Please kindly help me with my Hunting ? Let’s fill our DtubeFamily777 with quality people and quality projects.
- Content Type
- DtubeFamily777 List
- Comment Type
One -
Q1. If you want to be part of this DtubeFamily777 then please let me know in the comments section
Q2. If you find your name in this DtubeFamily777 list and you don’t want to be part of this then please let me know in the comments section
Q3. Please recommend quality people that you know and recommend any quality projects that you know, so I can add them and reach out to them personally.
Two -
Current DtubeFamily777 List
- #OneLoveDtube
- #plank-contest
- @sndbox
- @cleanplanet
- @girlygamer
- @dmilliz
- @joythewanderer
- @good-darma
- @spherechain
- @transcendental
- @tocme
- @enjoyinglife
- @sandrag89
- @adal111
- @armia
- @carrioner
- @zemiatin
- @d00k13
- @davidke20
- @minloulou
- @chireerocks
- @nateaguila
- @stokjockey
- @doctorcrypto
- @amberyooper
- @jonyoudyer
- @vladivostok
- @crazybgadventure
- @madushanka
- @kawaiicrush
- @steemersayu907
- @shahzadeh
- @fitat40
- @certain
- @clove71
- @waybeyondpadthai
- @jeronimorubio
- @theycallmedan
- @eveuncovered
- @breakoutthecrazy
- @stackin
- @tarazkp
- @meno
- @jongolson
- @adetorrent
- @chekohler
- @sharpshot
- @karinxxl
- @meadowsandmakers
- @sudutpandang
- @anikearn
- @intrepidsurfer
- @captainbob
- @xcountytravelers
- @dcooperation
- @cryptospa
- @igormuba
- @behelen
- @mariannewest
- @clixmoney
- @reseller
- @kenanqhd
- @robmc
- @hopfarmnc
- @urme33
- @xr-hammergaming
- @tanbay
- @mrchef111
- @camuel
- @slayerkm
- @romafedorov
- @freedompoint
- @cowboysblog
- @catwomanteresa
- @enginewitty
- @connecteconomy
- @bimjer
- @soufianechakrouf
- @yidneth
- @soyrosa
- @novacadian
- @ytrphoto
- @mcoinz79
- @tibfox
- @future24
- @yosuandoni
- @phoenixwinter
- @priyanarc
- @worldtraveller32
- @alphasteem
- @prettynicevideo
- @jacquisjournal
- @coruscate
- @elsiekjay
- @travellit
- @karensuestudios
- @oliviadejeu
- @travelgirl
- @myndnow
- @hossainbd
- @tuckerjtruman
- @abolitionistjay
- @pacific-yt
- @novanime
- @kalif
- @livinguktaiwan
- @nateonsteemit
- @riverflows
- @greencross
- @stateofanarchy
- @flauwy
- @illucifer
- @zainenn
- @bobaphet
- @felix.herrmann
- @yanirauseche
- @kalvas
- @vaderetro
- @travelling-two
- @olga.maslievich
- @chesatochi
- @eaglespirit
- @hafizullah
- @gaborockstar
- @sasaadrian
- @annepink
- @hktraveler
- @ireenchew
- @navaneeth
- @happycrazycon
- @adenijiadeshina
- @wanderlass
- @bien
- @fr3eze
- @tazky
- @kaerpediem
- @josediccus
- @soufiani
- @steven-patrick
- @runicar
- @ahmanik
- @veenang
- @bigtakosensei
- @fitinfun
- @fitbyrobi
- @redrica
- @dfinney
- @teodora
- @meanmommy33
- @mindtrap
- @andrewramdas
- @elia34928
- @acromott
- @rehan12
- @cazzell
- @anutu
- @bitrocker2020
- @joannewong
- @gelfire
- @danieldoughty
- @littlenewthings
- @jeffberwick
- @tlavagabond
- @anomadsoul
- @thealliance
- @bearone
- @buzweaveryoutube
- @spunkeemonkee
- @nanzo-scoop
- @alexabsolute
- @jacksonchakma
- @rhyscn
- @shine.wong
- @clumsysilverdad
- @dazedconfused11
- @lukewearechange
- @mainos12345
- @knowhow92
- @petrogy
- @phoenixwren
- @eveningart
- @toofasteddie
- @ignacioarreses
- @scottshots
- @kenmelendez
- @sergiomendes
- @mrprofessor
- @bil.prag
- @franciferrer
- @stellabelle
- @macchiata
- @heyimsnuffles
- @botefarm
- @newageinv
- @chrisrice
- @deepsouthpiddlin
- @gray00
- @ecoinstant
- @khackett
- @emsonic
- @jozef230
- @carolinmatthie
- @mielia
- @brittandjosie
- @hafiz34
- @joeyarnoldvn
- @niallon11
- @blind-spot
- @shaidon
- @eddiespino
- @wilins
- @aidarojaswriter
- @mawahab
- @exyle
- @quochuy
- @shawnsporter
- @rod.crisafulli
- @putu300
- @hagstrom
- @clicked
- @fermionico
- @dosdudes
- @aperterikk
- @mediahousent
- @injiskitchen
- @eftnow
- @surpassinggoogle
- @hauptmann
- @teamhumble
- @wilhb81
- @erode
- @videomacher
- @mickvir
- @trucklife-family
- @wilsonkoh
- @leotrap
- @matthewthonyit
- @frankvalchiria
244 @eugelys - @revisesociology
- @danielwong
- @islanderman
- @solominer
- @daveonarrival
- @yanyanbebe
- @alvin0617
- @siatteuk
- @artemisnorth
- @stepbie
- @cherryzz
- @tanlikming
- @steemskate
- @carlgnash
- @yanipetkov
- @enrique89
- @africa
- @emiliomorles
- @rawutah
- @thekitchenfairy
- @francesaw
- @elizacheng
- @detlev
- @geekoverdose
- @paulag
- @dbroze
- @vibeof100monkeys
- @buttcoins
- @marketingmonk
- @melbookermusic
- @wonderwop
- @steevc
- @eco-alex
- @indigoocean
- @taskmaster4450
- @edprivat
- @alexbiojs
- @heyitshaas
- @old-guy-photos
- @neddykelly
- @helenoftroy
- @thewanderingwind
- @anttn
- @li-art
- @aaronli
- @oflyhigh
- @siamcat
- @manncpt
- @jnmarteau
- @techcoderx
- @raj808
- @snook
- @onezetty
- @rafinadps
- @thereikiforest
- @siggiboy81
- @ifeoluwa88
- @sebcam
- @mdaminulislam
- @gamsam
- @world-travel-pro
- @dearw
- @jrvacation
- @mountainjewel
- @porters
- @thetreeoflife
- @goldenoakfarm
- @thistle-rock
- @kevinli
- @zen-art
- @yes2crypto
- @traciyork
- @janton
- @vickykarma
- @foxkoit
- @ivansnz
- @mihirbarot
- @partiko
- @improv
- @marblely
- @dreemsteem
- @rebeccabe
- @jwolf
- @blazing
- @d-pend
- @lizbethk
- @wdougwatson
- @onealfa
- @papa-pepper
- @evecab
- @el-cr
- @liltammy
- @phortun
- @lloyddavis
- @dayleeo
- @hash-tag
- @failfiziert
- @boomshikha
- @rita.foodchannel
- @grecki-bazar-ewy
- @steemcafe
- @roundbeargames
- @to7
- @viktoriyani
- @originalmrspice
- @invisusmundi
- @tamaralovelace
- @joeparys
- @onnovocks
- @therealwolf
- @yogajill
- @onepercentbetter
- @techslut
- @artakush
- @katrina-ariel
- @zekepickleman
- @tombstone
- @kevinwong
- @yoshiko
- @steemitjp
- @saracampero
- @repollo
- @print3d
- @celestialcow
- @gric
- @yakubenko
- @maryjaney
- @chefricardocook
- @firepower
- @jackmiller
- @fulltimegeek
- @aggroed
- @yabapmatt
- @utopian-io
- @lukestokes.mhth
- @blocktrades
- @stevemack
- @skiwzz
- @ninjavideo
- @ura-soul
- @thehoneys
- @moderndayhippie
- @ordosjc
- @honoru
- @ericet
- @starrouge
- @nathansifugaming
- @sumit71428
- @sagarthukral
- @project7
- @hidemi
- @nannal
- @heimindanger
- @jonching
- @musing
- @vincy
- @mamun123456
- @julisavio
- @steem-horizon
- @dynamicrypto
- @art.visuals
- @guiltyparties
- @jackmiller
- @c0ff33a
- @llfarms
- @pechichemena
- @zipporah
- @cryptopie
- @permatachannel
- @irfanmufid
- @naturalmedicine
- @tfq86
- @metametheus
- @sandflea
- @mjtravel
- @joalvarez
- @bboyady
- @jenina619
- @yann0975
- @louis88
- @earthkind
- @alexjay
- @steemskate
- @iamjadeline
- @ykdesign
- @neopch
- @globalschool
- @cruis
- @kowsk1
- @shookriya
- @autobodhi
- @dcomindonesia
- @myjob
- @freecrypto
- @krazypoet
- @coolguy222
Three -
I always truly appreciate all human comments, feedbacks, suggestions, compliments, critics. Please kindly try to keep your comments simple and if you’ve any questions regarding anything that talked in the video then please contact me directly.
Telegram @nathanmars
WhatsApp +447901003594
Twitter @nathanmars7
▶️ DTube
Name mentioned.
To Be Honest No One Read and Cares!
Then DTube , Do you Really think People actually do have the Time to watch?
The only people using it because of Higher Rewards!
Steemit Fail , @Ned Fail
We have using many methods , Many Experiments , we do know if people are Reading.
The Platform does attract many Scammers.
@nathanmars , I am NOT Interested.
Let The All do The Talking N Let The Bullshit Walks.
Too many Apps Too Many Shiity Developers.
All Are Really Full of Cons
This is The True Facts.
Are you Guys Really Watching The Tube before giving Rewards?
Really Really????
Cough Cough !
@bullionstackers I'm but hurt after reading your comment. I make it to the list you can find my name on number 5 there. First of all I want to say that not all human beings are same. I'm the one who do more than 10 comments in a day on dtubers post and some of the steemit post too and I watch each and every post before commenting. So, here I'm. See if you find some people like you said in the comment then please it's a request to mention the word “some”. See because of some persons you can't blame to the whole community. Because there are some people who's doing their work honestly and I'm one of them.
@nathanmars dream is to achieve our dream, Nathanmars dream is to achieve our goal. Bro he's trying to help the community he's on orca for a reason.
Hey Buddy listen now, I promised that we together with @nathanmars will make a Dtube much valuable and a worthy platform.
And if you think steemit fails, apps are shitty, developers are shitty then why you are still posting? .
Life is too short man, please don't spread hate :)
Have a great day 😊 😊
Go Suck Eggs!
I certainly Won't ALLOW DTUBE on my platform.
I Do Not Have The Time , Manual Curation does consuming Time.
If Anyone Can, They are Certainly A Liar!
I Can't ; won't allow on my Platform!
Some proposal have been suggest to unname Witness ; they not even do a thing.
Even @ned , I have spoken to back in 2016 .
All Simply Ignorance.
@freecrypto , You must be so desperate to Suck Eggs
Stop passing the Ball back.
You certainly do comment a lot in my post.
Do not come back in, you hear me !
I normally do not Reply; when I Read my Votes are there.
"No more Soup for you"
Hey buddy do you really think that I'm commenting for upvotes, if yes then you are wrong :), I'm doing it because I want to feel the content creators that someone is there who's watching your content so that they can make more happily 😊 and wait I'm doing it for upvote too because everyone waana grow so I want too , thanks for showing my way, I will definitely will not comment on any of your post because you don't deserve it. I will transfer your upvote amount in your wallet within hours 😊😊
So, can you tell me what you had done for the community 🤔🤔?
Atleast@nathanmars is showing his support to the new steemer 😊, which will be better for Dtube and steemit future 😊
Apart from abusing or spreading hate What you have done buddy?
Thanks for expressing your opinion brother.
Let’s try our best to choose kindness as our language for DtubeFamily777 communication wherever it's possible.
Talk to you soon brother :)
Yup, I will :). I'm just replying his abusive comment in a bit of kindness way :).
Sorry if it hurts our family, I want to apologise :).
Yup, I'm waiting 😊😊
Ick, please just leave the platform already. You sure have a lot of time to write negative comments.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for your comment brother Nathan and I appreciate it.
Let’s always choose kindness as our language for DtubeFamily777 communication!!
Once again I truly appreciate your time.
I respect your opinion.
I wish you all the best with everything that you working on right now.
If I can do something for the projects that you're working currently then you're always welcome to contact me directly.
Telegram @nathanmars
WhatsApp +447901003594
Twitter @nathanmars7
Thanks again and have a great week :)
@nathanmars , Wishing You All The Best for Endeavoring your Project.
The other messages wasn't pin point at your Post.
They are for certain users that I have comes across.
People see One's Power , think One is dumb to Gives.
Some works have to be perform / engage before anything can be given.
That will Certainly Retain The Values for Performance.
some Apps just gives forsakes of giving and devalues theirs own Apps / Tags.
I'm so thankful for all of your comments.
Learning so much from you and I want to continue to learn from you because I see a REAL value in everything you say.
Even though you're not here on Dtube, you'll be someone who I'll follow closely because I'm addicted to learning and improving.
Thanks again and I appreciate your time.
Peace & Love
@bullionstackers, Your feedbacks are welcomed and in my opinion, at this moment we are here to develop an community which is DtubeFamily777 and in my opinion may be everything failed but at least we can develop an community which is working towards something, may be that something is not in absolute form for now, but we are reaching out, we are engaging, we are learning. At this moment we don't want to focus upon the wrong or right, it's about finding people and projects who hold the long term mindset and may be collaboratively and collectively we can come up with something, which can be better than anything till now. But thank you so much for being honest and good wishes from my side.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for explaining our DtubeFamily777 ‘s long term strategy!
I truly appreciate your contribution brother :)
Let’s always choose kindness as our language for DtubeFamily777 communication!!
Welcome brother and thank you so much. And yes, Language Of Love brings the true understanding. Stay blessed. 🙂
First of all my sincere apologies and now I’ve removed your name.
Second of all I truly appreciate your feedbacks.
I’ll let my work speak for itself.
Thanks again and I wish you all the best with the projects that you’re working on and also I’m always here to add value to you or your projects in anyway shape or form.
Appreciate your time !!!
You do more for STEEM than I knew, I will follow more closely and am now interested to share my project @steem-horizon with you, it is under development currently and should help Steemit in big ways! Also looking forward to trying @dtube again soon!
Thanks for letting me know about your project and I’m very happy to add your project to our DtubeFamily777.
I’ll be in touch soon to talk to you about the next stage!
Thanks again for being part of DtubeFamily777:)
Thanks for being awesome! #dtubefamily777
You may consider these two video makers, which I like so much.
They both do not post very frequently, but always a HI-Q works.
BTW, there are several DUPE's on the list, @nathanmars
@adenijiadeshina at #135 and #252
@chekohler - #50 and #172
@freecrypto - #5 and #32
@heimindanger - #160 and #396
I've added both of the video makers to our Family list :)
Truly appreciate your contribution to our community and I'll be in touch soon to talk about next stage of DtubeFamily777!
Also Big Thank you for notifying the dupe's and I put it there intentailly. lol
Thanks for the mention sir 😊😊
Dear Nathan,
I am always on the look out for new talent. Even in my daily life in the offline world. I think everyone I would suggest is now listed above so the hunt is on for new family members. I was speaking about this with Ava and she said she is willing to curate min. 3 posts a day and write a meaningful comment below about them. She is @girlygamer. She would be the youngest family member. I want to teach her skills that will be an asset to her in the future pertaining to intrapersonal skills, responsibility, and commitment. I think the min. 3 is certainly something she can find time for as she already leaves dozens of messages every day on twitter, and on her other social medias. She will be 11 this February. We spoke about this and she was excited to be considered. In the mean time I will be looking out for new accounts that I have not seen before. I think everyone is doing a fantastic job contributing and it has been exciting to watch the healthy engagement and networking that has been flourishing since this initiative.
Talk soon Nathan <3
Stephany & Ava
Ava got our lucky number 7 in our DtubeFamily777 !!!
So refreshing to have two lovely Angels by our side :)
Talk to you soon !!!
Ps.I probably be able to visit you guys in February to join Birthday celebrations :)
hai Nathan! I'm so excited to be lucky number #7!! uwu i heard u might visit Canada in february o:
we have lots of cool fun things to do around here .O. in toronto they have ripley's aquarium!! maybe we can show u o:
i will start my curating tonight! :p
Thank you so much Ava!!!!
Yes I'm planning to visit you guys in February :)
Thanks for being part of our Family and I'm super excited to have you here :))))
Oh thank you so very much Nathan! What a wonderful opportunity this is for her! As soon as she wakes up I will tell her! 😊
Looking forward to February! What a celebration it will be!🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for including me. I agree to join.
My small !tip for your hard work.
Posted using Partiko Android
Happy to have you in our family brother :)
Thanks for your tip!
Talk to you soon :)
Yoooo @nathanmars! I got one for ya, her name is @jenina619 and she’s does funny art pictures for the community. She’s really active. I highly recommend her 💯😀
Ah ah many thanks man!😁 I will check his channel👍Btw I've heard too much of @nathanmars today!😉
Posted using Partiko Android
We're super lucky to have you in our family @jenina619 !!
Talk to you soon :)
So awesome! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯
Posted using Partiko iOS
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank for recommending amazing @jenina619 and she is now part of our DtubeFamily777.
Talk to you soon brother :)
I would like to add the names @crazybgadventure, his name says it all.
@anutu, is a wonder what he can do and has done in such a short time.
@spunkeemonkee (great project to help families learn about Steem together),
@artemisnorth (she has been ill but makes the best video's and is so funny. Would add so much to Dtube family 777)
for now, that is all I can think of. I'm very sure I'm missing people.
Thank you for the video explaining more!!
What a wonderful project @nathanmars! Very wise and definitely needed! Thank you very much for your effort!!!
Thank you so much @snook <3 I am really blushing now, honestly, but so happy <3 thanks a bunch again.
You are very welcome :D
Well, you sure know how to read my mind. I was going to suggest @anutu and@crazybgadventure as well. Great minds, my friend.
Thank you so much for everything you do for our DtubeFamily777.
We truly appreciate Ren & Scott :)
Let's talk soon !!
You are so very welcome. We are happy to be part of such an amazing opportunity.
Scott & Ren
All the people and projects are added to our DtubeFamily777.
Because it's coming from you, I didn't hesitate for a second!
Thanks again all the efforts darling and Please spend quality time with your mum and I'll talk to you soon :)
Peace and Love
Thank you!!! have a wonderful day!!
Hey @nathanmars, Thanks for the mention! I see that you are starting a new initiative DtubeFamily777? Great! @jrvacation is preparing to launch our new dtube/youtube channels to talk about our Japan Travels.
Do you mind telling me or linking me to a post to learn more about this DtubeFamily777 or any other related Dtube community? Thanks!
We’re lucky to have you here with our family.
We're just getting started..
Please contact me directly and I'll explain our vision with DtubeFamily777!
Talk to you soon :)
My contact details
Telegram @nathanmars
WhatsApp +447901003594
Twitter @nathanmars7
Hello, I was the among the first who trusted this idea. I was inspired, I was motivated. A lot of things happened. I was depressed. But I like the idea of teamwork. I like the idea of making people work together. I like the idea of making people engage. Even posting once in 24 hours is ok. After you started this dtube become more active, more interesting, more alive. What ever people say, they will always talk. We were best friends with you and still I think. Let's make the #dtuberevolution , let's make our dreams come true. I just had trouble in my my life recently, that's why I wasn't active. But I was always commenting more than 3 time a day and replying all comments and posting once in 24 hours. But you told me that I can post more sometimes. I understand that we have to give the space to others as well. I hope everything will be ok. Let see how it goes. I wish all the best for dtube and steem. ☺
Let's make our dreams come true brother :)
We're like a family and we'll be always be with you!!
Nice talking with you today and keep the positive attitude and think long-term !!
Thank you for thinking of me! I've been meaning to get on dTube... one of these days I will post. I'm honored to be among such great names.
And don't listen to the FUD and downers, y'all. Change means growth, and STEEM is bigger than Steemit. I like BOTH of them, but there is a lot more to this blockchain than most people realize, and DTube is part of the innovation that makes me excited for the future of STEEM!
Also, I'd like to give a shout out and nominate @llfarms, @pechichemena, and @zipporah (when she gets time to post again), who are all stellar members of our STEEM community. :)
Thank you so much for your meaningful comment darling!
All of your nominations are added our Family without further questions because they're your nominations!
Talk to you soon :)
Aw, you're a sweetheart. Thank you, and you're welcome. I look forward to seeing how this grows. :)
Thank you for including me into the family. This is indeed a big family with a big vision ahead. I know you must have alot behind the scene to come out with this.
Anything on quality people and projects, I will WhatsApp you if I think of them.
So let us grow Dtube together. Alone we can't. Together we can..
Thank you for the opportunity. And I am glad to be in.
Have copied and paste the list into my own notes and I find it is correct to be familiarise with who are those in the same family. As and when you update the list, I will update too.
We're super lucky to have you here with our family.
I'm so sorry that I couldn't make the video response to your last comment!
Yes we're here to win Together:)
I'll be unfollowing so many people to limit the number of people/project that I follow to 777 at any given time, So you don't have the hassle of keeping updated with list.
Also I'll be making an announcement to introduce new comments hashtags called #SnapComment #SnapPlusComment.
Talk to you soon :)
No worries about the video response. This comment and this video are sufficient. Plus you have alot on your plate now to handle.
Yes, win together is the best.
Will be on the look out for the new hashtags :)