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RE: Downvote War: are we back to Old Witnesses behavior?

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

Hi Stef! You have good reasons to stand up for your colleague. As I wrote elsewhere: I really appreciate @xpilar for his activities and input on the Steem.

I was all the more appalled by the comment cannonade - which I find not only really bad and inferior, but unfair! Telling the ‘normal, small’ users that we don't accept their AI-generated comments and that they are not real engagement. And a Witness, one of the most respected accounts on Steem, ignores this - to advertise themselves?


Wrong decision. Let's put it this way: why doesn't he speak up early? Why is it being continued? What made me wonder: under one of his rants on one of my Community posts, he apologised and deleted the comment. As far as I could make out, he did this for a few of those affected. And I think it was manual...


Please enlighten us as to what's going on, or rather: was going on. Xpilar is networked and has a lot of contacts here, in case he no longer has control over his account. It should be possible to explain himself...


Ich gebe dir absolut recht: diese Art „Wendehalstum“ ist inakzeptabel. Haha, zunächst habe ich über die Kommentare sogar gelacht: sie waren so richtig schön ironisch, spiegelten sie doch den Sch…, den wir hier täglich - auch von „hoch angesehenen Moderatoren und Kuratoren“ - täglich lesen müssen (sogar an euphorischen Smileys mangelte es nicht…) Aber dann…

Das alte Problem Kommunikation: was soll dieses Discord-Geklüngel? Wenn etwas auf dem Steem probiert werden soll, kündigt es genau dort an! Wenn euch etwas (gar jemand?!) auf dem Steem missfällt, tut es genau dort kund!

Das Ganze war 1. „AI-Missbrauch“ und 2. (und das weiß @xpilar ganz genau) Spam. Ein verunglückter Test? Okay. Dann weise bitte eigenständig selbst darauf hin. Und zwar schnell! Immerhin gibt es ebenso „angesehene“ User wie dich, die deinen Test für die Tat eines Hackers halten…

Thank you dear @weisser-rabe for your comment and also for rightful questions, that was exactly what I had in my mind when I received those messages under my posts too.

  • first, it was interesting to see that comment good reflected content of post and if someone has nothing to do with technology might think that this is a real person writing that. Do you know that in South Korea and Japan where AI is more developed and used widely, they have such Call-centre for "Counselling is a talking therapy " where normally a person answering a phone and chatting to you. Nowadays they are experimenting using AI for that and it works very well.

  • of course, seeing how many comments appear so quickly it was clear that it is AI and not a person, it was fun to read them, but it was the clear that I do not need to answer, it is there and does not do anything to me or my post

Now when we come to Xpilar and his activities, you might imagine that it is not him who is creating all the IT side of activities that is happening around, he is seventy year old man with many grandchildren and who despite of that spending hours, all the time except of sleeping time on Steemit. There is some programmers who are behind all this technical stuff even I am not aware who is there and actually I am not really interested inthat. Why I am saying so, we only see the name of "xpilar.witness" but this is not him who is creating that personally but he trusted them and of course, for all of us it appears that it is him. That makes me angry that those people do not advised to announce that before starting it up, at the end the reputation of this wonderful person will be damaged. I can understand it is not possible to do what all the activities running under Xpilar's name himself, if I were him I definitely would not increase the scale of activities like he has because then you will loose control of it and at the end all blames come to one person. I hope you understand what I mean, even for me my thoughts seems to be very chaotic 🤔

I find them very clear, thank you ;-)) And when I look at these circumstances, I ask Xpilar all the more to keep control or take it back. precisely because of his wonderful ideas and activities, for which it would be a real pity...