Check out some David Goggins if you need inspiration

in #fitness13 days ago

Perhaps this is old news to a lot of you out there but a friend of mine recently said something along the lines of "just like David Goggins would do!" and I didn't know what the heck he was talking about. His reaction of "You've never listened to David Goggins??? Dude!" was enough to convince me to look this guy up.

He really is a really inspirational person. It's really easy for a 22 year old to pose for Insta posts after theyve been juicing for a while and be like "hey look at me!" but David Goggins is truly something else in the world of fitness.


At first glance, Goggins doesn't appear to be anything particularly special. There are a lot of people with that physique, but when you start to dig a bit and find our more about this guy's life you can really start to understand what devotion to fitness can do for a person.


Now when Goggins talks about how he doesn't juice, I believe him. He doesn't have the tell-tale signs of someone who does juice. Instead, he is just in fantastic shape.

What makes him even more impressive is the fact that he is nearly 50 years old and still maintains this physique. I also appreciate the fact that he is very honest about how he realizes that his way of life is deteriorating his knees and what not, but that his knees would probably be in worse shape if he didn't work out the way that he did.

They say that Navy Seals training program is one of, if not the toughest things to get through as far as training is concerned. Most of the people that enter it do not complete it. Just to prove that he is the best he can be, he has successfully completed it 3 times.

Now that I know who this guy is, all I have to do is pop into one of his shorts for a minute or two and I suddenly feel like I can take on anything. I can't, of course, but like most people I could be doing a lot better than I currently am doing even though I am in better shape than probably 70% of the people my age in the entire world.

You're scared of the fucking effort! Is the title of the above vid and honestly, I've never heard a more truthful statement as far as exercise is concerned. The effort isn't easy in fitness, but if you are always pushing to do a little bit better every time you head out there, it feels so great when you accomplish it.

After I watched the above video today, I went out for a run and instead of stopping when I got my heart rate to 160, I instead decided to sustain it there for 1 minute. The next time I did it for 1 min 20 seconds. This is seriously pushing it in my world by the way.

There are a few people out there that really have it together without cheating with PED's and Goggins might actually be the best at it.

He also has a tremendous philosophy about mental health and just living life in good way generally speaking.

Some people call this guy the "toughest man on the planet" and well, while we can't all aspire to that, it certainly does get you motivated to strap on your shoes and be the toughest you can possibly be.

If you are looking for some motivation I strongly encourage you to look this guy up because even though I am pretty devoted to fitness anyway, this guy just does it for me.