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RE: Its all gone...Someone stole my Camera Gear (Not a Joke and Not Click-Bait)

in #community6 years ago

This is so very sad to hear. Knowing you worked so hard for what you had. I know you don't want to hear this but maybe use this time to get back to basics?

do some vlogs about your journey to re-equip yourself?

I don't think right now you can see a bright side to what happened but.......don't give up Vlogging....... speaking and sharing what you know but just in a different way?

and now I will stop offering suggestions and resteem your post......

I wish you a good journey back to where you were. Don't lose Hope


I'm not going to stop that's for sure. I'm hopeful that my gear is one day found and returned to me. Until then I'll rebuild what was lost and keep moving forward. The sadness and anger is still very fresh in my mind but I know it will fade with time.

I'll be sure to keep vlogging and making my videos. Might just take a little while to get back to where I was before. I'll be sure to document my journey and keep everyone updated if anything new happens.

Posted using Partiko Android

The sadness and anger is still very fresh in my mind but I know it will fade with time.

it will. but cannot be easy now. My prayers are with you and my hope that you find your 'lost' equipment.