2024 송년회 year-end party 2024

2024.12.28 토요일, 사당 인근 이자카야
한달에 만원씩, 우리학교 검도동아리 졸업생들 11명이서 하는 계모임이 있다. 모은돈으로 결국 모여서 먹는게 다긴 하지만, 그걸로도 충분하다고 생각한다.
There’s a monthly savings club (a type of shared money-pool group) that I participate in with 11 other graduates from my university’s kendo club. Each of us contributes 10,000 KRW every month. The collected money is mostly spent on gathering and eating together, but I think that’s more than enough.
사당역에 9명이 모여서 성민 양꼬치로 가서 메뉴를 시켜서 먹었다.
Nine of us met at Sadang Station and went to Seongmin Lamb Skewers.
곗돈으로 먹는거니까 메뉴에서 가격을 생각하지 않고 마음껏 배부를 때까지 시켜서 먹었다.
Since we were spending the pooled money, we didn’t worry about prices and just ordered whatever we wanted until we were completely full.
양꼬치도 정말 맛있었다. 이날을 위해 먹고싶은 걸 참고 있었는데 정말 맛있고 뜻깊은 시간이었다.
The lamb skewers were absolutely delicious. I had been holding back on eating certain things just for this day, and it was such a meaningful and enjoyable time.
대학교 졸업한지가 벌써 13년이 넘은 것 같은데, 아직도 이친구들과 만나고 있는 인연도 소중하다.
사당에서 배터지게 먹고 범계역으로 지하철을 내려와서 남은 넷이서 PC 방에서 롤을 하다가 집까지 걸어서 들어오니까 3시가 넘었다.
집에들어와서 대충 씻고 유튜브를 보다가 4시쯤에 잤다. 좋은 휴일, 휴가였다.
It’s already been over 13 years since I graduated from university, but the bond with these friends remains precious. After stuffing ourselves at Sadang, we took the subway to Beomgye Station, where the four of us left decided to play League of Legends at a PC café. By the time I walked back home, it was past 3 a.m.
Once I got home, I quickly washed up, watched some YouTube, and went to bed around 4 a.m. It was a great holiday and a truly satisfying day off.