Art „Wendehalstum“ ist inakzeptabel. Haha, zunächst habe ich über die Kommentare sogar gelacht: sie waren so richtig schön ironisch, spiegelten sie doch den Sch…, den wir hier täglich - auch von „hoch angesehenen Moderatoren und Kuratoren“ - täglich lesen müssen (sogar an euphorischen Smileys mangelte es nicht…) Aber dann…

Das alte Problem Kommunikation: was soll dieses Discord-Geklüngel? Wenn etwas auf dem Steem probiert werden soll, kündigt es genau dort an! Wenn euch etwas (gar jemand?!) auf dem Steem missfällt, tut es genau dort kund!

Das Ganze war 1. „AI-Missbrauch“ und 2. (und das weiß @xpilar ganz genau) Spam. Ein verunglückter Test? Okay. Dann weise bitte eigenständig selbst darauf hin. Und zwar schnell! Immerhin gibt es ebenso „angesehene“ User wie dich, die deinen Test für die Tat eines Hackers halten…

Thank you dear @weisser-rabe for your comment and also for rightful questions, that was exactly what I had in my mind when I received those messages under my posts too.

  • first, it was interesting to see that comment good reflected content of post and if someone has nothing to do with technology might think that this is a real person writing that. Do you know that in South Korea and Japan where AI is more developed and used widely, they have such Call-centre for "Counselling is a talking therapy " where normally a person answering a phone and chatting to you. Nowadays they are experimenting using AI for that and it works very well.

  • of course, seeing how many comments appear so quickly it was clear that it is AI and not a person, it was fun to read them, but it was the clear that I do not need to answer, it is there and does not do anything to me or my post

Now when we come to Xpilar and his activities, you might imagine that it is not him who is creating all the IT side of activities that is happening around, he is seventy year old man with many grandchildren and who despite of that spending hours, all the time except of sleeping time on Steemit. There is some programmers who are behind all this technical stuff even I am not aware who is there and actually I am not really interested inthat. Why I am saying so, we only see the name of "xpilar.witness" but this is not him who is creating that personally but he trusted them and of course, for all of us it appears that it is him. That makes me angry that those people do not advised to announce that before starting it up, at the end the reputation of this wonderful person will be damaged. I can understand it is not possible to do what all the activities running under Xpilar's name himself, if I were him I definitely would not increase the scale of activities like he has because then you will loose control of it and at the end all blames come to one person. I hope you understand what I mean, even for me my thoughts seems to be very chaotic 🤔

I find them very clear, thank you ;-)) And when I look at these circumstances, I ask Xpilar all the more to keep control or take it back. precisely because of his wonderful ideas and activities, for which it would be a real pity...

My first thought when I saw the downvotes was that there must have been something going on in the background. In my opinion, Chiller is one of the best Witnesses and rightly in first place. He must have had his reasons for this dramatic action.

I very much hope that the dust will settle. The last thing we need is a public dispute between the Witnesses or larger accounts.

Anyone is free to have their opinion, their likes and dislikes and that is fine, I prefer to be told open and in face if someone does not like something and is going to do something. This is how I do behave in regards to my colleagues at my work, they all know that I am direct and that is why if I am wrong then I am told about that we discuss it and then either agree or maybe still disagree but we know what we think about each other. People need to speak up and not to do something without explanation, this is like to stab the knife into back, like a coward and I hate it.

The last thing we need is a public dispute between the Witnesses or larger accounts.

Agree, that is why Xpilar tried to clarify that direct w. chiller in DM even before downvotes but did not receive any reply, in my opinion, it is also very childish reaction, especially also very recently when Chiller asked users to remove votes from inactive Witnesses, then he approached Xpilar and Xpilar asked all of us WOX users to do so and we all did.

People need to speak up and not to do something without explanation

I don't know how much (or little) communication took place between the two, and I don't want to speculate.

What I am missing is a statement from @xpilar.witness resp. @xpilar. I just checked both accounts, no post, no comment on the matter. Why is he silent? Maybe he's offline over the weekend, would be ok, just now of all times a statement from him would be very helpful.

I don't understand why he didn't inform the community before launching the bot. Many users thought the comments were genuine and written by him. So, unfortunately, I see this as a false pretence.

It's all a shame, because I assume that he didn't deliberately want to deceive anyone. Probably all well-intentioned, but unfortunately, sorry, badly done.

In any case, I really hope he stays with us, from a programming point of view it was an outstanding achievement.

Agree, that is why Xpilar tried to clarify that direct w. chiller in DM even before downvotes but did not receive any reply

That is incorrect information and it's exactly the other way around actually. I contacted him multiple times, got no response, and then started downvoting. The proof is even to find here in between comments...

Yes, but the person especially 70 y.o. person can not be 24 hours online. I usually receive a message within 24 hours and often I can not answer my DM even for couple of days. You should have give at least these 24 hours for person to come back. Because we all have other commitments, like family, children, grandchildren and also you do not know if he was unwell

Come on, kids, let's get over this. Remove the AI comments and I will remove my downvotes.

Wie ist das eigentlich mit der Reputation - ist die nach Rücknahme der DVotes dann wieder (halbwegs) wie vorher?

Ja, Reputation wird auch beeinflusst, wenn man Votes entfernt ;)

No the reputation will not be restore just by removing Downvotes, the account needs to build up reputation once again by posting and getting Upvotes like normally it requires. I am writing in English, as seems our Deutsch language comments are ignored.

Das hab ich mich gestern auch gefragt... Irgendwie glaube ich nicht...

You are right it will not

I am telling you, he is offline now and not able to answer, give time or are you in a hurry?

To be honest, I don't see how the downvotes are controversial at all. It was an AI masquerading as a human and commenting on 10-20 posts per minute for half a day. Testing or not, well-intentioned or not, that was confusing and disruptive to many "innocent bystanders" on the blockchain.

So, the AI comments should be removed and then the downvotes can be removed. Simple, and everyone is made whole - or as close to that as possible.

And, I notice that comments are being deleted, so hopefully this will soon be in the rear-view mirror. As you allude to, one mistake doesn't negate the other good things that have been done by this team.

Moving forward, though, it spurs another important question. Is it possible to use an AI, ethically, in a similar manner in order to spur organic activity - which was apparently the goal of this experiment? Instead of impersonating a human, suppose the bot commenter said something like this:

Hi, I'm an AI, and my analysis suggests that this post might be a good one for stimulating conversation. Here are some insightful topics and questions that emerge from your article. People might want to discuss these in the replies:

Append a list of suggested topics/questions

  • And suppose it commented far less than 10 or 20 times per minute.
  • And suppose that it set beneficiary settings to burn some/all of its rewards.

For example, I'm reminded of @trufflepig, or even @realrobinhood. IMO, automation can be a useful companion on this blockchain, but automatons should not masquerade as humans, and they shouldn't flood the blockchain.

Clearly, the first implementation was not the right way to go about it, but maybe there are other approaches that would accomplish a similar goal to what the AI bot intended without raising the ire of the community or making the blockchain look like a spam factory?

The whole point is downvoting in such excess destroyed reputation to (-4), you know yourself it is easy to destroy reputation of a person and it is often not possible to gain it again. Was it not enough to downvote 2 or 3 and also to leave a comment under downvote? Or to offer technical advise and professional help we do that in my medical field if we feel that my colleague need help no matter if I like him or not, that is what we have to be and not to destroy each other especially witness number one to destroy other witness, that is not good advertisement.

 6 months ago 

I completely agree with you friend @remlaps, I even share the idea that AI can be used to promote comments based on certain questions generated by it, depending on the content.

Your intervention is constructive to solve this problem, thank you for it.

If we pay attention to this is not an ordinary problem, but this has become a serious problem for the environment around us here, many people.who know' @xpilar.witness is a witness who is a question mark for me why Xpilar.witness did not write about this effort Everyone knows' Bakwan he is a witness. The reason why they made it like this is what makes everyone mistaken for what is happening now. Face
If @steemchiller flag it maybe the steemchiller has a certain reason for this problem

Yes, it is. Ideally it could be sorted at very early stage, people especially witnesses could approach Xpilar directly and sort out that, they all have their DM addresses and actually chatting any time, it could be done and dusted long before it escalated to this Downvote Bloodlust

 6 months ago 

Since I am very familiar with the war of flags, it makes me sad to see and hear this. In theory, all issues can be resolved in a dialogue, before starting to throw shit at each other.
Yes, when I saw the comments of the AI, I even initially thought that someone had appropriated the name @xpilar... but, everyone is prone to making mistakes, the parties should, it seems to me, come to a common denominator and, perhaps, reconsider the use of AI, since, as practice shows, for the most part, there is no escape, especially in information and advertising terms.
Another thing is that these posts should not be voted, there should be a mention that this is only an informational comment that does not deserve an assessment... maybe so?

I agree with you, do you know that quote that sometimes wars started because of the issues that even do not need any attention. The problem also is that Xpilar was excluded from Witness-Discord therefore, none of witnesses can communicate in the channel with him, writing DM is not an option because sometimes people offline for long time, we can not have all the equipment on all the time and be available. It is indeed would be good to have mentioning that the comment is test and please do not vote or something like that

 6 months ago 

I haven't found Xpilar's reaction to all this yet and it might be too early to talk about war, it's more like a brawl when someone steps on someone's foot in public transport and won't get off it :)
I hope that soon everyone will forget about this unpleasant incident and the person's reputation will be restored, because it's as easy to do as to destroy it.

Indeed, the reputation is so easy to destroy and it will never be the same, unfortunately

 6 months ago 

Well, never, it sounds very sad, but it is understandable, it all depends on how strong the voices filling the gap will be, as I understand it.

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

 6 months ago 

Скверная история, флаговые войны. До сих пор я видел это в основном на HIVE и это печально для них.

В последнее время я был недостаточно внимательным пользователем, но я заметил одно объявление от Steemchiller


И теперь я вновь вижу имя этого уважаемого свидетеля, который понизил рейтинг другого уважаемого свидетеля до (-4)
Заслужил ли @Xpilar такого к себе отношения? Не буду расписывать его заслуги перед платформой Steemit, кто вовлечён, тот их знает. К тому же часть из них перечислена в этом посте от @stef1.

Я не знаю, сам ли Xpilar или кто-то из его помощников запустил эксперимент с комментариями с использованием искусственного интеллекта. Да, было бы более верным решением предупредить пользователей об эксперименте. Может быть.

Но настолько ли серьёзной была ошибка (и ошибка ли это, мы находимся на децентрализованной платформе, не поддерживается ещё не означает запрещается, не нравится, можно помахать флагом и поговорить, но понижать репутацию свидетеля ...), чтобы принимать такие драконовские меры?

Насколько я знаю, сейчас бот голосования остановлен и в принципе всем всё понятно.

Было бы справедливым решением восстановить репутацию Xpilar со стороны Steemchiller.

Возможный уход Xpilar с платформы был бы большой потерей для неё.

Это моё личное мнение и я специально не пользуюсь автопереводчиком, чтобы остался только тот смысл, который я хочу передать своим комментарием.

В одном я абсолютно уверен, нам не нужны войны внутри блокчейна.

С самого начала флаговая война была не для меня, конечно если человек плагирист и крадет что то от другого человека это понятно но во многих других случаях чам всем нада сначала думать перед тем как начать такую войну.

Да это объявление от Стимчиллер я тоже заметила, но в нашей ситуации мы стараемся сами решать кого поддерживать и кого нет, без отдавания наших прав кому нибудь это всегда плохо когда ты теряешь контроль и кто делает что то используя твой голос.

Ты абсолютно прав, если мы твердим про децентрализованную платформу это значит Свобода писать, говорить, делат что мы хотим. Конечно кому то может нравиться что мы делаем а кому то нет, если это кто то неизвестный то хорошо но в этом случае это совсем другое дело.

В этом конкретном случае когда Стимчиллер со всеми своими аккаунт просто уничтожил Хпилар, я не перестаю себя спрашивать: почему?

Теперь, чтобы вернуть репутацию, надоWitness account of Xpilar делать посты и нужны положительные Апвоты

I was against any Dowvotes from beginning on and even when old witnesses downvoted Slowwalker I was one of the users who spoke up and express my opinion without any problem to show my face. I consider downvote is good to fight plagiarism and fraud and even then no in excess

I also saw Cteemchillers announcement but we prefer to do vote for Witnesses manually, I do not like my voice to be used without knowing for voting without me to be aware, this way we loose control of it.

You are right, we like to shout loudly that we are decentralised, we have freedom to speak, to write and to do what we want. Some people may like it some not, if the user is unknown and caught by spam or fraud it is understandable but not in this situation.

In this particular case, Steemchiller downvoted using all 3 accounts where he has control over, and Nil-ed the Witness account reputation making to look like Fraud account, I can not stop asking myself: Why?

By the way, in order to bring the reputation up his Witness account needs to post and posts need upvotes.

 6 months ago 

Война - это всегда путь разрушения. Разрушить всегда легче, чем создать. Пока я вижу начало разрушения и это печальная история.

Я согласен, надо чтобы @xpilar.witness начал постить и комментировать и это надо поддерживать голосами. Репутация должна быть повышена. Я совсем не уверен, что Cteemchillers будет поднимать репутацию Хpilar.witness, придётся делать это самим, но это должно быть сделано.

War is always a path of destruction. It is always easier to destroy than to create. So far, I see the beginning of destruction and this is a sad story.

I agree, it is necessary for @pilar.witness to start posting and commenting, and this should be supported by votes. Reputation should be enhanced. I am not at all sure that Cteemchillers will raise the reputation of Pilar.witness, we will have to do it ourselves, but it must be done.

Team True Colours - @wakeupkitty

 6 months ago 

На мой взгляд - не заслужил. Имел место эксперимент. Неудачный. А вместо чтобы разобраться, свидетели сразу начали махаться кулаками...

 6 months ago 

об том и речь.

 6 months ago 

I don't know how long it will take @xpilar to solve this problem with sending comments from AI, I would like to hear from him the time frame for fixing the problem and stopping the AI ​​from working in this direction. If this requires stopping publications for some time so that @xpilar does not receive new flags, then, although every cent earned is dear to me, I am ready to stop publishing posts, but I would like to know some, at least approximate, time frame. This is something we can really do and thus thank @xpilar for his work and hospitality.

I think there is no comments more being sent, that is already stopped. So no problem at all for your to publish your posts and be active as before. Everything is possible to fix and absolutely no problem, just some sensitive people react like drama-queen and overact, makes me really sick, sorry for expression

 6 months ago 

Well, then, if this does not harm our friend, I will start writing the next post.

Situations are different, but here I see only misunderstanding and balancing of the use of AI for both the watchful and the rich. This needs to be looked at from different sides and one cannot ignore the moment of some kind of justice that the witnesses rely on.

But, I repeat, justice must be clarified in a dialogue, which, as I understand, has not yet happened.

When I have an idea, the result of which I cannot predict, then, it seems to me, it is necessary to find out the consent of those who may not like it, this is the very case.

I hope that I have not tired anyone with my thoughts lol, I believe that a consensus will be found in this matter.

Alright.. (:)

but one thing that everyone missed
is @stmpak.wit also downvoted
and ok the clear here is that yes it is @steemchiller whom actually running the @stmpak.wit account.


You joined Steem in January 2018 and this is your first comment on the platform. I wonder who you could be. No, not really actually... ^^

Nice try to spread invalid information about us. I really like @stmpak.wit and their coming version of SteemChat will be one of the top apps on Steem! After their witness node was running unstable for a while for unexplainable reasons, I helped them to fix it, and it runs stable now. Everyone active on the official Discord Steem Witnesses server knows exactly what is going on here.

Also erst einmal guten morgen, wenn er den gut ist!😤 Mir ist heute morgen endgültig der Kragen geplatzt. Was für eine Art von Mensch ist hier eigentlich aktiv, die unter 12-Jährigen oder doch Erwachsene. Da bin ich mir nicht so ganz sicher, auf der einen Seite wurde im Vorfeld dieser „Test Aktion“ einiges falsch gemacht. Man hätte sie in einer offiziellen Post ankündigen “müssen“, damit nicht der Eindruck entsteht die Accounts sind gehakt worden. Darüber hinaus halte ich persönlich nichts von solchen Werbe Kommentaren, egal ob sie mithilfe einer AI kreiert wurden oder nicht.
Auf der anderen Seite hat man das Gefühl, des einige in eine Art Blutrausch verfallen bis sie keine Power mehr haben zum Downvote , aber da hat man ja noch ein oder zwei andere Accounts mit denen man weiter machen kann. Ein Kommentar zu diesen Downvote Orgien ist natürlich Fehlanzeige. Da stehen wir dann wieder, und keiner hat eine Ahnung was hier eigentlich lost ist. Ach ja doch Herr @steemchiller und sein 🤐(Everyone active on the official Discord Steem Witnesses server knows exactly what is going on here. )…. so @steemchiller , “Butter bei die Fische“. Wenn du uns in dieser Frage erleuchten kannst, vielleicht können wir kleinen einfachen Accounts eine bessere Entscheidung treffen. Nach meiner Meinung war das eine klare Überreaktion, man hätte ihn zwei oder dreimal Downvoten können, und man hätte seine Aufmerksamkeit. Als Nächstes hätte man das Problem anpacken können, und all das Drama wäre nie entstanden.😙
Aber das ist halt nur meine eigene Meinung, und ich muss sagen jetzt geht es mir schon etwas besser……. Der Samstag kann kommen 🖖!!

First reply after I started downvoting:

Screenshot from 2024-09-07 12-47-41.png

 6 months ago 

Greetings friend @steemchiller.

I would like to know why you attack @xpilar, even though he has shared an explanation of what was happening.

Hi, why are the AI comments still visible and not being removed?

 6 months ago 

Let's hope this “trial and error” will be taken care of and we will achieve a healthy coexistence, especially between important users such as you and @xpilar.

Yes, nobody wants to create whale wars here. If top witnesses need to protect the blockchain against malicious activity, they will do, of course. As long as there are still any AI comments visible, the downvotes won't be removed.

Also weil die schon existierenden Kommentare nicht beseitigt wurden, hast du dich entschieden diesen Downvote Wahnsinn zu beginnen…. Das ist echt kindisch! Diese alten Kommentare sind doch nicht mehr von Interesse oder wurde dadurch jemand psychisch belastet. Wichtig ist das es keine weiteren Kommentare dieser Art gibt, und übrigens was ist mit der Butter und den Fischen aus meinem ersten Kommentar … ich warte immer noch auf die Erleuchtung?😴

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

Hmm sory .,.;
I admit .;./.
me did mistake here;'/.

Yes, I noted that too, I actually did not know that Chiller was involved in running this witness, but then it is clear what that Witness account did the same downvotes, actually all together there were not many downvoted and many users frankly explained why they did so and that is absolutely fine. Downvoting is to show that you do not agree with something but what happened here is overkill to destroy somebody to (-4) reputation!

@stef1 .... > there is one solution to this issue.,/.
Chiller should give the same number
of upvotes
as the downvotes he gave :()
and the matter can be settled.
We shouldn’t be fighting with each other on Steemit.
Its possible that Steemchiller has realized his mistake.

Sound reasonable to reverse downvotes into upvotes and smoking a peace piper 😜

 6 months ago 


 7 months ago 

I will express my opinion. I see a healthy community. Where some test the system, and others react to this testing. The result is not a big misunderstanding between @xpilar.witness and @steemchiller. Evolution is built on such situations.
And it seems to me that we, as reasonable people, should just take and agree.
I am for peace and understanding each other. :)

I am really sorry but you are so naive, it is a surface that you can see, like a peak of Iceberg, you can not see what is below waters, but that is also good so for many users. It is good that people think it is a little bit of misunderstanding, as human always wanted to believe in better, hope is a driving force.

The life is unfair no matter where it is, thank you for leaving your comment, I think many users will not comment because they do not like to be targeted or get into blacklist of certain users. It is funny that when there is something positive then it will be hundreds of comments but when there is something where people can express their opinion critically there will be only few, what is an irony

 6 months ago 

If you need me for war let me know, got a black belt :)

Jo, but better to bring something like this, hope you have some 😉


 6 months ago 

I got a katana i'm half chinese and half viking from my mothers side :)

 6 months ago 

Wow, I know that from movies, can not remember what was the name but it was about "Katana-girl" was cool do you know martial art using katana?

 6 months ago 

Yes, trained in my youth for 10+ years and my sensei was Are Larsen Kusano from Kristiansand in Norway, he moved to Japan and became a monk, but he was world champion in Philippine stick fighting and his wife from Japan also world titles, crazy. He and his wife

Wow, that is something I also wanted to do. When I was a child I wanted to attend martial art, karate was quite popular in our time, but my mother forbidden it to me saying that this way I break my arms and legs. Also she reasoned saying you are a girl and people will not really hurt a girl, so I never had a chance to learn any martial art still regretting that.Great article, thank you for sharing :)

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

 6 months ago 


 6 months ago 

I just want to support @xpilar because he believed in me and my ideas. Yes, you are right, I only see the tip of the iceberg. Since I have not delved into this topic. But if I can help in any way, I will gladly help.

Thanks Dear @stef1 for making it possible here, to discuss about the situation .

I am a member of the Steemit family and I have always respected @xpilar from the heart because I have seen them doing positive work throughout my Steemit journey.

The World of Xpilar is a community that is based on creativity, engagement, and teamwork. How can they do anything negative?

As for testing, I would say that where Steemit use of AI is nott allowed, commenting through AI is not justified at all. I can't even think of a sophisticated person like Xpilar can do such a thing. I think this is a conspiracy to tarnish their reputation. I respect all senior Steem Personalities . And I think it's also possible that maybe a third person is trying to create a conflict between the two and exploit the situation for his own benefit.

Through this comment, I would like to request Xpilar sir, you are the admin of a successful community with more than 25,000 members, to have the courage to handle the situation. We are with you..


Hi @rashid001, as always it is a pleasure to read your comment and your thought.

As for testing, I would say that where Steemit use of AI is nott allowed, commenting through AI is not justified at all

Actually if we look at Steem and Steemit, we are saying that this is decentralised Platform and what does it mean? Decentralised is no centre, no censorship it is free that is why there are such platforms where people can express their thoughts and opinion but also can test AI, can create video app like Dtube, create different coins based on Steem, that is why it is a blockchain with a lot of opportunities.

What you mean is that such AI generated posts are not supported by Steemit Team and they do not vote them and that is clear. This is again the rule that Steemit Team set up for them and everyone who are in charge of the Steemit Team Initiatives are following them, There are many AI generated content on Steemit platform and nobody downvoting them because it is a decision of everyone to post what they want, we are free!

to have the courage to handle the situation

I wonder what you mean with that?

I wonder what you mean with that?

Trust me My words are positive :-). Maybe I'm not translating them correctly. Or maybe I'm not choosing the right words to express my feelings. I said this to encourage Xpilar sir.

encourage him to continue his dedicated being on Steemit,

Because at the end of your post, you said that maybe he will leave Steemit. That's why I said that he shouldn't be disappointed and sort out the matters.

Yes, I know, language and translation sometimes loose the point of what we want to say. We need to leave everything for Xpilar, to decide and I will not make him to stop if he would decide to leave. We respect whatever decision any of us will make, people always need to way and at the end decide what is in their best interest.