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RE: Its all gone...Someone stole my Camera Gear (Not a Joke and Not Click-Bait)

in #community6 years ago

No! Shit man, I'm so sorry. Its like losing an arm I'd imagine! Making me want to get insurance on the gear I have, and I don't have any of the good stuff that you had. So sorry man. I will say, tho, the camera phone works well enough. I hope you win the lottery of the cop finding your stolen gear, my god man :( 4k?! Oh you do have insurance! Thank goodness for that. Renters insurance can be surprisingly great so keep a positive outlook brother. IO know thats nearly impossible right now, but really try. Oh shit your in LA? Me to. Insurance will help. Bring us day in the life vlogs. Good luck man, that really sucks.


Yea I feel like part of me is missing. I feel violated and upset and angry. My fingers are crossed for my insurance to come through for me but even if it does I'm still out a decent amount of money. Insurance didn't cover my broken window so that came out of pocket.

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