Welcome to the curation report # 36 for the Discord Community of @r2cornell. Our Discord membership as of Sunday is 759. Our hive community on Steemit (hive-152200) memberships stands at 274. We curated 167 steemit publications from last Sunday through Saturday afternoon.
Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría # 36 para la Comunidad Discord de @r2cornell. Nuestra membresía de Discord a partir del domingo es 759. Nuestra membresía de la comunidad de la colmena en steemit (colmena-152200) es de 274. Curamos 167 publicaciones steemit desde el domingo pasado hasta el sábado por la tarde.
Sunrise and Fotography
By @radiv
My flowers photo collection (11 Photos)
Sunset at the Rybinsk reservoir. Pereborskiy Bay 30 \ 05 \ 2020
By @romanskv
By @leoumesh
My Actifit Report Card: 2 de junio de 2020
Kois fish
By @mirla33
[Sayings with Photos#289]절대 이길 수 없는 게임은 그만하라
By @khaiyoui
By @assan
Yellow Rose with traveling in this field
By @mimma
Honorable Mention/Mención Honorífica
Again we want to offer some additional publications as honorable mention, because they too authored good posts, but we could choose only so many to be highlighted. I hope you visit all of the publications found listed here. In addition to these there are many more listed in our post promotion channel that deserve everyone's attention. Please support your fellow community members.
Una vez más queremos ofrecer algunas publicaciones adicionales como mención honorífica, porque también son autores de buenos artículos, pero elegimos sólo algunos para ser destacados. Espero que visiten todas las publicaciones que se encuentran aquí. Además de éstas, hay muchas más en nuestro canal de post-promoción que merecen la atención de todos. Por favor, apoye a los demás miembros de la comunidad.
This brings us to the end of our 36th Curation Report. There so many quality publications curated this week that it was difficult to choose those for the report. Then it was even more difficult choosing those to highlight. I can only say "great work to everyone".
Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe de la 36ª Curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Luego fue aún más difícil elegir las que se van a destacar. Sólo puedo decir "gran trabajo para todos".

lots of amazing posts. everything looks beautiful. I like Radiv's post. with sunset views. it really is very beautiful
Hola @scilwa, es agradable disfrutar de su trabajo de curación… Les deseo una excelente semana, saludos.

Thank you very much
@scilwa, Keep Curating and keep building the Supportive Ecosystem.
Good wishes from my side and stay blessed.
thank you for your beautiful words
Welcome. 🙂
This is everything amazing photography .its look like.wonderful sunset

Thanks sir.
Have a great day.
yes. it's very beautiful
Wow Reilly look rose flowers garden.

yes. the rose looks beautiful.
this is a curation report for accounts that make posts on the r2cornell channel and for discord. To find out more, you can read it here
Best one i save the photo for me.Each and everyone is aswame photography

thank you for the comment
this is a curation report for accounts that make posts on the r2cornell channel and for disputes. To find out more, you can read it here
Todas están hermosas pero está en verdad me gustó mucho.

Thanks for CURATION REPORT (steemit) # 36 and select my Zinnia flower photography of your Top selection. Congratulation hard working to choose those for the report. Always pleased to you.
every post that matches the criteria we want, we will choose it. and congratulations your post has been selected.
congratulations to everyone, who was chosen. I hope this will be a motivation for making posts
La magna naturaleza con sus refrescante y magnífica flora llenan de gracia el entorno e inspiran la vida, recordándonos que detrás de ella hay un magnífico Creador quien lo hizo todo muy hermoso.
Gracias por presentar tan hermosas fotos, lo que también evidencia tu sensibilidad por tan majestuosa creación de Dios.
thank you for your beautiful words.
This is posting a curation report for the r2cornell community channel and inside discord
To find out more about us, you can see it here