Its all gone...Someone stole my Camera Gear (Not a Joke and Not Click-Bait)
Hey guys so this video is difficult for me to make. Last Saturday 12/08 someone broke into my car and stole all of my camera gear. It's all gone. My Canon 80D new Sigma Art lens, Rokinon 35mm, 10-18mm, audio recorder, my Camera Bag all of it. 4000 worth of Gear and Hard work gone. I cant express the level of sadness and anger I feel right now.
Here are the photos of my car. You can see my window was destroyed.
I'm not one to ask anything from anyone as I work hard for what I have and want to earn it myself. A few people have asked if they can help out and donate to help me replace my gear. I cant express how grateful I would be if you wanted to help out but again I am not asking anything from anyone. But if you do my venmo and paypal email is [email protected]
▶️ DTube
Not much we can do, hope the upvote helps. We'll resteem as well.
Posted using Partiko Android
@xcountrytravelers thank you so much. Every little bit helps and means more to me than words can say.
Posted using Partiko Android
Glad it helps. I would hate that you aren't able to do photos for a while. You do so much good and you we need you in action in the community.
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that!
My 100% upvote isn’t much but I hope it helps too
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you. Every little bit helps. I'm really heart broken. I worked so hard to earn that gear and in a matter of seconds it's all gone.
Posted using Partiko Android
I have learned some important things:
I truly wish you can get a better replacement soon.
There is a Chinese saying
Literal translation:
The old has to go for the new to come
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you. Every little bit helps. I'm really heart broken. I worked so hard to earn that gear and in a matter of seconds it's all gone.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you. Every little bit helps. I'm really heart broken. I worked so hard to earn that gear and in a matter of seconds it's all gone.
Posted using Partiko Android
Ah man, I'm so sorry to hear this. Was it insured?
Yea it really sucks. I have renters insurance which does cover theft but it's a bit complicated. They will only replace what they believe the gear is valued at and thats only after the price reaches above my deductible. So if they say my gear was only worth 1500 even though I paid around 4000 for it all I only get about 500 due to my deductible. Fingers crossed but I'm not holding my breath.
Posted using Partiko Android
Ugh that really freaking sucks! Moving forward, get a personal articles insurance policy on all of your gear! It's cheap and covers all loss including accidental damage.
Yea I'm looking into getting additional insurance for the future. Could have been worse for sure though. I have friends who have had way more stolen than me. I'm not the first and won't be the last. Still really sucks and I feel emotional damage too. All I can do now is move forward work with the police and rebuild.
Everyone here has been very supportive which means the world to me. Hopefully I can use some Steem to help replace some of my stolen gear. Any and ever upvote I can get helps. Hopefully some whales will see this and can help me out.
Still doesn't feel real. I'm still trying to process that it actually happened.
Posted using Partiko Android
Jeeeez. Surely you had insurance or something? Sorry to hear this. I'd be heart broken if I were in your shoes. Hope the little upvote helps for now!
Yea I do but it's a bit complicated. I have renters insurance which does cover theft from my car but they will only cover the gear to the value that they think it's worth and that's only after I reach my deductible. Best case scenario I'm still out of pocket 800-1000 bucks.
Yea I'm still really upset and feel really violated and helpless. It could have been worse and it's things that can be replaced but it still really sucks.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oooof. Sorry dude!
Hope you can still crack on sufficiently with what gear you have left for the time being.
I'm going to try. I have my phone and that's about it for now.
Posted using Partiko Android
Aurgh!! People who steal are assholes, so sorry. You’ll make better choices future, learning experience and all... plus most canon bodies are available second hand with killer lens selections at pawn shops. You’ll be ok and the sadness will die over time. Good luck 😊
Thanks. Yea there's no reason to justify stealing from someone else but people get desperate and do bad things. I know in time the sadness will fade but right now it still hurts.
I'm working with the police and checking online everywhere I can hoping to come across my bag and some of my gear. I've done all I can for now. Just have to wait and see what happens.
Posted using Partiko Android
No! Shit man, I'm so sorry. Its like losing an arm I'd imagine! Making me want to get insurance on the gear I have, and I don't have any of the good stuff that you had. So sorry man. I will say, tho, the camera phone works well enough. I hope you win the lottery of the cop finding your stolen gear, my god man :( 4k?! Oh you do have insurance! Thank goodness for that. Renters insurance can be surprisingly great so keep a positive outlook brother. IO know thats nearly impossible right now, but really try. Oh shit your in LA? Me to. Insurance will help. Bring us day in the life vlogs. Good luck man, that really sucks.
Yea I feel like part of me is missing. I feel violated and upset and angry. My fingers are crossed for my insurance to come through for me but even if it does I'm still out a decent amount of money. Insurance didn't cover my broken window so that came out of pocket.
Posted using Partiko Android
Painful for you. 100% upvote - hope this helps a little towards rebuilding your kit. It would be great if Steem could repay it to you...
Thank you I really appreciate it. That would be great indeed although I would need some major whale upvotes for that to fully happen. I appreciate all the support everyone is giving me.
Posted using Partiko Android
This is so very sad to hear. Knowing you worked so hard for what you had. I know you don't want to hear this but maybe use this time to get back to basics?
do some vlogs about your journey to re-equip yourself?
I don't think right now you can see a bright side to what happened but.......don't give up Vlogging....... speaking and sharing what you know but just in a different way?
and now I will stop offering suggestions and resteem your post......
I wish you a good journey back to where you were. Don't lose Hope
I'm not going to stop that's for sure. I'm hopeful that my gear is one day found and returned to me. Until then I'll rebuild what was lost and keep moving forward. The sadness and anger is still very fresh in my mind but I know it will fade with time.
I'll be sure to keep vlogging and making my videos. Might just take a little while to get back to where I was before. I'll be sure to document my journey and keep everyone updated if anything new happens.
Posted using Partiko Android
it will. but cannot be easy now. My prayers are with you and my hope that you find your 'lost' equipment.
wow, I am soo sorry to hear this. I would be so devastated. I will pray that God helps you in some way to replace it. I know how it feels to lose something very valuable and not be able to get it back and it sucks. Good luck.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry to hear. One of my greatest fears and mine is not worth even half of that. You might want to check the local pawn shops as well. If you find it there I hear they have to give it back. I'm not sure what the laws are regarding that in your location. Best of luck to you. I hope you somehow get the gear back.
Yea ive been checking online looking for gear that could be mine. There are way too many pawnshops to realistically find it. The police have the info so hopefully they will come across it but im not holding my breath.